This week's Movie Meme from the Bumbles is all about cameos. While they were watching the Daytona 500 this weekend, they couldn't help but think of the movie Talladega Nights, and the Fox broadcasting crew that all had cameos in the film. They were inspired to come up with some of the more famous cameos. Now, the Bumbles are a creative couple, and they always have the best answers to this meme, and based on principle I will rarely copy. It makes my job just a little bit tougher. I decided to not only list cameos, but to list director cameos that come to be expected with each film they make. It almost becomes a distraction, once you know they're there (like looking for the hidden Mickey's at Disney!) Here are the ones that came instantly to mind:
* Alfred Hitchcock - not only is he known for his amazing films, but his cameos in each one of them. It became such a phenomenon that he began putting the cameos at the beginning of the film, so viewers would focus on the movie and not trying to spot his face!
* M. Night Shyamalan - to my knowledge, he has had cameos in all of his films. This fact had to be pointed out to me, since I was too busy being creeped out.
* Peter Jackson - I haven't seen everything this guy has made, but I know he was in all of the Lord of the Rings movies, ever so briefly.
* Martin Scorsese - again, I doubt I've seen everything Scorsese has made, but I know he's in some four or five of his biggies
* Vanessa Echols - OK, this is just for fun. She's not a director, she is our local morning anchor in Orlando. She had a cameo in Deep Impact (or was it Armageddon? the two were so similar) that had all of Channel 9 a-twitter
Sandy, would you email me your address so that I can mail you Life Class? Thanks winner!
Life Class, I'm jealous.
I like Francis Coppola's cameo in Apocolypse Now. He's a T.V. news guy in the big battle scene towards the start of the movie. When Martin Sheen lands on the shore Coppola's yelling "Don't look at the camera!" at all of the soldiers.
James - I know! I've had Life Class on my list for quite a while. I'm estatic! I forgot about Coppola's cameo in A.N. I've seen the movie a million times, I don't know where my mind goes sometimes!
Ooo- congrats - Life Class is wonderful!
Not directors, but here are my two:
Stan Lee makes an appearance in all the movies based on his Marvel comic book heroes - Spiderman, The Incredible Hulk.
Also, Stephenie Meyer had a cameo in the Twilight movie.
I had no idea Peter Jackson was in his movies! And what the heck do you mean you've never seen any of them? Rent the LOR trilogy some day will ya? I promise it will not disappoint.
Carrie - I had also forgotten about Stan Lee. That is a good one!
Bumbles - Yes, I've seen LOTR (I'm not that much of an alien!!haha) but what I meant was I haven't seen everything in Peter Jackson's portfolio. His cameo appearances in LOTR are very very quick...blink and you miss 'em!
I didn't know Peter Jackson had a bit in LOTR....going to have to watch them again just to watch for him. If I have to be exposed to Viggo again, well, guess I'll just have to tough that out. ;)
Peter Jackson is news to me, too! It'd be difficult to spot him without knowing, I'd think. I love Hitchcock's cameos. He was the greatest.
Michele - yeah, I know it would be torture for you to sit through all those hours staring at Viggo. Honestly, in these movies he looks like he smells to high heaven, but I just don't care a bit.
Jennifer - you know, Peter Jackson actually kinda looks like a hobbit, even in real life! He does blend!
Great list. Never realised that M Night appeared in all his films. Surprised you didn't include Tarentino (then again, he gave himself far more than a cameo in Reservoir Dogs and Four Rooms).
Tapestry - Tarantino was one of my first thoughts, especially in Pulp Fiction. But I didn't want to copy The Bumbles! I probably should have copied at least that one, because I do love that quirkly little man.
Peter Jackson was in all the LOTR movies? Wow, I had no idea. I think it's kind of fun when they do that. I can't think of any directors right now but I know Stephen King has done cameos in some of the movies adapted from his books.
Cool twist on the prompt this week. I had Hitch and Shyamalan, too. :)
Iliana - aaaahhh! I forgot about Stephen King too. I do love that man. The cool thing about Peter Jackson is that you literally blink and you miss him. It really becomes sport to find him!
Boliyou - another Bumbles fan! Thanks for stopping by!
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