It's March Madness! In blogland, that means a Gone With the Wind read-along, hosted by Matt at A Guy's Moleskin Notebook. I've never read this book before, although I've seen the movie dozens of times and is one of my favorites. I know that this means my impressions may be tainted, but if ever there was a movie that did a book justice, this must be the one.
Matt has come up with a reading schedule that I will try to keep up with - about 200 pages a week. Throughout the month, everyone reading along will participate in discussion and comments, posting both on their own blogs and on Matt's. This is an informal bit of fun, so if anyone has ever wanted to read this tome (over 1,000 pages!), or if you want to re-read, please join in!
Matt has come up with a reading schedule that I will try to keep up with - about 200 pages a week. Throughout the month, everyone reading along will participate in discussion and comments, posting both on their own blogs and on Matt's. This is an informal bit of fun, so if anyone has ever wanted to read this tome (over 1,000 pages!), or if you want to re-read, please join in!
I'd love to read this with you all - as it would be great to have company to get through this chunkster!
I don't think I've got a copy though - I'll have to have a quick rummage through my books and see if I can find one!
I'm not reading along, but I'm going to read the comments and follow the posts. I've actually read the book twice! That's enough.
But you'll love it.
Jackie - that would be great! I was able to find this copy at a little used book store around the corner from my house (where I had a credit!). I hope you be able to join along.
Beth - I would think twice would do you just fine! I still look forward to your comments and input.
I loved this book. You'll be surprised how many differences there are between the movie and the book!
I've never read GWTW either and I'm sure it'll be lots of fun but I am so behind on other reading projects I won't get a chance to join in on Matt's read-a-long. Hopefully next time he has one I'll join in.
Have tons of fun Sandy!
Oh dear, you know I can't resist this kind of thing. I'm in!
Oh dear, you know I can't resist this kind of thing. I'm in!
Novel - Thanks! I have heard nothing bad about this book. I'm glad there are differences, just to keep me on my toes!
Iliana - I totally understand where you are coming from. I am questioning my sanity in signing up for this, with the two billion books sitting on my shelves and the challenges waiting to fulfilled. I just couldn't resist...
Michele - Yippee! I am so glad you are joining the fray. Your involvement makes everything just a little bit more fun! (BTW I forgot to respond to your last comment about visiting Phoenix and getting Outlander stuff. I can't stand it! You must tell me what goodies are to be had!)
It's raining cat and dog here in San Francisco. I have found myself staying in all day immersing in the world of Scarlett O'Hara! I certainly have made headway through the book.
Sounds fun! I'm still thinking if I should read this along with you guys... I'm currently reading another book with a blogger friend so I'm not sure if I'm able to cope, haha!
Gone With the Wind is one of my favorite books of all time. Enjoy it Sandy!
Matt - I think I said this on another blog as well...poo to you! I didn't read three pages this weekend, there were too many distractions. I need to get down to business!
Melody - well, it is a loooong book, but I have been preparing for this, getting all of my other reading done to make time. It would be great if you joined!
Dar - thanks for the encouragement! I haven't heard one bad thing about this book, and I'm excited to read it finally!
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