Today's Monday Movie Meme from the Bumbles is all about the historical film. You know, the ones where you actually learn something useful, not just how good a bare chest looks when it has been worked out effusively, or what it might be like if California slides off into the ocean. Here are some of my personal favorites, excluding the ones that I've beaten to death over the past year:
Gladiator - even if you haven't seen the film, the title sorta speaks for itself. Although it is brutal, we do very much enjoy Mr. Crowe in this 5-time Oscar winner.
Gone With the Wind - the Civil War told from the street level. Plus some romance, narcissism and greed thrown in for sport. This is one that even the kids like!
Downfall - a depiction of Hitler's last weeks before his death, from the perspective of one of his secretaries who was still alive when the movie was shot. A date movie this is not, but is truly one of the most amazing films made on this topic.
Blood Diamond - gut-wrenching story about the diamonds mined and sold to finance the brutal Sierre Leone Civil War in Africa. I guess I've always thought of Leonardo DiCaprio as a twerp, but loved him in this flick.
The Killing Fields - I've never been able to get the pictures out of my mind after seeing this film...journalists attempting to capture the civil war in Cambodia, and the true story of friendship and the will to live. This isn't one I can watch often, but is powerful.
United 93 - devastating as it was to watch, I was compelled to watch multiple times. From the well-recognized director Paul Greengrass, we relive the last minutes of the heroes of the infamous flight that crashed on 9/11 in a Pennsylvania pasture.
Jesus of Nazareth - I'm sure there have been hundreds of films made about Jesus and his life, but we enjoy this one the most. It was made for TV in 1977, and takes a bit of time to watch, but prepared to be inspired by this star-studded tribute to Him.
I realize I've left off hundreds of incredible historical films, but there you go. I mean, seriously, isn't like 80% of movies based on something historical? Anyway, I listed the ones that came to my mind first. What are some of yours?

There are some good selections here, Sandy. One I keep missing is Blood Diamond. Yeah, it was on recently and I missed it again. My post is not yet completed, but will definitely be up in the morning if I don't finish it before heading to bed. WordTrix
Blood Diamond was such an amazing and powerful movie. Hotel Rwanda is another one that comes to mind. Glory is another one.
Ditto on DiCaprio and Blood Diamond!
I loved Blood Diamond and was so impressed by DiCaprio's performance. I had a hard time thinking of him as a serious actor after Titanic but this movie changed my mind. Hey...speaking of Titanic...that's another history one, right? LOL
Sandy, I almost included Downfall on my list! I just watched it last week and it is truly an amazing film! Great choice!
I can still see those "fields" in my mind from The Killing Fields, even though it was years since I saw it!
You're tougher than I am. I still haven't been able to watch United #93. But that's a testament to how wonderful the reviews were, and how squeamish I remain.
And sigh. Poor Leo in Blood Diamond. I loved him in that.
I recently watched Flags of Our Fathers on dvd... quite depressing but I believe it is good movie about WWII in Japan.
In the cinema I saw La Ribella Siciliana about the girl giving testimony against the mafia; the court case that got judge Borselino killed in the nineties. The movie isn't especially extraordinary, but the facts are and it was well-acted.
But... I really need to recommend Waltz With Bashir, about the war in Beirut. I didn't know a thing about it (and wasn't particularly interested) but it will probably end up as the BEST movie I have seen this year!
Great list, Sandy! I just posted mine and we don't have any duplicates! Amazing & pretty cool!
Downfall and The Killing Fields are terrific examples! I didn't even think about the 9/11 films which despite being only a handful of years old, they are certainly a vital depiction of an important and terrible time in history.
Great post, Sandy :o)
I agree--historical is a big category. You picked some great films.
Gladiator is one of my big favorites.
I have not seen it yet, but every time it is mentioned all I can hear is a very out of it Elizabeth Taylor announcing "The Oscar goes to - GLAD-ia-TOR!"
Oh man, I forgot about Blood Diamond! That was a great movie.
Gladiator, GWTW, The Killing Fields, check. Loved 'em all. Still at the "Leo is a twerp" stage, but agree about Hotel Rwanda. Don Cheadle is amazing!
What an incredible movie The Killing Fields was!
Blood Diamond is very good. I actually Tivo'ed it recently to watch again. I think I also have United 93 at home and have never watched it...
I saw a preview for Robin Hood and it looks for all the world like Gladiator with tights and arrows. This is not a complaint, I will watch this business.
Also, DiCaprio is one of those actors you always think is an idiot until you realize that he's been good in everything you've seen him in (even Romeo and Juliet and, I guess, Titanic. But remember Catch Me If You Can? And The Aviator? And The Beach? The kid's got talent!).
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