Before I talk about our trip though, a few words about the earlier part of the week. My son's football team had an incredible experience playing at the Citrus Bowl, but unfortunately they lost. It was a bittersweet way to end the season, but these guys will never forget it. (Plus, there is always next year!) Monday was Halloween, and I'm sad to say that my kids were just not that into it this year. It could be overload of schedule, or it could be their age. They put about 10 minutes of thought into their costumes, then after a lackluster round of candy-gathering, they gave it all up to other kids. ???? Perhaps next year we will stay home and watch scary movies.
I had a book club meeting on Tuesday to discuss "Middlesex". What is not to love? Next month we will be discussing "Room" and will also be doing a fun book exchange.
The kids and I actually went on the Washington DC field trip last year, so we did have some overlap on activities from year to year, but for the most part, we saw many new things. In DC, we visited the Newseum (a relatively new museum dedicated to the history of journalism and news), the Smithsonian Museum of American History, the National Archives, the Capitol, the Lincoln and Jefferson memorials. Our favorite by far was the Newseum. They had a collection of newspaper articles from the very first printed newspaper through today, a wall of 9/11 headlines from all over the world, and all of the Pulitzer photographs. Had to drag the kids out of there.
We had walking tours of the Jamestown settlement, Williamsburg and Mount Vernon. We had these tours last year but it was in torrential rain, so this time we were actually able to enjoy ourselves. We also had an after-dinner story-telling session outside around the fire in Williamsburg, but my daughter and I surreptitiously crept out to do a little more shopping at those cute little shops. Williamsburg and Mount Vernon are totally charming and gorgeous with the fall foliage. I could go back to either of those places again and again.
Our last day was spent in Philadelphia visiting the National Constitution Center, Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell and the Franklin Institute. My ears perked up when I heard we were going to the Franklin Institute because I knew that they exhibited THE Mallairdet automaton that inspired Brian Selznick's in "The Invention of Hugo Cabret". We didn't have near enough time at this completely cool museum, but I drug my kids in a beeline (as they rolled their eyes) to see the automaton:

Our last day was spent in Philadelphia visiting the National Constitution Center, Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell and the Franklin Institute. My ears perked up when I heard we were going to the Franklin Institute because I knew that they exhibited THE Mallairdet automaton that inspired Brian Selznick's in "The Invention of Hugo Cabret". We didn't have near enough time at this completely cool museum, but I drug my kids in a beeline (as they rolled their eyes) to see the automaton:
Next year's field trip will be to Boston, and I'm really hoping that my son and I (daughter will be off to high school) will be able to participate. You want to hear what the teacher is working on for 2013? Rome!
Today I'm just attempting to unpack my suitcase, go to a high school open house for my daughter, get my son's hair cut, and take my daughter to horseback riding lessons. I'm hoping that for the next couple of weeks I will be able to chill out and get some things done before we head out for the beach for Thanksgiving.
Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday, helped for some of you by the fall-back time change!

Today I'm just attempting to unpack my suitcase, go to a high school open house for my daughter, get my son's hair cut, and take my daughter to horseback riding lessons. I'm hoping that for the next couple of weeks I will be able to chill out and get some things done before we head out for the beach for Thanksgiving.
Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday, helped for some of you by the fall-back time change!

