Good morning Saloners! My deepest regrets for ignoring you all this week. I honestly made an attempt to visit some of you earlier in the week, but I gave up. I've been preoccupied by my surroundings, which have to be very close to what it's like in heaven. At least that is my hope! (Maui, chocolate, wine and pizza, with no weight gain. That is my theory and I'm sticking with it.)

We have been in Maui since this past Tuesday. We have enjoyed the beaches and the resort pool, shopped, ziplined hundreds of feet in the air across deep ravines down a mountain, went on a whale-watching excursion (it is migration season, and apparently the expressway is right off the coast here), snorkeled in a coral reef, attended a luau, and ATE. I have been active, and eating alot of fish, but I'm feeling a serious detox will be in order when I get home. I don't even want to step on the scales. Anyway, all of these fun activities will be brought to you in the form of photos on Wordless Wednesdays, so stay tuned.
The obscenely long flight over here allowed me to FINALLY finish Stone's Fall by Iain Pears (which was also obscenely long). Funny thing about Stone's Fall. You read and read, admiring the writing and the story-telling, occasionally wondering where it is all going and whether that last two hundred pages were necessary. Then wham! You get to the end, wondering what the hell just hit you. It really kind of made up for the first 550 pages, not that they were bad, but you know what I mean.
I'm also about halfway through the audio of The Swan Thieves, and this has also been an enjoyable stroll through a story. It's almost feeling like a Stone's Fall kind of thing. Where is it going? It sure is long, but the ride has been entertaining. After The Historian however, I trust that Kostova is going to take me to a good place eventually. I'm not spending a whole lot of time with earbuds in my head right now, though, so I probably won't get it finished until next week.
I started an ARC entitled Murder in Baker Company, a true story about a group of soldiers that murdered one of their own. It is easy reading (it shouldn't be with the subject matter, but the author is smooth), and relatively short, so I will knock this out on the way home. After that I will dip into the Kindle and see what fun awaits. I've got The Postmistress loaded, as well as The Things They Carried, and The Happiness Project, and a couple dozen more. Not a real productive week overall, but for some reason, it isn't bothering me as much as it did last week! Ha!
So, as I sit here, I steel myself to the insanity I will return to next week. I'm hoping the tranquility of Maui will propel me through a month that has all the makings of a nervous breakdown. When I look at my calendar, nary a moment exists that hasn't been spoken for. I'll just have to close my eyes, hear the sound of the ocean, visualize one of Maui's daily rainbows, with IZ's haunting version of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" crooning in my head.

We have been in Maui since this past Tuesday. We have enjoyed the beaches and the resort pool, shopped, ziplined hundreds of feet in the air across deep ravines down a mountain, went on a whale-watching excursion (it is migration season, and apparently the expressway is right off the coast here), snorkeled in a coral reef, attended a luau, and ATE. I have been active, and eating alot of fish, but I'm feeling a serious detox will be in order when I get home. I don't even want to step on the scales. Anyway, all of these fun activities will be brought to you in the form of photos on Wordless Wednesdays, so stay tuned.
The obscenely long flight over here allowed me to FINALLY finish Stone's Fall by Iain Pears (which was also obscenely long). Funny thing about Stone's Fall. You read and read, admiring the writing and the story-telling, occasionally wondering where it is all going and whether that last two hundred pages were necessary. Then wham! You get to the end, wondering what the hell just hit you. It really kind of made up for the first 550 pages, not that they were bad, but you know what I mean.
I'm also about halfway through the audio of The Swan Thieves, and this has also been an enjoyable stroll through a story. It's almost feeling like a Stone's Fall kind of thing. Where is it going? It sure is long, but the ride has been entertaining. After The Historian however, I trust that Kostova is going to take me to a good place eventually. I'm not spending a whole lot of time with earbuds in my head right now, though, so I probably won't get it finished until next week.
I started an ARC entitled Murder in Baker Company, a true story about a group of soldiers that murdered one of their own. It is easy reading (it shouldn't be with the subject matter, but the author is smooth), and relatively short, so I will knock this out on the way home. After that I will dip into the Kindle and see what fun awaits. I've got The Postmistress loaded, as well as The Things They Carried, and The Happiness Project, and a couple dozen more. Not a real productive week overall, but for some reason, it isn't bothering me as much as it did last week! Ha!
So, as I sit here, I steel myself to the insanity I will return to next week. I'm hoping the tranquility of Maui will propel me through a month that has all the makings of a nervous breakdown. When I look at my calendar, nary a moment exists that hasn't been spoken for. I'll just have to close my eyes, hear the sound of the ocean, visualize one of Maui's daily rainbows, with IZ's haunting version of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" crooning in my head.

