Dozens of challenges fly by my eyes on a daily basis, and I've been making my list and checking it twice. So here is my first stab of many, at some exciting challenges for 2010. I will start with my "no brainers"!

Support Your Local Library Reading Challenge - I have an amazing library. Not only can I reserve books online, but they deliver to my door. Plus they have a huge selection. However, I have an insane number of books on my shelves that I intend to whittle down this year. So I am going to take the "Mini" Challenge of 25 books. (Sponsored by J.Kaye's Bookblog.)

Support Your Local Library Reading Challenge - I have an amazing library. Not only can I reserve books online, but they deliver to my door. Plus they have a huge selection. However, I have an insane number of books on my shelves that I intend to whittle down this year. So I am going to take the "Mini" Challenge of 25 books. (Sponsored by J.Kaye's Bookblog.)
100+ Reading Challenge - Before I started blogging, I never would have guessed I read so many books in a year's time. I should hit somewhere between 110 and 120 books this year, so I'm going to go for this one. (Sponsored by J.Kaye's Bookblog.)

Read 'N Review Challenge - I participated in this challenge for 2009, and unless I get overwhelmed and can't get to all my reviews next year, it should be a slam dunk. (Sponsored by MizB.)

Reading From My Shelves Project - Whether it be my impulsive purchases with my Borders coupons, my used book store around the corner, books won from giveaways, ARCs, or late night Kindle shopping after a glass or two of wine, I have an insane number of books on my shelves crying for love and attention. I'm going to commit to 30 books for this one! (Sponsored by Bibliophile By the Sea.)
I promise there will be more. I have to get my lists in order, and will be back for more abuse!
Sandy, here's a challenge for you--in Newsweek magazine's July 13, 2009 issue there was an article titled "What to Read Now. And Why." They listed 50 books which they feel every American should read. Books that "open a window on the times we live in, whether they deal directly with the issues of today or simply help us see ourselves in new and surprising ways."
Here's a link to the aricle and the list.
Okay, the link doesn't work when you click on it...guess you'll have to copy and paste.
That's m'girl, we challenge addicts have to stick together, ha!
I do envy your your local library, tho. The main disadvantage to living out in the sticks is that library thing. Heck, we can't even get pizza delivery where we live, let alone a library book....ha.
Lots of great challenges. Good luck with them all! It looks as though I will be signing up for quite a few in 2010! Hope I do better than this year :)
You're lucky to have a good library! Yesterday I decided I would try to be a good person and go to the library instead of buying. I had a list of 4 books, and couldn't find even one!
There sure are a lot of challenges out there. Good luck with the ones you selected. The only one I am doing is the Clear Your Shelves challenges.
I've got a list of challenges I'm thinking about doing. I'm not sure why I'm agonizing over it so much - it's not like anything will happen if I fail. Good luck with all of your challenges.
So glad you'll be joining me so many of these challenges! I have put up two challenge posts so far and I think I have only one post to go. (Ha!)
2010 already?! I'm still getting my head around 2009 (ha ha)...Certainly there is one on that list that I ought to do just on principle and because I sort of do it anyway...just on principle.
Best of luck with your ambitions!
I also chuckle at the fact that this is "part 1" :D
lol-I'm already finding a bunch of challenges to join as well and I didn't do so good on the ones I had this year. Oh well, it's fun to join them and since I'll be taking less review copies I just might succeed in accomplishing them this year. Good luck with all of yours.
Good luck with all your challenge! I'm trying to control myself and not joining any more... we'll see how long that lasts. :P
These look like good challenges, Sandy, especially the library one. I might do that one!
Time's a ticking so I better start thinking about it and stop using this illness as an excuse! lol
Enjoy your weekend.
I love the Orlando library! It really is great. I just started visiting the Winter Park one and it's rather fantastic as well.
LOL, glad to hear I am not the only one who buys too many books for my Kindle after a few glasses of wine!!!
I'm definitely going to be joining some of these challenges, too - I really need to get my challenge posts together!
Yeah, Sandy! I am working on organizing my challenges and read-alongs for next year. Several of the ones you list look good.
I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one that goes crazy for the challenges! You've already seen my marathon of posts today, so you know my addiction to challenges, and that I'm already participating in most of these. Good luck with them!
Good luck with all of those! And don't forget to leave a little bit of room for the Graphic Novels challenge ;)
There're so many great reading challenges out there that I don't know which to choose!! The Reading from My Shelves Project sounds good to me...I might want to join that! happy you joined this challenge. Hopefully, you will have fun and clean off some shelves as well. ENJOY
Good luck with all your challenges! I've signed up for a bunch already, but know I have a few more I can't resist.
All the best in your challenges, Sandy! I've also signed up for a few (they're all on my sidebar now). I'm excited about 2010!
So many of the challenges are tempting this next year. It's been hard to avoid jumping on the band wagon. I've given myself permission to continue with the War Through the Generations Challenge this next year, but other than that, I'll be going challenge free.
Isn't it fun to pick out and plan your challenges? I'm having a blast but trying to stay in control as I'm not a 100+ book reader (yet).
Welcome to the Support Your Local Library & 100+ Reading Challenges. I am so glad you have decided to join us in the fun. 2010 is going to be a great year in reading. I can just feel it!
those are some great challenges. Good luck
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