Beth at BethFishReads just participated in an alphabet meme, and I thought it sounded like a fun thing to do on this Thursday afternoon. Beth provided me a random letter, and I now need to list ten things I love that begin with this letter. And I get the letter...U?????? I couldn't at least get the letter "V" so I could throw out a picture of Viggo? She said she used a random letter generator, and felt bad when my chosen letter came up. So she closed her eyes and pointed to a letter in a nearby book, and got the same letter. I guess its fate. Well, fate is pushing it. I had to do a little digging to find my ten! Here they are, in no particular order:
1. Umbrellas - I live in Florida, so I need these on an almost daily basis. I have a collection in my car, in various states of disrepair.
2. Underwear - as in clean, comfortable and cute. Who doesn't like underwear?
3. Utah - my family took a vacation to Park City this past summer. Beautiful country. The cross-country car ride with my kids wasn't so beautiful, however. It sounded like a good idea at the time...
4. Uma Thurman - there is no actress that kicks more butt than Uma in Kill Bill, volumes 1 and 2. I also love her yellow motorcycle outfit.
5. Unfiltered wine - not all that common, but every bottle of unfiltered wine I've tasted has been very good juice.
6. Usual Suspects - this movie was my introduction to Kevin Spacey, whom I adore. I could watch this movie about the mysterious Kaiser Sozay (sp) over and over.
7. Unspoiled nature - I love the outdoors. Except in the dead heat of the Floridian summer.
8. Brian Urlacher - da Bears!
9. Ushers - (ok guys, I'm starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel here!) because they make me feel special and taken care of.
10. Umpires - to maintain order in a chaotic world.
Whew. I'm tired. If you want to have a little fun with this meme, let me know and I'll send you a letter. Pray it isn't U!!!
LOL!!! But you did good! I love your answers.
I'm not sure if I've ever had unfiltered wine. I'll have to look for it.
Loved the Kill Bills and Uma! And also loved Kevin Spacey in the Usual Suspects.
Ok get this: your word verification word is Ungstro (the U is definitely your letter today).
I'm game - no U's though. :)
Beth - thank you! I maxed out my brain on that one! Probably the best unfiltered wine I remember tasting was Newton unfiltered Chardonnay. We did a blind test, and we actually preferred the unfiltered to the filtered. I guess U is the way to go today. Better come up with something for dinner that starts with U (not sure what that would be...maybe Umbria wine.)
Carrie - your letter has been e-mailed to you. You gotta good one!
I'm game as well, but no U's please. :)
Matt - I coulen't find your e-mail so I will deliver your letter here and on your last post! I'm not all that technical, so I just closed my eyes and pointed to my magazine in front of me...you get D! Good luck!
I posted mine!
Okay I'll put my mind to work. Letter D, eh? :)
It takes longer than I thought, but very fun. :)
My Answer.
"U" is such a hard letter! You did very well with it though, Sandy.
I really like Uma Thurman too in Kill Bill too. And The Usual Suspects! Love that movie.
Carrie and Matt - thanks you guys for playing! Sometime its just nice to post something fun. It sounded like something easy, but you're right, it isn't! U was a challenge...
Wendy - I could watch Kevin Spacey all day! And that Kill Bill...it is rare that I watch a movie more than once, but I had to go back to these immediately after and watch again! The drama! The blood and gore! The butt-kicking music!
You did very well with 'U', Sandy!
Oh, I loved Kill Bill too! I thought the premise is cool and that Uma Thurman had done a great job in playing that movie! This is one movie that I don't mind watching it over and over again. ;)
Viggo? Did someone mention Viggo?
Great list! I wouldn't have done nearly that well with U!
I think you did a great job with a stinky letter. Clean underwear is always a good thing!
Diary of an Eccentric
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