Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Zakopane #1

My next series of pictures will all be of ones taken in Zakopane, Poland. Located on the border between Poland and Slovakia, the Tatra mountains are the perfect setting for this little town with alot of character. While we visited Zakopane, we rented a big mountain cabin perched on the side of a hill overlooking the mountain range. This picture of my kids frolicking was taken outside the front door.

For more Wordless Wednesday pictures, click here.


Alice said...

I would love to frolic in such a beautiful setting too! Your children are so lucky, Sandy! I am looking forward to your series of Poland pics. :)

JoAnn said...

Just gorgeous!!

Beth F said...

Sigh..... I could live there.

bermudaonion said...

What a gorgeous view!

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Looks like such a peaceful place to be. Thanks for the background info.

Anonymous said...

You're quite the photographer Sandy! What a great photo and image.

Margot at Joyfully Retired said...

I want to go there. I look forward to your Poland series.

caite said...

I need to frolic ...

Darlene said...

This looks like the perfect place to run free. Just beautiful. I'd love to just pick up and move to a little town with scenery like this.

Sandy Nawrot said...

Alice and Margot - I've actually been posting Polish pictures since July sometime, and have many months worth yet to publish! If you get a few minutes, cruise back and take a look!

This rental cottage where we stayed was actually the same one we stayed in four years ago. It is just perched up there on top of a hill/small mountain with the beauty laid out before you. I really didn't even want to leave the house, just drag a chair out in the yard with a book and a beer.

Melissa said...

I love seeing all these pics. The wide open space is just beautiful!

kayerj said...

reminds me of a simpler time, but then kids always live in a simpler time. how nice. If you want to wander down my road I’m home.

The Bumbles said...

OK - first of all - how did you get all fancy with your signature?

These photos keep reminding me that you haven't updated us on your diary translation project. Soooo??? That setting would have been a perfect place to work on it.

Sandy Nawrot said...

Bumbles - I was playing one day, and remembered during BBAW that someone had mentioned a website called Fun. Go try it!

Melody said...

Gorgeous! I'm enjoying your Poland series, Sandy!

ds said...

What a great place to frolic!! Thanks for sharing, Sandy. I'm enjoying learning about Poland through you.

Unknown said...

This is a breath-taking photo, Sandy. I imagine it's hard to tear yourself away from this view!

Ana S. said...

What a beautiful place!

Literary Feline said...

You could be a professional photographer, Sandy. You've convinced me I should visit Poland someday. :-) That's a gorgeous shot. Looks like your children are having fun.

Andreea said...

Wow, just beautiful!