This week's Monday Movie Meme from The Bumbles is all about Eye Candy! You know...those movies that you keep watching again and again with your mouth hanging open? Perhaps they are good actors, but WE know why they got the role!!! If ever there were a time where it was OK to ogle Viggo, this is it!
1. Viggo in Eastern Promises - it takes some cojones to get your 50 some-year-old bod in front of the camera like this, but I don't mind a bit.

1. Viggo in Eastern Promises - it takes some cojones to get your 50 some-year-old bod in front of the camera like this, but I don't mind a bit.

2. Brando in A Streetcar Named Desire - or really just about anything until he got a little older. If you haven't seen Tango in Paris, don't. It totally ruins this beautiful image!

3. Dwayne Johnson in ...whatever he's in. No complaining from me when the kids asked to see The Game Plan, Get Smart or Escape to Witch Mountain. Disney has done the moms a big favor.

4. Brad Pitt in Legends of the Fall - you gotta love the hair.

3. Dwayne Johnson in ...whatever he's in. No complaining from me when the kids asked to see The Game Plan, Get Smart or Escape to Witch Mountain. Disney has done the moms a big favor.

4. Brad Pitt in Legends of the Fall - you gotta love the hair.

And because I am an equal opportunity gal, I asked my husband to come up with a few for the guys. All I got out of him was Diana Lane from The Cotton Club. I think he needs his coffee...

Phew! Viggo is at the top of list! Thanks! And Brad Pitt in Legends of the Fall was heavenly. Be still my heart.
Viggo in Eastern Promises...so I wasn't the only woman melting in her chair. Good to know.
I forgot how hot Brando was! Thanks for reminding me. :-)
Viggo rules! Also, belated congratulations on your 100th post. Well done!
Beth - I put Viggo in my posts sometimes just because I can!
Priscilla - Of course he is wonderful in LOTR, but in Eastern Promises, we get to see some serious skin! Yeah baby!
Nat - The young Brando has always been cause for some drooling on my part. My sister, who is an artist, even did a sketch, similar to the one on my post, poster size for me when we were in college!
ds - I think we could start our own little Viggo fan club...and thanks!
I've never been a fan of The Rock. Everytime I see him all I can think about is wrestling.
Yeah for your 100th post!
Sooo looking forward to Eastern Promises in the Netflix queue ;0)
Melissa - I know, the wrestling thing was a hangup for awhile. Now I just ogle shamelessly. I find him quite charming!
Bumbles - Eastern Promises is seriously intense. My husband wanted to actually buy the movie, he loved it so much. That is the beauty of the movie...lots of testosterone for the guys, and that gorgeous piece of male flesh for the ladies.
I knew I'd find Viggo here. :)
Viggo is a great choice although I've not seen that movie - hmm, one to add to the list that's for sure :)
I'm glad you enjoyed my list; very nice to see we have the sme appreciation for Pitt in 'Legends.' Mortensen looked pretty good in LOTR, but I preferred Orlando Bloom as the elf ;)
Whoa! You've some great eye candy there! And how come I'm not at all surprised that you'll post a pic of Viggo on this post?! :P
Viggo made a lot of lists, didn't he? LOL
Great list, Sandy. I tried to get my husband to name someone, but he wouldn't. I am glad your husband at least managed to name one person. :-)
Iliana - In my humble opinion, I think it is Viggo's best acting work. See it soon!
Lindsey - I do like the elf, you can't take anything away from him. I found Bloom to be much more attractive as the elf than a pirate or a regular guy!
Melody - I know, I'm nothing if not predictable, huh?
Wendy - yeah, but please! Diane Lane in Cotton Club? What about at least Diane Lane in Unfaithful? I asked him about that, and he said, "well, she's old now". Old? Then what am I? For Pete's sake.
Haha...I agree with #3 although I don't even know who he is. I like the new James Bond guy, too.
Brad Pitt is incredibly lovely--long hair, short hair, no hair. Viggo is pretty nice to look at as well, but Brad...oh Brad. Ha! Fun post.
Matt - Dwayne Johnson used to be known as The Rock (pro wrestler). He has gone Disney lately, but I won't hold that against him. Gives me a reason to take the kids to the movies!
Trish - of all the guys on here, Brad was my first on-screen infatuation. I'm not all that hot on him lately, but he had it all going on back then (pre-Angelina).
Brad's place on the list is definitely secured! He's on my list, too, along with my other celebrity crushes--Johnny, Owen, Colin Ferrell, and my new guy, Adam. (Hehe, you know who).
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