Hello Sandy! I miss you! You must, must, MUST show us the Maui photos soon. I can't wait for your Wordless Wednesday post! Have loads of fun! :D
yes, you have been missed. but I am happy you are having such a great time. and I LOVE 'IZ's haunting version of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"'!
Sounds like you're having a ball! I've heard that calories don't exist in Hawaii, and especially Maui, so I think you have nothing to fear about stepping on those scales!
See you when you get back! Enjoy!
Maui! And you;re still reading? I admire your dedication. I'd be lying on the beach with my eyes closed and not a book in sight! Enjoy the rest of your vac!
I am happy you are having such a good time! I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts about these books!
Have a wonderful time!
Enjoy your time in paradise!! The rest of us will have to settle for Wordless Wednesday photos...
It sounds as though you are taking advantage of every opportunity paradise has to offer.
Enjoy these last few days and know that we are all anxiously waiting to read all about it when you return.
I can't blame you for being distracted, Sandy. :-) You have to keep your priorities straight and blogging should not be one of them when you're in Hawaii. LOL
Sounds like you are getting some good reading in, even if it fits and spurts. I look forward to your upcoming reviews.
Have fun and don't worry about us.
I can't believe you're blogging from Maui!! Get away from the computer and enjoy your vacation! We'll all be here waiting when you get back.
I second Kathy! What are you doing on the computer??? Enjoy your vacation, already! Plenty of time for the photos, the books, the insanity when you return...
Susan's right: there are NO calories in Hawaii--live the moment!
Can't wait to see the rest of your photos!!!!! Enjoy, relax, read.
I am so jealous. I just took a short trip to Florida and already I want another vacation! :)
I'm impressed that you are blogging on vacation! I never manage that well.
Will you take it personally when I say I hate you right now? I sure hope not. I won't hate you any more when you get back from a tropical paradise. Suddenly my near 60 degree day no longer cuts it. LOL! Enjoy yourself!
We all hate you, and therefore will be happy when you return! :--)
Enjoy Maui while you can, Sandy! It looks beautiful.
What an amazing place to read! And other things as well, of course. And so dedicated to blog on vacation! Hope you are having the time of your life!
You're missed, but I'm glad you're having a wonderful time, Sandy! I can't wait to hear your thoughts on the books you read and of course, not to mention your pics for WW! :)
I don't want to hear anything more from you ... you are in HAWAII!! Don't blog for God's sakes!! : )
And we played that version of "Over the Rainbow" at our wedding.
Enjoy your vacay and I'll see you when you get back!
Sandy! I can't believe you even *tried* to visit our blogs while in Hawaii :P A holiday's a holiday :P I hope you had a wonderful time, and I can't wait to see some of your photos.
Sandy, it sounds like you are having an amazing time over there! I will be anxiously awaiting all the pictures as well.It sounds as though it's been a quite active vacation, what with all the zip-lining and whale watching. I also can't believe that you are getting so much reading done! I usually pack a few books when I go on a trip, but get very little actual reading time in. Enjoy your stay in paradise, we will see you soon!
Glad to hear you are having such a wonderful trip! I can't wait to see more photos! I love Maui...it is one of my favorite places on earth. I am going back in November and am counting the days!
Wow, sounds like you are having a wonderful time! Looking forward to some photos. ;)
Diary of an Eccentric
I wish I was in Maui!
I'm pleased to hear that you finished Stone's Fall and that you liked the ending! I look forward to reading your review.
I am also interested in your review of The Swan Theives. I am tempted to get hold of a copy as I did enjoy the Historian.
Enjoy the last few days of tranquility!
I'm glad you are enjoying yourself. I wish I were there with you...I should have stuffed myself in your suitcase...darn it.
Can't wait to see all your pics!
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