Happy Sunday! Well, I thought this post may be late today, as we are spending the weekend at the Hard Rock Hotel and have been cavorting at Universal Studios. I woke up at an obscene hour though (brains scrambled from too much roller coaster?) so here I am.
I will likely publish a separate post on all the activities of the weekend, but let me just say that paying for a couple of nights at a Universal resort, even for us locals, is the way to go. It allows you "fast pass" for nearly every ride in the park, which means no standing in lines - you can experience both the Islands of Adventure and Universal Studios in less than two days. They are also in the middle of the Mardi Gras days (a little manipulation of the religious season I realize) which awarded us a parade with lots of beads last night, and Blondie in concert. Call me! The Tide is High! Heart of Glass! The cherry on top of the whole thing was that the weather was perfect. After two solid months of the nastiest, coldest weather in Florida history, our weekend was blessed with 70 degree cloudless skies. Almost more than MY little heart of glass could take.
I'm sure you will all be shocked to learn that our bathroom renovation was not completed this past Friday, per original schedule. It is looking more like the middle of next week, which I guess isn't bad. Serenity now.
Our book club met this past week to discuss Sarah's Key. Overall, everyone enjoyed the book. There were a few of us (me included) that felt it had its weaknesses, but compared to some of the other selections, it was a winner. For next month, we will be reading Shutter Island, which I just finished, then will see the movie together in a few weeks. I campaigned hard for this, for as I said in the last Sunday Salon, I thought the book was fabulous. My sister saw the movie Friday night and she gave it her stamp of approval. I can't wait to see it! This is the most excited I've been since I joined our book club.
I feel I am repeating myself when I say I wasn't too productive with my printed books this week. I finished A Black Tie Affair, a light romance written by my mom's old high school chum, Sherrill Bodine, and started Stone's Fall by Iain Pears, which was highly recommended by Jackie at Farm Lane Books, and a gift from my secret santa Trisha @ Eclectic/Eccentric. It is a sizable book...nearly 600 pages...so it may take me awhile to get through it, but I am REALLY enjoying it so far. What's not to love with mystery and intrigue in turn-of-the-century London? I did listen to "Olive Kitteredge" on audio, and am about halfway through a Harlan Coban thriller called "Hold Tight". I fear the audio version of Olive may not have showcased the book to its highest potential, because while I enjoyed it, I didn't love it. More on that in a couple of weeks, when I post my review. The kids and I continue to plod our way through the fifth Harry Potter audio, which is beginning to feel like a career. We love it of course, but 25 discs is a long trek when you only listen in the car, and only when both kids are present, and only when there is no drama or emotion that needs to be resolved. I am hoping we can wrap it up before we take off for Hawaii in early March. I must say I'm pretty excited to witness the toad-like Umbridge's defeat! Oh, how we loathe that woman!
Apologies in advance that I may not be able to get around and socialize with you all today. I shall be averting death from earthquakes, tornado, and shark attacks. Shooting aliens. Riding my bicycle across the sky with E.T. Stuff like that. Hope everyone has a great day!
It amazes me how much stuff you do and STILL manage to read all that you do in a week! I think a lot of people felt like you did about Sarah's Key, liking the story about the past, but not so much about the present. The movie hype for Shutter Island is pretty compelling - it sounds like it will be one of those movies I watch with my hands over my eyes!
What Jill said!
I hope you're having a wonderful time this weekend :) Also, you're going to Hawaii in March! How fantastic is that?
I don't blame ou for not reading or blogging a lot while you're in LA at the Universal Studios. Have fun!
Sounds like a fabulous weekend! Beads and Blondie -- wow!
I have Hold Tight on my MP3 player -- you'll get to it first, so I'll be waiting your review.
It sounds like you're having a fabulous weekend! I'm totally jealous that you're going to Hawaii next month - I'll be going to Alabama to do my parents' taxes. Think of me when you're on the beach.
Sounds like a great family weekend to me - and I am so glad that the weather has cooperated.
Anxious to see the bathroom renovation photos :)
I'm really pleased to hear that you're enjoying Stone's Fall. I'm sure you'll love the ending! Enjoy!
Wow, you do a lot, and I don't know how you manage to do it all. I have a hard time managing everything, now with the baby. I can't wait for her to grow so that it will become easier!
You sure keep busy!!! I'm in awe!
I remember back when Blondie was the sort of group you didn't tell your parents you were listening to. Now they can play at family theme parks. ;-)
Hope you all have a wonderful time. It sounds like lots of fun to me.
Enjoy your fun weekend at Universal! And Blondie???? I love it!
I agree with you about Sarah's Key, and can't wait to discuss it with my book club on Thursday. Sorry to hear the bathroom project will drag on for a while longer... that's always the way it goes, it seems. Have fun today!!
How do you get all this done? Good for you! Glad you are living your life!
Sounds like you're having a blast!
I agree - the HP audios have become a huge undertaking for our family, too - because we only listen in the car when all three boys are present (daughter doesn't care) and not fighting. We're still on #3 - not sure if we'll complete them on schedule for the HP challenge - I'm thinking not, but we'll have fun trying!
I hope you've a wonderful time, Sandy! I'm in awe, and not to mention jealous of your trip to the Universal Studios!
Speaking of HP, I'm still reading Bk 3 and have not read a single page for a long while!! I think the movie has played some part for my slow reading because I felt I've known the story so it doesn't really push me into reading it! (Though I hope to read till the final instalment before I catch the movie!)
Now that sounds like serious fun! Envy you that Stone's Fall in your reading week ahead. I really want to read that one.
Love CB James comment about Blondie! Reminds me of the time I heard a Clash song in a commercial.
You sure had loads of fun, Sandy! I've not tried a roller coaster ride in my life and am not sure if I'll ever muster enough courage to do it. Hmm...
I want to watch Shutter Island. I've read the book, loved it, and now waiting for the movie.
Love the Seinfeld "serenity now" allusion! :)
Glad you had good weather and a fun time!
So glad to hear you had a wonderful time at Universal. We had passes one year and just loved the heck out of it! I am sorry to hear about the stalled renovation plans, it sounds like you really need your bathroom back, pronto! I also have a copy of Olive Kitteridge, but I haven't yet gotten to it. I hear it's really good, but I will be interested in hearing your thoughts on it. Have a great week!
I am so glad you are enjoying your gift!!! And OH MY GOD YOU GOT TO SEE BLONDIE! I AM SO FREAKING JEALOUS!
Do you have a clone or something? How do you manage to fit all this stuff in week after week?
And I just got "Stone's Fall" for my Kindle with my Valentine's Day gift money based on the same review by Jackie. Glad to know you are liking it. It will probably take me a year to get to it though.
And a renovation that didn't finish on time? I'm shocked!! ; )
Ok, busy bee...you gonna slow down yet?! LOL I love Blondie...darn it...I missed her!
Sounds like Sarah's Key went well...can't wait to hear about Shutter Island and the book club's thoughts.
Keeping my fingers crossed that the renovation will be finished for you soon.
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