Every year the movie buffs issue their usual scream-fest lists for your Halloween entertainment pleasure, featuring a multitude of Halloweens, Omens, Friday the 13ths, Rings, Exorcists, etc. My sister, the resident buff in our family, directed me to a list that was a bit different - horror films off the beaten path. I loved this quirky collection, and was proud to admit that I'd seen 15 of the 25 mentioned.
I was raised on scary flicks, and from my teen years on, have enjoyed about every sub-genre of horror there is...slasher, psychological, camp, Italian, you name it. I am not easily scared or offended. But when I browsed through the above-mentioned list, I realized there were a few movies that needed to be addressed. MOVIES THAT LEFT ME REPULSED. Whether you are into that kind of thing, or you just prefer to be warned, please behold. (Note that general plot points may be spoiled, but in no way will lessen the impact - trust me).
The Human Centipede - Creepy modern Dr. Frankenstein has this great idea to take three humans and splice them together surgically, mouth to butt, forming one gastrointestinal tract. Every awful visual you can imagine and more is laid out before you, from the abduction of the three victims, the surgery, and the consequences of the first guy (the one with the mouth) eating and digesting food.
This film is seriously demented. Although critics pretty much universally HATED this movie for its gratuitous debasement, according to EW it has become a cult favorite. (Good Lord, what does this say about our society?) So much that they have made a Human Centipede 2, where there are twelve folks involved in the experiment. As my sister sagely said, it is unnecessary to see the second movie - we get it.

Antichrist - Whatever you might expect from famed director Lars von Trier or actor Willem Dafoe, I would bet it isn't this. After losing their toddler son in a tragic accident (which we witness in a stomach-turning, slow motion sequence that seemed to last for at least fifteen or twenty minutes), they retreat to a remote cabin for some unorthodox psycho-therapy to heal their hearts and their marriage. What happens instead is their descent into madness through self-mutilation and self-loathing.
There were scenes in this film that caused me physical pain, and by the end, I was good and angry. I felt that this was nothing but a cheap ploy for shock value, dressed up as an artsy indie. Although many others were horrified by this movie, many lauded it as brilliant. I don't know, you be the judge. Just prepare yourself when the scissors come out.

There were scenes in this film that caused me physical pain, and by the end, I was good and angry. I felt that this was nothing but a cheap ploy for shock value, dressed up as an artsy indie. Although many others were horrified by this movie, many lauded it as brilliant. I don't know, you be the judge. Just prepare yourself when the scissors come out.

Drag Me To Hell - This movie is actually a Nawrot favorite, owned and oft-viewed by the kids. Unlike the previous two movies, there is no poo-eating or self-mutilation. In fact this one is rated PG-13, but is full of everything you would want in a horror flick.
When a young, attractive loan officer denies a nasty old woman (named Ganush) an extension on her mortgage, thus evicting her from her home, Ganush places a curse on her.
There are jumps, spewing embalming fluid, projectile blood, maggots, animal sacrifices, all a total gross-fest. As many times as I've seen this thing, I never fail to turn my head and go "urrrrgh!". The cool thing about the movie, directed by Sam Raimi, is that it defies some standard conventions. Creepy things happen during the day. The evil creature is a little old lady. And it doesn't end happily. But you can have fun with it. Just give your stomach a chance to settle before you watch it.
These are not your mother's horror films, so be prepared. Perhaps I might even double-dog dare you to watch them, just so we can be repulsed together. Don't say I didn't warn you though.
(Have a Happy Halloween!)

When a young, attractive loan officer denies a nasty old woman (named Ganush) an extension on her mortgage, thus evicting her from her home, Ganush places a curse on her.
There are jumps, spewing embalming fluid, projectile blood, maggots, animal sacrifices, all a total gross-fest. As many times as I've seen this thing, I never fail to turn my head and go "urrrrgh!". The cool thing about the movie, directed by Sam Raimi, is that it defies some standard conventions. Creepy things happen during the day. The evil creature is a little old lady. And it doesn't end happily. But you can have fun with it. Just give your stomach a chance to settle before you watch it.
These are not your mother's horror films, so be prepared. Perhaps I might even double-dog dare you to watch them, just so we can be repulsed together. Don't say I didn't warn you though.
(Have a Happy Halloween!)

Putting these on my list of "I will never watch in a 1000 years." Thanks for the warnings.
uh-uh, no way, not me!! ;)
Ahhh, the human centipede. I saw that one a couple of weeks ago and seriously feel scarred for life. And I'm a horror fan to the HIGHEST! Possibly because I avoid scatological innuendos at all cost? Seriously, fart jokes? Gross. :-/ I still get the heebiejeebies thinking about it.
On another note, I'll have to check out the second flick, Antichrist. I like both director and actor and am surprised that actor would be apart of something so explicitly ______. (?)
Seriously demented is right! LOL
I just discovered the one area we are NOT compatible in. I avoid scary movies like the plague. If you turned this on, I'd run in the opposite direction.
I like a good horror movie, and lucky me, the first two are available on Netflix Streaming...dare I watch alone?? The last movie will have to be sent....but sounds, well repulsive. I'm not sure these make for good family viewing, but I might give them a whirl. I was able to relive my fear Saturday night with The Exorcist, that vile scene with the cross will never go away....but I just kept watching.
Oh yeah, Drag Me to Hell was awesome! As for the other two...*urgh*... not sure if I could stomach them. To add a recommendation, I saw Insidious recently & it was good. It was similar to Poltergeist--a simple, clever ghost story. Happy Hallowe'en :)
And I'd be running right alongside Kathy. To some place far, far away.
Ganush! I loved that story you told about your daughter seeing Ganush lookalikes everywhere, and told my husband about it, and we laughed and laughed! I am not really a scary movie person anymore, but these sound rather repulsive, which makes me curious. I have a couple for you too! If you haven't checked out the trailer for The Devil Inside, you really need to do that. It's like The Exorcist on steroids. And also a weird and scary movie that I really liked was called Naked Lunch. Don't know if you have seen it, but it's very strange and creepy. Huge human bugs and all that. Very weird, and based on a book that I haven't read yet. Great choices today. I hope you have a very Happy Halloween with the kids!
Eek. I like my horror subtle and atmospheric, so I don't think these would work for me either.
I'm much more a fan of the Hitchcock, what you can't see is scary, kind of scary movie. These sound terrifying!
Eeeek! I could barely look at the images as I scrolled through. I am not a scary movie person. Casper and Twilight are about as scary movie as I get. Speaking of which, my husband left the channel tuned into Twilight the other day as a joke and I ended up watching it (and making fun of the lame dialogue throughout). I was actually surprised at how tame it was, but I didn't feel any need to rush out and read the books.
Nice! I think the one that jumps out at me from your list (no pun intended) is Drag Me To Hell. I've actually meant to watch that one, but never seem to remember it in my Netflix queue. Have now added! :)
I have not seen any of these movies. (Shocking, I know.) Usually on Halloween we just watch Young Frankenstein.
Even though I'm a wuss now I used to really like horror movies... But I have never even heard of those!! I definitely will NOT take you up on that date now LOL!
i shall pass these titles on to my husband--ant is a HUGE horror film buff. we've actually taken vacations that have included stops at horror film locations (monoroeville mall in PA for dawn of the dead, hollywood and pasadena, ca for the original halloween). i don't think he has these movies in his collection. happy haunting! :)
Shoot, I thought I knew most horror movies out there but I've never heard of these at all. Not sure about the first two but I may have to check that third one out.
Yikes, these sound scary!
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