This is a big day for me, friends! My fellow blogger buddy, Wendy, at Musings of a Bookish Kitty, has a feature post that she publishes now and again called "A Page in the Life". In this post, she interviews someone from the book blogging community, so the rest of us can get to know them a little better. I am so honored to be her subject for this edition! Come on over and check it out!
It was great to find out a little more about you - although was sad to learn of your aversion to graphic novels - I'll have to find one that appeals to you soon!
Yay!!! Love it! (I'm secretly with you on the graphic novel thing). But I'll bet I know ONE graphic novel that would make your little fingers itch.....the new Outlander one, mayhap? HA!
Sandy, that was an excellent interview! I really enjoyed finding out more about you.
If you haven't gotten into graphic novels and would like to try, may I suggest Maus I and Maus II? They were written by Art Spiegelman about his father's internment in a Nazi concentration camp. Not light reading, of course, but very well done.
I loved your interview! I'm off to check out the rest of your blog.
Jackie - Maybe next year I'll sign up for a graphic novels reading challenge. I've read reviews of some interesting ones (you did one...happy life? something like that?)that I remember got great reviews.
Michele - oh yeah, no doubt! Is that book out yet? I saw some rough sketches on Gabaldon's website!
Susan - You're not the first person to mention those two graphic novels. I'll put them on my aspirational graphic novel list!
Sandy, it's a great interview and it was so nice to learn more about you!
I'm heading there now... :)
I really enjoyed the interview with you on "Musings of a Bookish Kitty" and had to come check out your blog! First of all, let me say that I LOVE the photo of the kitty in your header - there's just nothing as peaceful as a sleeping cat.
I will have to spend more time on your blog and catch up with older posts, but I can already tell that I'm going to like it here!
Dar - I'm not sure how enlightening it is, but thanks for hanging out with me!
Ingrid - I hope you decide to stay! The kitty in my header is my Casper. He is a freakish kitty, but he's mine and I love him!
Look! I've created a monster! San, you've become a more avid blogger than me!
I would second Maus (loan it to you in July perhaps) but I just read two great graphic novels: Percy Gloom and Shenzhen - A Tavelogue from China. I'm a sucker for graphic novels. There are loads at the library, and they are actually books I can finish!
Keep up the good work!
Kath - yes, please bring your graphic novels with you in July! And yes, you created me! It was like you presented an opportunity to me on a platter, and I wouldn't have forgiven myself without taking it. To ignore it would have been very bad karma!
(you did one...happy life? something like that?)that I remember got great reviews.
Nearly...it was called Fun Home. I loved it, and look forward to finding lots of great new graphic novels to read. I might join that challenge next year too!
I really enjoyed reading your interview with Wendy. I enjoyed learning more about you.
Diary of an Eccentric
Jackie - yes! That was it. I've started a graphic novel list...if you have any more suggestions, let me know!
Anna - Didn't you have a feature with Wendy some months ago? Well, whoever featured you in an interview, that is how I found you!
I'm going to go check this out!
Loved the interview!
Gabaldon's graphic novel isn't out yet...I think I read somewhere this fall, but I haven't heard anything about it lately, so maybe it's been pushed back.
I love Wendy's interviews!! Congrats and I'm going over there in just a bit to check it all out :)
Sandy, that was a great interview!! So nice to learn more about you. I'm with you on the graphic novel (though I'd like to read Maus and Persepolis someday) as well as the wine thing--it's nice to end the week with a glass. Mr. Long-Suffering would love to get to Napa someday. I forget if you've seen "Bottle Shock," but it's wonderful. Cheers--and rock on!
Great interview, Sandy and so nice to learn more about you. I have a reading chair that fits two people and love to read and drink wine there too....I will think of you when I sit there in future.
You are giving your children such a great gift by reading with them and playing audio books in the car, they will no doubt have some fond memories of blogging to keep too. That's so nice.
Serena - Wendy does a good job...hope you liked it!
Melissa - I am so all over that Outlander graphic novel. I saw some sketches and it seems like they got Jamie nailed!
Iliana - every time Wendy does one of these interviews, I get a new addition to my blogroll!
ds - oh yes, Persopolis, I need to put that one down too. We did see Bottle Shock (how could I resist wine and Alan Rickman???), and every other wine movie out there too probably. We loved Sideways.
Kim - I do love my drinking/reading chair! Sometimes I share it with one of my kids and we both read and cuddle up. They do both love the reading and the audios, but there are times when I have to guilt them into doing the mini-review. What is so hard about it?
love the ipod in the pool bit...lol
Sandy - Great interview, what fun to learn more about you. As for graphic novels what about Persopolis or Fun Home
Thank you so much for letting me interview you, Sandy! I feel so lucky to know you. You're such a great person and it's time everyone knows it (at least those who may not have known it before)!
This is great! Will be heading over to Wendy's blog in a moment. I just love reading these interviews about fellow bookbloggers. :)
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