Are you cool with gore and really bad language? Good, then you are going to love this movie. Am I a bad mother for allowing my son to watch it? Yes, probably. But this was right up his alley. He already has been informed of the "bad words" and is threatened within an inch of his life for using them.
This is not a serious movie really. It is insanely over-the-top with regards to undead flesh-eaters chasing and eating live humans, and can be very disgusting, but throughout the entire flick, we were laughing until our stomachs hurt.
Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg) is a studious young college student who is just a dude trying to survive the zombie apocalypse. He has made it thus far by following 30 important survival rules which include Cardio (to effectively outrun them), The Double Tap (two shots to the head just to make sure), Always Look in the Back Seat, or Avoid Public Restrooms.
On his way to Ohio to see if his parents are still alive, he runs across a Twinkie-obsessed redneck Floridian named Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson), who helps him in the struggle. Later they happen upon a beautiful young woman and her "little sister" (Emma Stone and Abigail Breslin), and the four head out to LA where they hear there is a zombie-free amusement park. There is alot of shooting, zombie-slaying, some furtive glancing between Stone and Eisenberg, and its all just a madcap bunch of fun.
The highlight of the movie for me was when the four survivors break into Bill Murray's house in LA and find him there, disguised as a zombie, hiding out and drinking his stash of expensive wine. Most wacky. Scene. Ever. In the best possible way.

My husband loves these kind of weird movies! But me, I'll stay in the other room, thank you!
You're a better mother than I am to sit through that. I bet Vance would love it, though!
We, too, were pleasantly surprised by this movie. LOVED it!
I am discovering that I love zombies as well, so I think Ryan has great taste! I need to see if I can make some time to watch this one. It sounds really fun!
Oh thanks so much for reminding me about this movie! I am going to add it to our queue before I forget again - I love twisted movies that make fun of the genre while paying homage to it too.
I love this movie. I wasn't expecting to, but it was so funny. The Bill Murray scene was the best.
Okay, these are so NOT my thing! That last image was pretty funny though.
My husband is obsessed with zombies so we saw this when it came out! I thought it was pretty funny and entertaining.
Definitely my kind of humor! Glad you liked it.
My husband made me watch this the other day because he loves the movie and I think bought a copy. I have to say I enjoyed it too. =)
I watched this with my brother and it was out there in the best of ways!
By the way, I'm assuming you've seen it already Ms. Movie but if you haven't, you guys should definitely watch Shaun of the Dead. Funniest zombie movie I've ever seen!
This movie was hilarious, waacky fun! I loved Bill Murray's cameo and his one regret :D
what is it with zombies?
my bro was recommending a zombie movie the other day...was this it? I must find out.
I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this movie, tbh, I expected it to be terrible. :)
This movie will be a big hit at my house!
I thought this movie was going to be soooo dumb and annoying, but you're right, it's hilarious! The part with Bill Murray is toooo awful and funny.
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