I do believe that after 11 Sundays of Top 10 lists from my family and friends, I have run aground. There are a few others that have expressed an interest in providing their lists, but I felt it would not in the spirit of the thing to browbeat them into coughing up their favorite books!
But I have gotten into the habit of posting daily, so I thought I'd try my hand at the Sunday Salon. No rules right? Just blab away at whatever comes to mind? Ha! I'm good at that.
The last day of the school Book Fair was this past Monday. It always feels like a freaking marathon, and I have to keep reminding myself that running the fair is the way I share my time and talent with others. Books are my ministry! I do breathe a sigh of relief when it is over, though, when I'm able to actually clean my house and feed my children a balanced meal. I was able to enjoy the final stage of some dentistry work on my three-year-long mouth overhaul (I listen to my audio book while I'm in the chair, so no complaints!). We got a cold front blasting through mid-week that brought the temperatures down to a bone-chilling 75 degrees, which put a spring in my step. God pulled the old bait and switch on us, though, because it is back to our normal 92.
In playing catch-up this week, however, I wasn't all that productive with my reading, at least in the hard book category. Based on rave reviews from Amy @ My Friend Amy and Natasha @ Maw Books, I picked up Jacqueline Woodson's "I Hadn't Meant To Tell You This" from the library. Did I like it? Well, I ordered three more of her books from library if that tells you anything. I also started the highly anticipated "The Seance" by John Harwood. I loved "The Ghost Writer" and this one had the RIP Reading Challenge written all over it. I just haven't been able to get any traction with it. It is an amazing story, so I think my problem is just distraction. I'm hoping to huddle down today in my reading chair and make some progress, and finish it within the next couple of days.
On audios, I rocked however (housecleaning and dentistry helped!). The kids and I finished Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets on audio and started The Prisoner of Azkaban with the kids, finished The Shadow of the Wind, finished The Glass Castle, and am about halfway through The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. I was a little worried that the Swedish names would be difficult to listen to, but am having no issues. The story has me in its grip!
Just for grins, I added up my total books read year to date. Through the end of September, I've read and reviewed 80 books, so I should hopefully hit 100 (my goal) by year end!
We had an excellent weekend. As usual, my husband goes one way and I go the other to fulfill our duties towards the kids' sporting events. My son's flag football team kicked total bootie again this week with a 33 to 0 win. My daughter's basketball team also won 30 to 2. So spirits were high! Then in the evening, we had a dinner party for six of our friends. The best part? It was catered! We had bid on this service at a silent auction in the spring, and it finally came to fruition. So an hour before our friends arrived, the caterers were buzzing around my kitchen, and I sat in my reading chair with The Seance. A beautiful thing! Usually I'm the one sweating profusely over the stove. The food all had a southwest theme, and was amazing. Add sangria and wine to the mix, along with eight happy adults eating and drinking over candlelight! I could get used to this! My mom is convinced I'll never cook for another dinner party again!
Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday, and we'll see you first thing in the morning with the Bumbles Monday Movie Meme!
But I have gotten into the habit of posting daily, so I thought I'd try my hand at the Sunday Salon. No rules right? Just blab away at whatever comes to mind? Ha! I'm good at that.
The last day of the school Book Fair was this past Monday. It always feels like a freaking marathon, and I have to keep reminding myself that running the fair is the way I share my time and talent with others. Books are my ministry! I do breathe a sigh of relief when it is over, though, when I'm able to actually clean my house and feed my children a balanced meal. I was able to enjoy the final stage of some dentistry work on my three-year-long mouth overhaul (I listen to my audio book while I'm in the chair, so no complaints!). We got a cold front blasting through mid-week that brought the temperatures down to a bone-chilling 75 degrees, which put a spring in my step. God pulled the old bait and switch on us, though, because it is back to our normal 92.
In playing catch-up this week, however, I wasn't all that productive with my reading, at least in the hard book category. Based on rave reviews from Amy @ My Friend Amy and Natasha @ Maw Books, I picked up Jacqueline Woodson's "I Hadn't Meant To Tell You This" from the library. Did I like it? Well, I ordered three more of her books from library if that tells you anything. I also started the highly anticipated "The Seance" by John Harwood. I loved "The Ghost Writer" and this one had the RIP Reading Challenge written all over it. I just haven't been able to get any traction with it. It is an amazing story, so I think my problem is just distraction. I'm hoping to huddle down today in my reading chair and make some progress, and finish it within the next couple of days.
On audios, I rocked however (housecleaning and dentistry helped!). The kids and I finished Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets on audio and started The Prisoner of Azkaban with the kids, finished The Shadow of the Wind, finished The Glass Castle, and am about halfway through The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. I was a little worried that the Swedish names would be difficult to listen to, but am having no issues. The story has me in its grip!
Just for grins, I added up my total books read year to date. Through the end of September, I've read and reviewed 80 books, so I should hopefully hit 100 (my goal) by year end!
We had an excellent weekend. As usual, my husband goes one way and I go the other to fulfill our duties towards the kids' sporting events. My son's flag football team kicked total bootie again this week with a 33 to 0 win. My daughter's basketball team also won 30 to 2. So spirits were high! Then in the evening, we had a dinner party for six of our friends. The best part? It was catered! We had bid on this service at a silent auction in the spring, and it finally came to fruition. So an hour before our friends arrived, the caterers were buzzing around my kitchen, and I sat in my reading chair with The Seance. A beautiful thing! Usually I'm the one sweating profusely over the stove. The food all had a southwest theme, and was amazing. Add sangria and wine to the mix, along with eight happy adults eating and drinking over candlelight! I could get used to this! My mom is convinced I'll never cook for another dinner party again!
Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday, and we'll see you first thing in the morning with the Bumbles Monday Movie Meme!
Welcome to the Sunday Salon, Sandy! It's sometimes nice to have a day where you can talk about whatever bookish thoughts come to mind. :-)
I imagine you are relieved to have the book fair behind you. I think it's wonderful that you are able to do that.
I am sorry to hear you all got sick! Something is going around my office and so far I've been lucky to avoid it. I hope I will continue to do so.
I really want to read The Seance. Hopefully you'll find some distraction-free time to read. That happens to me know and then too--where I really need a good chunk of time to settle in with a book, undisturbed.
I hope you have a great week, Sandy. I wasn't able to drop in and comment this past week, and I apologize for that. Hopefully I'll be around more this week.
I am beyond thrilled to know the John Harwood is such a great writer, because I just picked up The Seance at the bookstore today thinking that it would be a great read for Halloween. I am also reading Frankenstein as well. I don't usually read spooky but I am feeling in the mood for it this month.
Jacqueline Woosdon is awesome. I read Hush by her and I can't wait to read more.
Great first Sunday Salon post!
The dinner party sounds fantastic! For my birthday one year, my mother in law ordered a catered dinner for us and it was so much fun!
So glad you are joining the salon, Sandy. 80 books, that is fabulous, I know you'll reach you goal of 100.
I really like Woodson and have to remember to get more of her books from the library. Have a great week!
I just had to make a comment on the "bonechilling" 72 degrees you had there.. When I think of bonechilling it is a day like today here in the northwoods...:)
We went to what is called Cranberry Fest a bout 40 miles from here...temp said it was 52 degrees but felt more like 32 with the rain coming down off and on the sunshine and more rain and wind of course..will take your bonchilling of 72 any day... ;)
I have 2 children that live in Fort Lauderdale and I hear a lot on how warm it is there...we had 3 and 1/2 weeks of summer here in Northern Wisconsin.... Have a great rest of the weekend.
It is great to hear that you can relax now the book fair has finished and I'm sorry to hear you were ill. I hope you're all better soon.
The Seance isn't the easiest of reads, but I'm sure that you'll enjoy it if you find the time to concentrate a bit.
I hope you have a good week - I'll be back in a few days.
Wendy - I'm trying to figure out where I implied we were sick! Anyway, we were not sick, thank goodness. That would have sent me right over the edge!
Nicole - well, The Seance definitely is spooky. Nothing like a story about an old haunted house! I love it!
Kathy - It really was heaven to be able to sit and enjoy my company, versus running around. My husband just doesn't seem to get it...he thinks that it is all in great fun when I cook!
Gavin - the amazing thing about Woodson is her ability to really impact your emotions in such a short number of pages.
Celtic Lady - I can be kind of sarcastic sometimes when it comes to our weather. I like sweater temperatures, but don't get much of that down here. You would laugh at how many people down here DO pull out their jackets when it gets below 80 degrees!
Jackie - OK you are the second person to read my post and think we were all sick. What did I say? I guess I was sick of the book fair, and my mouth really hurt after I left the dentists' chair!
We paid once for a catered dinner party, and it was outrageously expensive but it was still The Best! for ME, anyway!
I have only read one Jacqueline Woodson so far, but it was so outstanding I too will be getting (one way or another) all her other books!
"bone-chilling 75 degrees" LOL! We couldn't get out of the 40's earlier this week. I used to spend a lot of time on the school book fair, too. I miss it now that they're all out of the elementary/middle schools. Have a great week!
Glad you had a great weekend Sandy. I've got John Harwood's books sitting on my shelf and every time I hear someone say they're good I want to go pick one of them up and start reading. Hope you have a wonderful week.
Welcome to the Sunday Salon!
What part of the country do you live in? I am in So. Calif and last week it was 105 and this week it is supposed to rain and be around 70ish. Quite a diff in temps I'd say.
I can't wait to hear what you'll think of The Seance!
Having read 80 books is wonderful and I haven't even reached that number yet!! I'm sure you'll be able to reach your goal considering there're 3 more months to go and you're a fast reader. :)
Plunged to 75? Now you're just rubbing it in. Last week we were lucky to hit 60 and it's forecast to have highs only in the 40's this weekend! Yuck--I hate the cold.
My copy of Rebecca is in transit to my local branch! I'm hoping it will be there tomorrow and I can get the first half read in time to join you all for the discussion.
Also, just saw my library has Girl with the Dragon Tattoo on audio - I'll have to check that one out.
I like this chatty post. Fun to hear about your adventures in real life. A catered dinner party sounds very impressive.
I also read my first Jacqueline Woodson recently and I can't wait to read more! Also, The Seance sounds very much like my kind of book.
And welcome to The Sunday Salon :D
My reading has been slow all the way around. I haven't finished a book since Sept 24! I have one audio and one book almost done though...The book is big, but it took me almost 2 weeks to finish.
Could you send the caterers my way for like 7 days a week? I could sure use someone to do my work while I sit and read. LOL That must've been a great time for you. I'm jealous. ;)
Diary of an Eccentric
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