OK, so much for my Spanish! I received this beautiful award from Carolyn @ Book Chick City. Yes THE Book Chick City...the one that started her blog in JULY, has received several dozen awards, regularly receives ARCs and interviews authors, and has already redesigned her website! (And what a beautiful website it is...go check it out!)
The Proximidade Award is designed for the blogger that believes in proximity - the nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming - they aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. So with this in mind, I would like to nominate Ti @ Book Chatter and Other Stuff. I was aware of Ti for a long time. She is everywhere, leaving her clever and witty comments on all the blogs I followed. It wasn't until BBAW did I actually add her to my reader. And when two commenters find each other, watch out. It has been so much fun getting to know Ti, and interacting with her. I have to thank her specifically for a post she did a couple of weeks ago about blogger etiquette. She made me realize that there were so many loyal commenters on my blog that I had been neglecting, out of laziness more than anything. So not only is Ti friendly, but is helping me improve my rude-ish ways! Thanks Ti!
Today's video is a live version of Cat Power singing "The Greatest", and I'm playing it in honor of Ti. I love this song, and I love Cat's voice. It puts me into a Zen state! (She has a killer version of Sea of Love, and Amazing Grace...)

The Proximidade Award is designed for the blogger that believes in proximity - the nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming - they aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. So with this in mind, I would like to nominate Ti @ Book Chatter and Other Stuff. I was aware of Ti for a long time. She is everywhere, leaving her clever and witty comments on all the blogs I followed. It wasn't until BBAW did I actually add her to my reader. And when two commenters find each other, watch out. It has been so much fun getting to know Ti, and interacting with her. I have to thank her specifically for a post she did a couple of weeks ago about blogger etiquette. She made me realize that there were so many loyal commenters on my blog that I had been neglecting, out of laziness more than anything. So not only is Ti friendly, but is helping me improve my rude-ish ways! Thanks Ti!
Today's video is a live version of Cat Power singing "The Greatest", and I'm playing it in honor of Ti. I love this song, and I love Cat's voice. It puts me into a Zen state! (She has a killer version of Sea of Love, and Amazing Grace...)
Music Videos by VideoCure

Congratulations on your award, Sandy! I just have to say, though, that the little badge is not in Spanish, it's in Portuguese :P
I love Cat Power! She really does have the most amazing voice.
Congrats on your lovely award and thank you so much for passing it on to me. I am *blushing*. I have never heard of Cat Power but I just had a listen and her voice is so powerful and pure.
I love what you said about two commenters finding each other. It's true! I had seen you all over as well. I guess I am in good company.
Congrats on your award - you totally deserve it Sandy!
Congratulations on receiving the award, Sandy. It is definitely well deserved. :-)
Ti is such a great person!
Congrats on your award, Sandy! It's very well-deserved!
Congratulations on your award, Sandy!
Congratulations on your award! You deserve it, Sandy!
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