Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A few of my favorite things...

 Because I am a bonehead, and accidentally double-posted on July 12, I saw I had nothing coming up on the blog today.  So I thought now would be a perfect time to publish a post I'd been thinking about for awhile.

I develop unhealthy attachments to things now and again.  I immerse myself in them, and love them until I can't love them any more, and then I burn out.  But a few items have stood the test of time.  I thought I'd share the love, because you all should know such joy.

 1.  100 Calorie Klondike Ice Cream Sandwiches - When you are counting calories and have a sweet tooth, this will do the trick.  I've tried other things...the Fiber One 90 Calorie brownies, Hershey's Kisses, and other various ice cream goodies.  They either don't taste all that great, are more calories, or too addictive and you can't stop eating (kisses).  But these are DELICIOUS!!!

2.  Carol's Daughter hair products - These things are not all that easy to find.  Sephora has them, as well as Ulta, and you can get them online, often with free shipping.  And they are not cheap, but they make your hair do tricks.  They are made with all natural products like Monoi Oil, Acai, Shea and Cocoa Butters, and are sulfite free.  I also love that the owner, Lisa Price, named her product after her mother, and started making them in her garage.  The best thing is that they all smell wonderful.  My favorites are the ones that smell like Chocolate!

 3.  Rose's Botanicals -  I discovered this line of products when I was on vacation at St. George Island.  Rose has a shop over the bridge in Apalachicola, and I was drawn in by all of her homemade soaps and lotions that smell heavenly and leave your skin silky smooth.  I mean, it is pure decadence.  According to the woman at the store, Rose makes everything at her home in Sopchoppy, FL.  She uses goats milk and shea butter in her lotions and soaps, and some of the soaps are formed around natural sponges.  She offers over a dozens scents, but if you have a request, she will try to accommodate.  I love supporting small business owners, and Rose makes it easy with online shopping.  The only downside is that you can't touch and feel and smell, but she IS generous about sending samples when you order from her!

4.  Under Armour Sports Bra - Call me weird, but sports bras are a very big deal with me so I had to mention this one.  For anyone out there that is "endowed" and jumps around a lot, you know exactly what I'm talking about.  My whole life, I have been on a mission to find one that keeps everything in place, and only NOW can I stop my search.  It doesn't have that X back (which makes everything spill out from your sides), has good elastics around the bottom, NO WIRES, and pads that can be worn in or taken out.  The price might make you catch your breath ($58) but for everyone that has my issues, you know this is a small price to pay to get what you need.  Sizes available in A through DD cup.



rhapsodyinbooks said...

I do the Fiber brownies. Now they have choc chip cookie brownies too. Of course, I do a whole lot of other things as well, so it's not like the 90 calorie bit is saving much! :--) Or should I say, :--(

bermudaonion said...

I want to know what kind of tricks my hair will do if I use Carol's Daughter's products. When you listen to The Bucolic Plague you'll be ready to buy some Beekman Boys soap.

Julie P. said...

I love this post!!! I couldn't agree more about the importance of a quality sports bra especially for running. I just bought my first Under Armour one and I love it, but mine is crossback.

Meg @ write meg! said...

Shampoo that smells like chocolate?! As if I'm not already starving in the morning! Delicious. We actually just got an Ulta in town, and everyone is buzzing about it... might have to go investigate!

Zibilee said...

I need to try some of these things, though I am already loving the Klondike 100 calorie ice creams! I really like the thought of a soap that is formed around a sea sponge, and will have to look into those. All these things are wonderful, and I love that bra as well, by the way!

caite said...

Have to look for those 100 calorie Klondike bars....

Jenny said...

Oh bras in general but definitely sports bras are an issue for me. Am I the only one who wears both a regular bra and a sports bra too though? I find it hard to believe I could wear just a sports bra but I'll have to look into that one.

Alyce said...

That sports bra looks awesome! The few that I've found that work for me for running (which I hardly ever do but that's another topic) I have purchased a couple sizes too small in order to keep things in place (which is not comfortable or ideal).

Peppermint Ph.D. said...

Oh my heavenly goodness...100 calorie Klondike bars!! How many can you eat in one sitting (just kidding!)
I shall not feel sorry for you ladies who need these nifty sports bras that hold everything in place...my everything stays in place fine with just a regular ole sports bra bc there's not much of anything in my everything :p ;)

Peppermint Ph.D. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Heidenkind said...

Holey camole, $60 for a bra??

Jenners said...

I'll have to try those Klondike bars. I'm always looking for ice cream that tastes good but doesn't add to my problem areas. And I'm in the market for a good sports bra. At that price, I guess I'll have to just get one and keep washing it. Or just exercise once a week...

Melissa (Avid Reader) said...

I may have to check out that bra. I have yet to find one that isn't horrible.

The Bumbles said...

Sure wish I'd known about this sports bra over the weekend. I would have bought one for the older lady jiggling away in her massage chair across from me at the pedicure place. NOT what you want to look at when trying to have a relaxing conversation with a friend, let me tell you!