Today's Monday Movie Meme from the Bumbles is all about those movies that EVERYONE loved but you did not. Was I in a mood that day? Am I smarter than the masses? Am I an idiot? I am generally a forgiving person with movies. I try to find good in everything. There are plenty of really bad movies out there, but here are a few that were generally liked by Joe Moviegoer that will probably never be viewed again in the Nawrot household:
Rashomon - yes I know this one is not exactly big, box office material here. But it is widely renowned as a classic, an example of artistic masterpiece of director Kurosawa. My husband and I both fell asleep in the middle of it, and woke up at the end, pretending to "get" it but really didn't. I was ashamed, as my sister is the most intelligent Asian film critic I know, and is a must-see for her. Maybe I should try watching it sober.
Happy Go Lucky - EW loved it. My sister loved it. It was a British indie film that was nominated for and won a mess of awards. (Ahem...it starred Sally Hawkins, who also played Sue Trinder in Fingersmith). We turned the damned thing off halfway through. I couldn't understand the British accent, and I thought the character acted like she had a few cards missing from her deck.
Nacho Libre - I would not be a popular momma if my family knew I had included this movie on my list. They love it. Many love it, almost to a cult status. I do not. I have to seriously be in my cups to laugh even once at this inane comedy. I knocked this movie once awhile ago, and got a comment from someone claiming to be a movie highbrow, telling me I didn't know good film if it hit me in the face. Sorry but it is just DUMB. If you are in the mood for dumb then you will probably be satisfied.
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - I don't know many critics that liked this one, but the box office obviously did (at least they like Megan Fox's pouty lips and rear end). I can't tell you how annoyed I was when I walked out of the theater after watching this with my kids. So who did Spielberg pay off to get a PG-13 rating on this one? The plot was horrible. And I was so pleased to see that there was ample T&A, f-bombs, and various humping dogs/robots for our target audience of 8 to 12 year old boys. I couldn't sit through this movie again if I had to.
The DaVinci Code - I recently used the phrase in a book review that "it was a little too Scooby-Doo for me". I would use this same phrase for this movie. This movie was Scooby Doo for adults. You know, looking for clues that are a little too easy to find, being chased by bad guys that are almost stereotypically evil. Yet the movie (and the book for that matter) made millions. Go figure.
The Squid and the Whale - directed by the always-loved Noah Baumbach, and nominated for umpteen Oscars and various other awards, I thought this was the most depressing, nauseating movie I'd seen in ages. A raw viewpoint of a family torn asunder by divorce, with the children as innocent victims, I was in a fugue state when I finished it.
I'm off to sleep now, after a weekend of way too much fun. I will think of more movies that qualify for this list while I sleep. Can you think of any that you just didn't get? Fill me in...I will probably agree with you!

Hi Sandy, I don't think I've watched any of the movies you listed here. I don't watch movies often so can't help you much with the list...
I definitely agree with Nacho Libre! I have three different ones on my post. http://forgetfulone.blogspot.com/2010/02/monday-movie-meme.html
I refused to watch the second Transformers movies for just that reason. My sons love the toys, and the movie makers had to know that it was going to appeal to young children (they marketed the toys to them after all) so why on earth did they have to have such offensive content?
The only one of these I've seen is The DaVinci Code, which was okay. The book was better. My selections: http://wordtrix.blogspot.com/2010/02/monday-movie-meme-popular-movies-you.html
Well, I am proud to say that I have not watched even ONE of these movies, Sandy. I really dislike Jack Black.
Spielberg produced the Transformer movie? WTF!!! A little far removed from ET, eh?
I seriously can't think of any right now, but I know there are a lot. My brain isn't working and it isn't because I had too much fun this weekend! ha!
I studied Rashomon in film school. Give it another shot but stay awake this time. It's a beautiful movie and one that stays with you.
I haven't seen any of those movies, but my husband and son didn't like Nacho Libre either.
Of your list, I've only seen The Da Vinci Code, which I did like (I also enjoyed the book). I find among book bloggers at least, both are disliked more than loved--and so I don't often admit to liking either. LOL
I do want to see the Transformers movie just to see for myself, but I know going in already it won't be a favorite.
Nacho Libre is a movie I will never see if I have my way. It doesn't even appeal to me. I could have listed quite a few movies of the comedy genre for this week's question but decided to go with ones that should have been my kind of movies but weren't.
The only one I've seen is the DaVinci Code. I thought it was okay, but a little boring.
I HATED Transformer: Revenge of the Fallen! I thought the first one was at least tolerable, but the sequel was downright terrible - and the last battle scene just dragged on and on and on....
I was sent Happy Go-Lucky to review on DVD, and I think it was one of the first review movies I couldn't make myself finish - I had exactly the same reaction as you.
I didn't bother to see the Da Vinci Code because I disliked the book so. You summed it up perfectly, "a bit too Scooby Doo."
The problem with the DaVinci Code was that it was miscast with Tom Hanks and his bad hairdo. It needed someone more dashing - in a guy next door sort of way. I enjoyed the book much more - there was just too much detail to pack into a movie and make it exciting.
As for Nacho Libre - I avoided that one like the plague. I had no idea ANYONE enjoyed that film. And I do like Jack Black.
I just watched Rashomon a few weeks ago. My first reaction was...huh? Then I watched the bonus feature with some film professor talking me through the entire film and it was much more insightful and enjoyable. Good thing I watched it one night when Andy was out - he never would have lasted.
I don't blame you. Of all the movies you listed, I've only seen The Da Vinci Code and agree with you. The rest I skipped because I didn't think I would like them.
Not to worry, your taste is impeccable. I have seen a handful of these movies and really regretted them. In particular, The Transformers movie was just awful along with Nacho Libre and The DaVinci Code. As far as the others go, you don't have to warn me twice! I will be staying away from all the movies on this list!
I thought Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was inSAAAAAAAAANEly boring. Like the most boring movie, nonsensical movie I've ever seen in my entire life. And I usually love Kung Fu movies.
I absolutely love your description of The DaVinci Code. Too funny. And I refuse to even watch Nacho Libre. I will not do it. Rashomon, on the other hand, you really should try sober. It's oddly beautiful to me.
Well, I never saw any of these but I didn't want to either ... and now I don't regret my decision!
I didn't get why people liked Nacho Libre either. I thought it was dumb but not in a good way like Animal House. My son loved Nacho Libre so I think you have to be a teenage boy to like it or maybe a teenage boy trapped in a man's body to like it!
I would agree on Nacho Libre--even though I haven't seen it. I just don't like those kinds of movies
did like Da Vinci Code though
I enjoyed The DaVinci Code for what it was as a book but hated the movie.
The only one I've seen is DV Code -- YUCK.
I've only see one of the movies you listed, and it sounds like I didn't miss much. You're right on the money with the Da Vinci Code. It was fine as fluff, but didn't pack much real intrigue.
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