This week's Monday Movie Meme from the Bumbles is all about those nasty little tear-jerkers. Now, I am not usually a highly emotional person when it comes to movies. I can usually detect when I'm being manipulated, and it makes me angry instead of weepy. But there are a few that will always do a number on me, sometimes when I even THINK about the movie, let alone watch it. There are some repeats from the the Bumbles, but this list is what it is:
Life is Beautiful - This one is at the top of the list. Yes, it is a movie about the Holocaust, so you'd think that crying would be natural, but hey. I didn't cry at Schindler's List, but this one brings on tears even at the thought. It is one of the best movies ever made, in my humble opinion.
Cinema Paradiso - Sobbed for probably an hour after this one ended. It is nostalgic and sentimental, and it pushed my buttons.
Steel Magnolias - I think I am in the majority on this one. Who hasn't cried at this one? It is perfect to watch with your girlfriends, and cry without abandon.
Terms of Endearment - This one is in the same category as Steel Magnolias. Terminal women with children left behind will getcha every time.
Old Yeller - I have issues with dying animals. There are alot of them out there, but I think this one was the first to stab me in the heart.
Sophie's Choice - This is not a sentimental flood of tears, it is painful, sore-stomach, rip-your-heart-out-and-stomp-it-on-the-ground crying. A mother should never have to choose which child will be spared the gas chamber, ever.
Hoosiers - This one is silly, and is probably unique to me only, which is why I have to list it. First, I love this movie. Having grown up in the heartland of Indiana, this movie is a testament to one of our religions there...high school basketball. But at the end of the movie, when they show a picture of the State Championship team made up of a bunch of skinny white boys from podunk, and they echo the voice of the coach saying "I love you guys", a tear comes to my eye. Every time. And I've seen the flick probably two dozen times.
I am such a baby when it comes to movies. It wasn't hard to come up with my list. It would have been more difficult to list the movies that haven't made me tear up in all likelihood. LOL
You've listed a couple that had me in tears to. The ones that didn't are ones I haven't seen yet. I guess I have that to look forward to. :-)
Sandy, I'm six for seven with you, the exception being (surprise) Hoosiers, which I've never seen. But now you have me remembering Old Yeller and the look on Tommy's face. As for Sophie's Choice, that went beyond tears. Have not been able to face Schindler's List, book or movie. Someday. Thanks for this; it's thought provoking.
I haven't seen Life is Beautiful or Cinema Paradiso - sounds like I've got some movies to get from Netflix!
Gosh, I haven't cried during a movie since Steel Magnolias. It's tough to wring a tear out of me. Terms of Endearment (the first time) did it, too. I'm going to have to tie the kids up, lock em in a closet and go get one of the others from your list and see if they can work their magic on me.
Surprisingly, despite the fact that movies and books are near impossible tear-makers for me, the last few episodes of Grey's Anatomy have had me crying like a baby. Maybe because I never get around to watching it till midnight and I'm so damned tired by then a good Hallmark commercial would probably accomplish the same thing, lol.
I'm working on my list too and I'm glad that you reminded me of Old Yeller. Terms of Endearment is on my list too.
The Best Years of Our Lives, made shortly after the end of World War II, is about three soldiers returning home after the war and how they adjust to life as civilians after what they've been through. They meet at the train station and shar a cab home.
One of them is a sailor who has lost both of his arms, played by a real life sailor who really did lose both of his arms. He's going to see his girl for the first time in years and worries how she'll react.
I can't even type the rest. I'm going to start crying.
It's a wonderful movie.
some big tear jerkers there...
It might surprise people that know me in RL, but I am a BIG movie cryer.
That and Hallmark commercials..oh yeah.
CB James is right - The Best Years of Our Lives was a great movie. I don't remember it making me cry though - just made me sad - and a bit angry at war in general. That's generally what war movies do to me. Although The Killing Fields I remember ripped my heart out.
I was thinking of animal movies - Old Yeller of course. I don't really remember the details at all, I was little when I saw it, but I seem to think Born Free made me cry. But now I'm afraid to re-watch it for fear of those tears.
Wendy - crying is good for the soul, so it's not a bad thing! Sometimes I think I've become too hardened! My older friends assure me that I will become more emotional when menopause gets me.
ds - Schindler's List is very touching. I don't know why I didn't cry at that one. Too many WWII movies, maybe?
Carrie - I don't think you'd be disappointed with either of them, just bring your hankies!
Michele - I consider myself to be a fairly hardened soul, but seriously, try Life is Beautiful first. That will melt that cold heart! I laugh at the fact that you are crying at Grey's Anatomy! That is like me crying at Hoosiers. Go figure!
Stacy - I'll have to come check out your list!
James - Yes, you recommended this movie to me on another Monday Movie Meme, and it is in my Netflix Q #2 or #3. I'm getting there. I'll let you know when I see it! I have the same reaction to Life is Beautiful...
Caite - I never would have pegged you for a crier! You surprise me on a daily basis!
Bumbles - The Killing Fields was pretty intense, but was only sad to me at the end. No crying, but very sad! I know, sometimes, it is just too much energy to expend to re-watch some of these movies.
Sandy, thanks for inspiring me!
Uggggh, I'm a crier. lol. I cry even when I read books that make me happy or sad. Movies I'm horrible-always have been. Steel Magnolias gets me every time. It doesn't matter that I've seen it who knows how many times already.
I cry often with movies and even books (though I try not to when I'm on the train lol). Old Yeller was the first VHS my dad rented when he bought our first VCR, and my sister and I bawled our eyes out.
Diary of an Eccentric
Aaaaaw Cinema Paradiso!!
I always cry at the Joy Luck Club. It starts about half an hour in and I just keep crying for the next two hours. :P
Good choices! My mom read us Old Yeller when I was about 4, so I've always had a soft spot for it. Right after, she read us The Yearling.
I haven't seen Cinema Paradiso, so I'd better add that to my NetFlix queue. I enjoyed Hoosiers, but I can't say that it made me cry. Ohio wasn't as BB crazy as Indiana.
Even after seeing Old Yeller tons of times it STILL makes me cry! But most of the time I'm not much of a crier.
Yep, I'm a cryer! I cry at anything really, movies, tv programmes, books, you name it. If the story has anything to do with children, families, injustices etc, I'm there with a box of tissues.....must look out for a couple of the movies on your list, Sandy.
I love watching tear-jerkers, really. The only movie I've watched from your list is "Life is beautiful" and I obviously loved it and cried a lot watching it too.
Yes, Life is Beautiful and Cinema Paradiso are definite tear-jerkers and just such amazing films. I love those.
One movie that I didn't expect to cry over was Pan's Labyrinth. Have you seen that one? It's so good too.
Iliana - yes, I have seen Pan's Labrynth (twice). I didn't cry, but what a movie! I was probably just angry and shocked and mesmerized with the whole thing, which kept my mind off the tears.
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