I've been saying for some time now that I feel easy. I've been wearing my Miss Merry Sunshine badge around since the beginning of the year, and just about everything I have reviewed, I've loved. Well, folks, the badge has come off. With The Yiddish Policemen's Union by Michael Chabon.
I picked up this audio book at the library on an emergency run last week. I remembered that the reviews were pretty positive. I cranked it up yesterday in preparation for a good long house cleaning. It may be a mood, it may be the alignment of the stars, it may have been a bad hair day, maybe it was the narrator. Perhaps I'm still coming off my Brideshead Revisted/Jeremy Irons high. But I got about 2 discs into it and just couldn't go on. I never do this. There was alot of annoying fast-paced tough guy talk, alot of Yiddish words I didn't understand, I couldn't keep up with the names, or the jumping back and forth in time. Oy vay!
I will keep it in my iPod, and give it a try later. But for now, I'm going to quickly load Beat the Reaper, which I just received from the library yesterday, listen to that, then get back to the Outlander Series. (Drums of Autumn is 39 discs guys. Another long-term relationship.)
Have any of you read The Yiddish Policemen's Union? Was I too hasty in my actions? Do I try again, or move on? Please help me.
Well, I loved the print version of Beat The Reaper. I will be interested to see what you think of the audio version.
I haven't read this one, but I loved Kavalier and Clay. Perhaps this is just one of those that doesn't work on audio - give the paperback a try, and see if you have similar feelings with it.
Good luck!
I won an ARC of Beat The Reaper. Somehow I have not around finishing it.
BTW, everything distils into reading is my new blog. Please do visit it, subscribe to it or follow it! Do help me spread the word.
I read Kavalier and Clay three times. I may have read it three times in a row. I loved it.
I also loved the one that was made into a movie with Michael Douglas, who I usually don't like. I can't think of the title. That's going to bug me all day. Oh, Wonder Boys. I laughed out loud many times.
If Michael Chabon is the guy who wrote Mysteries of Pittsburgh, then he is very good indeed. Have wanted to read Kavalier and Clay, but was mixed about this one. Perhaps, as farmlane writes, this is a book that works best on paper...
Dakota picked you!!! Can you resend me your mailing address? I've misplaced it.
thanks and congratulations
204mountain at comcast dot net
Thanks for all the input, guys. What I'm hearing is the guy is capable of excellence, but none can attest to this particular book.
I'm just about 2 discs into Beat the Reaper. Pretty raw, pretty rude language, but that is alright with me. It is keeping me entertained; the narrator is wonderful.
Gautami - I think for we bloggers, losing your blog to whatever it may be, it is your worst fears realized. I will get on board with you, and will defy the evil-doer that tried to bring you down.
James - Dakota rocks. She is my favorite dog of all time.
I had the same exact reaction to this one on audio - only I think I only made it through one disc. I just didn't like it.
I haven't actually had any desire to read or listen to this one. I think you just pushed me over the edge -- and I'll just stop thinking about it!
On the other hand, after reading everyone's comments, I won't give up on the author (whom I haven't read).
I never heard of "The rejection of Yiddish Policemen" so I have no opinion on it but I can't wait to hear about your input with the Outlander sequel.. I'm yet to pick up the second book :)
Anyways.. you've been tagged :)
Carrie - thank goodness. It is good to know I'm not the only one. I will try again, but will make sure I'm in a better, more focused mood.
Beth - there were good reviews on this book, so maybe the problem is the audio? Don't know. It seems the author is worthy of attention, either way.
Desert Rose - Actually the title is The Yiddish Policemen's Union, but I was too lazy to type the whole thing. I think the Outlander books just get better as they go along. They are insanely long, but so worth it!
I JUST tried to read this a few weeks ago - exact same reaction. I just couldn't get into it at all. Good to know I'm not alone!!
I'm sorry this didn't work out for you... and after reading a few commentators' replies I figure I'll have to let this book pass. Let's hope the next book will be better!!
BTW, I've passed you an award! :)
It's always a bummer when you just don't want to continue with a book. I have one that I am struggling with now and I think it's time to just set it aside.
Yeah for more Outlander books! At least you know those audios will be good.
You know I reshelved a book just last week, too. Sometimes you have to do it!
I loved BEAT THE REAPER (on audio, with earbuds, not for kids' ears!). Can't wait to see what you think of it ...
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