Alice, from Hello My Name is Alice has given me this award, one I have never seen before! Alice, thank you! My friends, if there is one thing that you should do today, it should be to go visit Alice. She has great reading tastes, but there is so much more to her than that. I swear, she is an amazing photographer. I think she could do it for a living. Check out these posts here and here. Even her food photography is excellent. Plus she climbs mountains. She is super woman.
I usually don't follow the rules of an award, but I think I will for this one, because it seems fun. I have to answer the following questions with one word only:
Your cell phone? Crappy
Your hair? Moody
Your mother? Shopper
Your father? Farmer
Your favorite food? Risotto
Your dream last night? Bizarre
Your favorite drink? Wine
Your dream/goal? Happiness
What room are you in? Den
Your hobby? Reading
Your fear? Heights
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Golfing
Where were you last night? Home
Something that you aren’t? Quiet
Muffins? Blueberry
Wish list item? Netbook
Where did you grow up? Indiana
Last thing you did? Walk
What are you wearing? Sweats
Your TV? Infrequent
Your Pets? Naughty
Friends? Fun
Your life? Fulfilled
Your mood? Peaceful
Missing someone? Always
Vehicle? Pilot
Something you’re not wearing? Shoes
Your favorite store? Williams-Sonoma
Your favorite color? Pink
When was the last time you laughed? Today
Last time you cried? Month
Your best friend? Michele
One place that you go to over and over? Bookstore
Facebook? Daily
Favorite place to eat? French
OK, so now I nominate some blogs to share in the fun. All of these guys are over the top, in all the good ways:
Alyce @ At Home with Books
Kathleen @ Boarding in My Forties
Julie @ Booking Mama
Jen @ Devourer of Books
JoAnn @ Lakeside Musing
These bloggers are all a part of my daily excitement...go check them out!

Sandy, you made me blush bright pink! All the good things you've said about me. Awwww... Thank you! You are way too awesome, and I'm sure you know that. *GRIN*
Love your answers! I'm trying to love pink and hope I succeed. LOL!
I hope you're having a blast these holiday season. Merry Christmas and happy new year!
MMmmm, blueberry muffins. And I'm feeling peaceful as well, and Christmas-y still :)
Yummy, yummy risotto!
I love this meme.
Merry Christmas, Sandy!!
I am so with you on that fear of heights thing! Congratulations on your award!
What fun! Risotto and wine...yum. Congratulations on the award and thanks for passing it on to me. I'll do this next weekend!
I think you struck a chord with risotto and wine! It will obviously have to be what is served if there is ever a Blogger Dinner!
Congratulations on such a well-deserved award!
I am off to check out Alice's website now.
Congratulations on the award, Sandy. It is much deserved. :-)
My hair is rather moody too. Why is it that it's on its best behavior when I have no where to go? My pets have been naughty lately too. LOL
Have a wonderful weekend, Sandy.
This does look like fun! Thanks for passing it on to me! :) Some of those look hard to answer in just one word though. I think you did a great job with your answers.
"Don't follow the rules of awards.." I like that! Sometimes I don't even want to tag people, depending on who it might be.
I definitely share the fear of heights--and the helicopter over Hawaii only aggregated it. i sweat I would never get into one again. I can't think of any other muffin other than blueberry! :)
I stopped by your blog today.
Thank you so much -- I am extremely flattered. I love your blog and your reviews so it means a great deal to me.
You are indeed overthetop awesome, dear Sandy! Risotto, wine, blueberry muffins....yep. Happy New Year! (now to check your new blog recs)Happy reading, too!
Aw, you definitely are over the top awesomeness! :)
Fun meme.
That is a fun one! And always better to have laughed more recently than cried!
Congrats on the award. Love this one...looks like fun!
Love the list! But for some reason I never really pictured you as a golfer...
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