I am so jealous, the Newseum sounds wonderful. I'm such a history museum nerd. I would have been in heaven!
Your school's trips sounds wonderful. Is is required that parents attend with their student?
Your Sunday plans are so deserve some down time.
I'm sure Room will be a wonderful discussion with your group. It was a wonderful listen for me this year.
Welcome home!
It sounds like you had a very busy week! I am so thrilled that you got the chance to see the automaton! I bet it was very exciting to see the invention that inspired such an amazing book! It sounds like you need a week to relax and recoup. My busy week is just beginning though. I am watching a friend's elderly mother and organizing my church's Fall Festival this week, so I hope that I have a little time to read. But if not, I always have audios! Have a great week!
Dit you get to see the automaton run? I've seen the video on Youtube. It's amazing. I saw a preview for the movie version, Hugo. I'm not sure. I loved the book too much to really enjoy a movie about it. It does look like a visual stunner and Martin Scorsese still hasn't got a tripod to keep his camera still, but I loke the old fasioned bookish nature of the story on paper.
You've been in my part of the world again! Newseum (along with The Spy Museum) are big field trip favorites in this area so I can definitely see why it is hard to get the kids out of there. I once had a really special day there with students - the morning after Obama was elected. I work with a largely African American population, and to see that wall od newspapers with his face and victory on each was an overwhelmingly emotional experience for many.
Hope you enjoyed Williamsburg as well - my undergraduate haunting grounds.
I suggested Middlesex to my book club for this month but I was shot down pretty quickly. Oh well, their loss! I am glad you had a good trip.
I wish you could bottle me up some of your energy pills! Even just reading what you're doing today, I'm exhausted!
My school was nowhere near as awesome as your kids' school. Seriously, those are some wicked field trips. We like went to Six Flags or something.
Those are some really great field trips! My husband said you guys must have a great PTA to get such fantastic trips. :)
Very neat that you got to see the automaton. I told my husband about the newseum because we hadn't heard of it and he has a business trip to DC soon.
Your trip sounds wonderful especially the Newseum and the automaton! Those sound like some great trips your children's school plans!
I'm amazed at the energy you have!
It was sweet of your kids to give the Halloween candy they collected away. A scary movie is a great idea if they're not into trick-or-treating next year.
I hope there is some relaxation in your near future!
1. I'm impressed that you posted today, after returning so late last night (even with the 'extra' hour)!
2. the class trip to DC (etc.) sounds wonderful - nice that you can chaperone and enjoy the trip, too.
3. Boston in 2012?! OK, give me your itinerary and I'll tail you :)
What amazing trips you guys take! And I'm just 30 minutes from Philly!! If I'd known, maybe we could have met up!
Two of my favorite cities - DC & Philly. Such treasure troves of history and knowledge. Lucky ducks that you are to have the opportunity to soak them in. I hope Boston serves you well next year - although sharing the history of Fenway with you was fun and may be hard to top ;0)
Reading your weekly recaps always make me want to take a nap! LOL Glad you're back home. I hope you get some time to relax. :)
Sounds like a wonderful trip! Glad you are home safe and sound.
What an exhausting but really fun trip! Rome? Cool.
Awesome! Glad you enjoyed the Newseum -- that's definitely one of my favorite local spots. I always tell people not to discount it just because you must pay to get in (most everything else on/near the Mall is free). Though it's not cheap, it's such a moving experience to walk through and see those newspaper headlines and the portion of the Berlin Wall.
I love the sound of Newseum too. It sounds as though you had a fantastic trip! I hope you get everything sorted and back to normal soon. Although normal for you always seems packed! Have a wonderful week.
The Boy goes to DC this June with some of his graduating classmates but I am no going with him. I know I will be a nervous wreck the entire time. He is going with a reputable tour company and is very responsible (for the most part) but still.
I can't believe you posted about the trip given how busy you are, but I'm glad you did. I love reading your re-cap travel posts.
I would love to see that exhibit! My book club picked Middlesex to read next year and I'm excited. I'm the only one who has already read it. I also talked them into Clara and Mr. Tiffany at your suggestion.
You weren't too far from me! We just got back from DC a few hours ago!
What a fun trip! You're brave to be a chaperone - I used to volunteer Carl for all the overnight field trips, although I did get stuck with one to, get this, Orlando! I did volunteer for the Hawaii trip, but Vance nixed that one.
I'm considering a trip to DC next year...if I do go, I'm definitely going to the Newseum!
And Rome! How come I never had a teacher who planned such cool field trips!?! ;-) What a fabulous opportunity for the kids (and the chaperones).
Newseum is great! I also adore the spy museum! Those are two of the newer ones. I'm glad you all had a great time...and Mt. Vernon...I love that place. Did you (not the kids) get to try some of their "brews?"
I hope you enjoy Boston when you go. That will be a very busy trip...I hope you get to "bunker" hill that is really Breeds hill and climb the monument...that is an exercise...getting up the hill to the monument (if you walk it) and up to the top of the monument (no elevators here).
ROME would be fantastic...I never had any cool school trips like that! Jealous of those kids...and you who gets to tag along!
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