OK, so here is the test of my dedication to Monday Movie Meme. I have been to a Super Bowl party. It is almost 10:30 at night. I have kids going to school tomorrow, and construction boys showing up early but here I am talking about freaking BUGS, my worst nightmare. Inspired by the Bumbles, and the half time show where The Who performed, at one point in their lives, Boris the Spider, I have to talk about bugs in the movies. I live in the land of flying, rope-em-and-ride-em cock roaches. You would think I have had enough torment. So in my semi-inebriated state, here are the movies that cause me nightmares:
King Kong - there are some SERIOUS bugs in this movie (the latest one with Jack Black and company). Ones that look like they will eat you in one bite, ones that look like male private parts...I just closed my eyes in this portion of the movie, which lasted about 45 agonizing minutes.
The Fly - Jeff Goldblum was the THE DUDE when he starred in this movie, where he turned into an insect. Giant hairs on his back, pus-filled stuff on his back...it was enough to wean me off his indie mojo. I wasn't really interested in what he had to sell in this flick.
Joe's Apartment - yes, it is campy and funny, ha ha. Try living in Florida for a year or two, and realize that this hell is your life.
Wall-E - I guess when you boil it all down, cockroaches are going to survive us all, per the Disney-ified movie about the almost end of the Earth. It is really sad to think, after all my struggles, they will win in the end.
Silence of the Lambs - ahhhh, now you know I love this movie. How would you expect me to forget about the Death's Head Moth, which was shoved down the throats of girl victims' throats?
I am sure there are plenty of nasty bug movies, but I haven't the energy to go on. Yes there is a nasty spider creature in LOTR, as well as Harry Potter. I call dibs on those. Any others? Please enlighten...

I remember Joe's Apartment! Man, it was hilarious. And really gross.
But the cockroach in Wall-E was cute. In real life, it's a different story! Weren't there horrible bugs too in Indiana Jones?
Aw Sandy - we appreciate your never ending dedication to the Monday Movie Meme! Excellent choices. I knew you would include Silence of the Lambs so we didn't - it feels like that and Jaws are proprietary selections for you :0
I have never seen Joe's Apt. According to Lauren I should! And I know Jill is right about Indy - but all I could remember were snakes and rats. But I'm sure someone will post about the bugs.
Dang! You got HP! I can only think of the Men in Black movies, which are great fun...slimy, but fun ;)
Oh boy, Wall-E made me sad and happy and a bunch of other mixed feelings. I love Wall-E. I remember King Kong too...
Silence of the Lamb...creepiest movie ever.
I can probably match stories with you on the giant cockroaches, having lived in Baton Rouge! I kept killing the nasty-looking see-through lizards that would get into the house until someone told me they eat the cockroaches and their eggs. Then I said, "Go, lizards, and live in peace amongst us." ;)
Silence of the Lambs so definitely creepy. (shudder)
Arachnophobia. Man do I hate spiders. Really really hate them.
I seriously try to avoid nightmare inducing movies.
Sorry to say, I have not seen any of these. Most of them falling into the horror category, I never will, but have been wanting to see WALL-E.
great pics
you really stepped out of the box--especially liked the pic of Wall-E
Kaye—the road goes ever ever on
Oh you have come up with some good ones! Boy I sure remember Jeff G. in that movie and he was hard to watch when he started becoming the fly! I am a real wimp when it comes to bugs so I guess that is one reason I still live in California. We just don't have too many big bugs where I live to freak me out!
Good list. Would have included Wall-E on mine if I'd have thought of it.
Sandy, Silence of the Lambs was an inspired choice! I completely forgot about the moth.
You had some good ones ... I didn't immediately think of the bugs right away for most of them (except The Fly) but you did a great job remembering bug movies! I'm impressed.
The second Indiana Jones where the girl reaches into the hole and it's crawling with bugs. Ew.
I included Silence of the Lambs too. I've never seen Joe's Apartment, but am not sure I could handle those nasty little creatures. Too many memories...
"Bugs Life!" Why aren't bugs this cute in real life?!
My, you ARE dedicated, aren't you?! :)
I recently saw the horror movie 'Bug'. You can't see the little beasties, but they're there! Or aren't they? :-o
A horrible childhood memory is when I saw 1 (!) episode of Dr Who, in which his whole arm was covered in caterpillars... BRRRRRR And I wasn't even afraid of caterpillars in real life, but the horrible AMOUNT of them :(
My life would be so much easier as kid if the roaches looked like Wall-E! Those were flying roaches, so scary!
Oh yes, the bugs in King Kong were horrific! I think my skin was crawling during that entire scene on the island. I also figured that Joe's Apartment would be on this list. I haven't seen it, but I can imagine that it would be another uncomfortable situation for me!
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