Happy Sunday and Happy Halloween my friends! Is everybody ready for some spookiness this evening? What I am ready for is an evening with friends and my husband's margaritas. It has been another one of those weeks!
As you may have deduced from my Monday Movie Meme post, my son lost his football playoff game Sunday. It was a hard thing to face for me - I wasn't ready for all of that to end. So I brooded for a couple of days over that. My son shook it off though, and is looking forward to an exhibition bowl game to end the season next Saturday up in Jacksonville.
Our Babes, Books and Bordeaux group met this week to discuss "Room", and what a great discussion we had! One of our members is 8 months pregnant, and suffice it to say she didn't get past page 30. But everyone else literally consumed the book and thought it was one of the best books we've ever read. We spent a long time talking about breast-feeding (ha!). You just never know what's going to push our buttons! Our next book is "Cane River" by Lalita Tademy.
My son turned 11 on Thursday. We didn't have school on Friday, so the kids and I went to Universal for a little roller coaster and Harry Potter action. My husband was out of town, so when he got home on Friday night, we all went out for a decadent dinner at one of our better steak houses to celebrate. (My son's choice...he is a meat eater.) As for a little fun with his friends? Because of our crazy schedule this time of year, the poor child usually has to wait until January for that. He wants to take a couple friends to Disney, so I'm going to sit down and try to perform a miracle to squeeze it into the calendar.
I also had a parent meeting on Tuesday evening to put the final touches on a trip coming up next week that I have yet to share with you, because I knew you would be jealous (not). My two kids and I, along with about a hundred other parents and kids from our school, will be flying to Washington DC and Williamsburg for a field trip Wednesday through Friday. We have to be at the airport at 6:30am on Wednesday, land (in theory) at midnight on Friday, and in between those two points is a whole flurry of goodness. Pray for me.
So between all of this, and some more stuff that I won't bore you with, and Blogger shutting down for a good part of Friday, I fear I haven't been as sociable as I normally am. My apologies, but it isn't going to be any better next week. I'll do my best!
So reading. What of reading? The kids and I are about 10 minutes away from finishing "White Cat" on audio. My daughter has declared that she is sick of "this audio book thing" and is annoyed with the mediocre selections as of late (which I guess means White Cat and Mockingjay?). I can probably blame some of this on Harry Potter withdrawal. I may take her to the library and let her pick out the next one, although I'm doubting whether anything will please her these days. I've been listening to "Backseat Saints" by Joshilyn Jackson, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was about one of the characters from "Gods in Alabama"! I love it when authors do that. I'm not sure I like this book as well as GiA, but it has kept me very entertained. Jackson is narrating this book herself, and I love her little southern voice.
After 2 1/2 weeks, I finally wrapped up "Carry the Rock", an OKRA pick and a book I picked up at SIBA. This was a painful experience. In theory, a book about race and football in Little Rock Arkansas should be solid, but it was as dry as dry could be. This is was one of those situations where I should have walked away, but I felt obligated. Anyway, that behind me, I picked up "Before I Fall" by Lauren Oliver. Rhapsody Jill told me I had to read this book, so like a good girl I ordered it from the library. I am unable to put the book down for more than five minutes people. Wow. No idea what I am going to read next. I've got a read-along coming up for Doctor Zhivago with Frances, and a huge stack of urgents on my nightstand. Maybe I should focus on wrapping up some challenges? I'll let the spirit move me.
Hope you all have a safe, candy-filled (the GOOD kind), and perhaps even margarita-filled evening!