November 23 - Hugo (Rated PG). Adapted from "The Invention of Hugo Cabret", one of the best kids' novels EVAH, and directed by Martin Scorcese, I pray the movie will live up to expectations. I'm scared, but I will take my chances. Filmed in 3D.
November 25 - The Artist (Rated PG-13). This black-and-white silent film has stunned audiences everywhere, and has HUGE Oscar buzz. I can't say I would have originally picked it as something I'd want to see, but after hearing my sister talk about it as THE movie to see this season, and after reading about it in EW, I am there.
December 9 - Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (Rated R). Gary Oldman, Colin Firth, Tom Hardy. Need I say more?
December 9 - We Need To Talk About Kevin (Rated R). Heart-breaking, gut-wrenching, but insanely compulsive book has come back to haunt our dreams in film format. I'll just have to make sure I take my Prozac first.

December 21 - The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (Rated G). Just kidding. The director has already said he didn't expect Oscar nominations because there was "too much anal rape". So there you go. There is no way I will be able to resist the pull to see this and compare it to the Swedish version.

December 25 - Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (Not Yet Rated.) Takes some cojones and confidence to release a movie on Christmas. Who's up for opening the gifts on Christmas Eve and seeing this on Christmas? I might consider it.
Other movies that may get my business:
November 16 - The Descendants (Rated R). Only because it has big Oscar buzz, and because of George Clooney.
December 30 - The Iron Lady (Rated PG-13). Again, Oscar buzz, and Meryl Streep as Margaret Thatcher.
January 27 - One for the Money (Rated PG-13). Really unsure about the casting of Katherine Heigl as Stephanie Plum, but who doesn't love this series?
So do any of these get you excited? Are there any movies on your list that I have missed?

Ooh, I want to see quite a few of those! A friend and I are going to see Sarah's Key tomorrow and we want to see several more that are on your list.
So excited to hear about the Kevin film. The book was crazy.
Hugo, Kevin and Dragon Tattoo are all on my 'must see' list, but I don't get to go to the cinema much so I'm just patiently waiting for the DVD.
I hope you enjoy them!
I'm dying to see Hugo, and a little nervous about Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close. I want it to be good so badly, but it's such a difficult story to adapt...
Very funny write up about The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo! You all usually get movies before we do so I'm betting you'll beat me to that one...
I absolutely want to see EL&IC on Christmas and I think the hubby agrees, but I would have to make sure my in-laws were okay with it since that's where we'll be! Otherwise it'll have to be shortly after. As for the Kevin movie.. I want to see that but I want to read the book first, lol!
You made me do a double take with the Dragon Tattoo one! I'll be seeing mostly kids movies this Christmas season (Arthur Christmas and Happy Feet 2). My husband showed me a promo for a movie that we both want to see - hah, I finally figured out what it's called, "In Time." I hadn't realized that it was already in the theaters so it took me longer to find it.
I can't wait to see Kevin and also to compare the Dragon Tattoo movies. A lot of these others look like things I would perhaps see on video, but I need to make a choice about what to see over the holiday weekend! Thanks for this comprehensive list!
Looking forward to Hugo and the Clooney flick. You've made me curious about Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy--that is some cast!
yes, you really have to watch that anal rape if you want an Oscar! A bit is ok..just not too much.
I am hopeful but cautious about that one. I hope it is not a mess.
How have I heard NOTHING about The Artist? Have to google that one..
The still from the Kevin movie just chilled me!!!
I'm really excited about TGWTDT! I tweet every time I see a preview for it. Hugo also might be good, but some reason I'm leery about it; will probably wait for it to come out on video.
I just ordered the Hugo book after adoring Brian Selznik's new book! I am excited to read Hugo after seeing the movie trailer. I think that will be a must see for us!
I'm really excited about most of the ones you listed. I don't know about Tattoo, because I saw the swedish one and I feel like that girl is Lisbeth in my mind. I've heard the Kevin movie is good though, so I'm looking forward to it.
I am so exceed about seeing all of these and more that I can't think of!
I so wanted to watch he Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. I'm not sure if it'll be screened here in view of its nature. Hmmm...
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