I love doorways, and their symbolic meaning of promise and new adventures. You'll notice I tend to take lots of pictures of doors. This one belongs to one of the old churches in downtown Wroclaw, worn from its hundreds of years of visiting parishoners.
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I agree...doorways can make fantastic photos, can't they. And that door certainly speaks volumes. You can almost see the history.
I love doorways too! This one is beautiful! Imagine who has passed through it!
Every single one of your Poland pictures has been just stunning!! I love doorways, too.
Great photo! I got a new camera for Christmas so we'll see if I can get my act together and start photographing things besides my kiddos!
Fabulous picture! If only doors could talk. Keep the pics coming, they are so interesting.
For some reason, I like pictures of unique signs.
What an interesting door. If you hadn't said church, I don't think I would have guessed that!
What a fabulous door! Doorways are so symbolic, aren't they?
Europe rules when it comes to cool doorways. I have an entire album full of Paris doorways. Honest. It's very popular among those I can force to look at my photo albums.
I was just thinking before I read your blurb how much I love pictures of doorways. This one is great. You can practically feel the history of this one. Great picture.
Like you and others, I am quite fond of doorways--imagine the stories they would tell!
I'd noticed that too--lots of doors and windows, looking in, looking out, looking through. You have some fab pictures. This one makes me wish the door had been cracked open, just a little, with light streaming through it. Especially as it's a church.
I like doorways, arches, windows - I think it is the visual framing aspect that draws me to them photographically. But I like your idea of the opportunities/worlds they might lead us to.
That is a fantastic doorway! So much mystery of what might be behind!
I think this must be the doorway into a fabulous 2010!
I love doors too! That's a fantastic photo!
Doorways are fascinating & this one is amazing. How many hands made that patina on this one. Thanks for sharing your photos of Poland; they are wonderful.
Photos like that really play with my imagination. In my mind I see something like a time-lapse film with people approaching, knocking, entering, etc. and I like to imagine who they all are and why they are there. Really great photo!
Very cool door.
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