For today's Monday Movie Meme hosted by The Bumbles, they revel a bit in the perks of being the owner of a weekly meme. They get first dibs on the best movies to use as examples for the theme of the week, which is a fitting prize for all their hard work. However, wouldn't it be nice for them to have a little help now and again? If you have a great idea for a Monday Movie Meme topic, e-mail them your idea(found on their "About" tab) and you too can be a host, and get first dibs for once! You can bet I'll be dreaming up an idea for a topic!
But speaking of help, what about those hilarious, loyal sidekicks that make a leading guy or lady so successful? Here are some of my tried and true favorites:
Donkey (Shrek) - eternally optimistic, a loyal friend despite grumpy ogreness, and a lover of dragons and waffles, this is probably my favorite role for Eddie Murphy.
Pedro (Napolean Dynamite) - power to the downtrodden! You don't see too many movies where the sidekick actually gets to be President.
Sam (LOTR) - Sam sure does love his Frodo. What more could you ask of a friend than to battle Orcs, Gollum, a big spider, starvation and molten lava?
Robin (Batman and Robin) - I'm not really saying I was all that cracked up on the Chris O'Donnell version of Robin, but the IDEA of him is awesome. This probably stems back to my youth of watching Batman on the TV series.
Leo Getz (Lethan Weapon 3 and 4) - yes, I know he was really annoying, but how can I not include the guy who delivers one of the best statements ever made on film? Nothing could be closer to the truth, Leo.
But speaking of help, what about those hilarious, loyal sidekicks that make a leading guy or lady so successful? Here are some of my tried and true favorites:
Donkey (Shrek) - eternally optimistic, a loyal friend despite grumpy ogreness, and a lover of dragons and waffles, this is probably my favorite role for Eddie Murphy.
Pedro (Napolean Dynamite) - power to the downtrodden! You don't see too many movies where the sidekick actually gets to be President.
Sam (LOTR) - Sam sure does love his Frodo. What more could you ask of a friend than to battle Orcs, Gollum, a big spider, starvation and molten lava?
Robin (Batman and Robin) - I'm not really saying I was all that cracked up on the Chris O'Donnell version of Robin, but the IDEA of him is awesome. This probably stems back to my youth of watching Batman on the TV series.
Leo Getz (Lethan Weapon 3 and 4) - yes, I know he was really annoying, but how can I not include the guy who delivers one of the best statements ever made on film? Nothing could be closer to the truth, Leo.
I love Donkey!
Donkey is wonderful for Shrek. I wanted to include him as well as Robin but I had to stop!
As for Leo - I think of him every time I go through a drive-thru ;0)
Donkey and Sam rock! I think I'm a fan of Donkey on Facebook. He just chats me to LOLs (not sure if that makes any sense to you).
The only one of those movies I've seen is Shrek, and I did love Donkey! He's awesome.
I would have to go with a classic - Watson to Holmes. And if we are permitting animals or the animal like, I would say Chewbacca to Han Solo. Always fun on Mondays around here.
Gotta love Donkey :D And I'm a Sam fan as well.
I love Pedro and am so glad you included him!
How about Ducky from Pretty in Pink?
Donkey is a fabulous sidekick!
SAM!! I adore Sam (in the books, too); he is the best. Is Leo played by Joe Pesci? So funny. Thanks.
I love Donkey too! And Leo is so funny as a sidekick in the Lethal Weapon movies (and they are so horrible to him). They are really the only movies that I can stand him in.
Even though I saw "Napoleon Dynamite," it took me FOREVER to realize that the "Vote for Pedro" t-shirts you always see were referencing that movie.
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