I've lived in Florida since 1991, so I consider myself a Southerner. We are a transient state, so for Florida, 18 years makes me an old-timer. When I saw this challenge, the Southern Reading Challenge, I knew that I must sign up. You are only required to read three books between May 15 and August 15, so this is a very achievable goal. (Thanks Iliana, I have you to thank for this!). If you would like to join me in a challenge that is really just a stroll around the gardens with a mint julep in hand, see the official website here.
I have quickly and impulsively decided what my three books will be:
Before Women Had Wings - Connie May Fowler: This is already on my TBR Reading Challenge, but I am having a "thing" for this author and she is the epitome of the south.
The Help - Kathryn Stockett: Good reviews everywhere on this one. It was on my list anyway, why not to reward myself?
To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee: This is embarrassing really. No I haven't read it! I've always been intrigued with Harper Lee's relationship with Capote, so I am going to use this challenge to just get it done.
I'm on a reading challenges ban! I haven't completed any to-date, so I'm definitely not adding to the pressure, haha.
I haven't read To Kill a Mockingbird too! :P
I loved To Kill a Mockingbird when I read it in school.
I'm sure you'll love it too!
Good luck with your challenge!
I'm already one up on you, Sandy! To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my top favorite books and it's sitting on my bookshelf.
I'll look at the challenge!
Challenges are hard to resist, arne't they?! I have to say, I'm doing terribly with mine this year ... well, we have months to go!
If you're looking for an alternate, I recommend Bonnie J. Glover's GOING DOWN SOUTH (a novel)
Melody - yeah, I was on a ban as well. I am weak.
Jackie - I've wanted to read it for years, and I'm sure I'll love it too. I think it one of my mom's favorite books!
Susan - It is good to hear so many people have liked this book. Sometimes with classics it is touch and go. Come join us!
Dawn - thanks for the recommendation! Who knows? Maybe I'll just go out on a limb and read four!!!
Tempting, very very tempting but I've only lived in FL for 10 years .. .. .
Psst...I gave you an award here: http://www.savvyverseandwit.com/2009/05/true-fairy-tale-award-more.html
Good luck with the challenge. YOu're going to love To Kill a Mockingbird!
I also consider myself a transplanted southern girl!I want to do this challenge.It sounds fun. Do I have to have a blog to join in?
Oooo, I have been avoiding this challenge like the plague - I don't need to join another one! I must resist, I must resist...
Oh, and the audio of To Kill a Mockingbird read by Sissy Spacek is wonderful.
Kaye - you're qualified, I think! 10 years is an eternity down here. Join us!
Serena - again! You know I haven't even posted the last one, I am so bad. I am hoping that I will have lots of time tomorrow to get caught up, so I'm hoping to get it posted then. You're the best!
Dar - This is the consensus! I can't wait!
Julie - hey girl! I don't think you have to have a blog to do it. You just won't type in a url, and if you choose three books of your own, you won't have a mode in which to post them. But you can always leave comments. Another idea...we can read some together, then when I post, you can give your input! E-mail me and let me if you want to do this!
Carrie - now that is an interesting idea. My only problem (if that is what you want to call it) is that I just started Drums of Autumn and will be tied up with it for awhile. I'll see how it goes!
Super list. But I NOT going to join any more challenges (don't quote me, please). I love To Kill a Mockingbird and I know you will too. I want to do The Help on audio. I something like 5th on the waiting list for digital download from the library.
You will love, love, love The Help!
Sandy, I joined the challenge.
The Help is wonderful! I think you will really enjoy it.
I also love To Kill a Mockingbird! I recently came across my copy and would like to re-read it again soon.
I feel like beating you over the head with your new Kindle - what do you mean you've not read To Kill A Mockingbird yet???!!!
OK - deep breath. I forgive you. And commend you for admitting your problem. Now get on that book ASAP - but take your time through the pages' journey. It is my all-time favorite. I'm sure you'll love it.
P.S. - I'm in the south now too - watching this poor dead woman be carted all over creation while her family tries to find a way to cross the swollen river to fulfill her last request. It's a classic - know what it is?
Bumbles - I know, but isn't admitting your frailties an important part of recovery? I have such high expectations now of this book, I can't stand it! And no, I have no idea what book this is. I told you, I am an idiot when it comes to classics!
Yay, you are joining!
Like Melody, I was on a challenge ban too but I just can't pass up on Maggie's challenge. So fun. I still haven't come up with my list but we'll see. Ooh and I don't think I knew that Connie May Fowler was a southern writer - I think I have one of her books on the shelves so I'll have to look for it.
Anyway, have tons of fun! :)
I will be joining this challenge as well as I have "To kill a mokingbird" on my list. Saw "The Help" and thought it looked great so I will add that as well. Vindella posting as Evy
Oh dear. So does that mean that you haven't read any Faulkner yet either? Because next to "To Kill A Mockingbird," "The Sound & The Fury" is my favorite book. But the Faulkner I am now re-reading is "As I Lay Dying." I find it funny that I chose to read it during Mother's Day. It's a curious little tale.
Bumbles - eh, no, no Faulkner either. I told you! I don't remember what the hell they were making me read in high school and college, but not that. And I've spent most of my adult life reading murder mystery until lately, when I put myself on a quest to rise above the crap. I have alot of catching up to do!
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