But the weather! We go a month without rain, then this week all hell broke loose. 60 mph winds, inches and inches of rain, tornadoes, hail...good grief! Our neighbor had a huge tree go right through their roof to their living room, so I'm feeling lucky that we just had some yard mess and a leaning fence. Anyway, the rain squelched some of our outdoor plans for a couple of days, but we did get some beach time on Friday. I think I've mentioned that my entire cellular structure shifts when I get near the ocean. Good for what ails ya.
We had our monthly Books, Babes and Bordeaux meeting on Thursday night to discuss The Weird Sisters. Everyone liked the book, maybe not LOVED it, but everyone could relate to family dynamics that made this book fun to read. Next month we are reading "Little Face" by Sophie Hannah. I am so damn excited! And, the meeting will be hosted at Chez Nawrot.
How is Piggy you ask? He is wonderful. It's like the little guy knows he has some catching up to do in the eating category, and he has been going non-stop, working on regaining his "baked potato bottom".
The reading has been a little spotty, with all this running around with the kids and hiding in the closet from scary weather. I did finish "Horns" by Joe Hill on audio, and started Isabel Allende's "Daughter of Fortune" for a TLC tour. In print I finished "Trail of Blood" by Lisa Black, a highlight for the UCF Book Festival. I am about halfway through "The Ingram Interview" by K.B. Dixon, a quirky little book. I read and reviewed his book "A Painter's Life" last year about this time, and it seems Dixon does quirky very well. I mean that in the best way.
I am also reading and reviewing an ARC called "29 Days To Your Perfect Weight". Now, this isn't some diet scheme, but focuses more on attitude and awareness and habits that you cultivate over 29 days. It is an interesting concept, and I'm always open to try new things, so I am going to follow it through the next month, then will write about the results.
Big week next week folks. I think I'd better eat my Wheaties. Dentist appointment, the Heathrow Literary Book Club (where we talk to Tom Franklin about Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter!), the Adult Literacy League's Reading Between the Wines event, AND the 24 Hour Readathon! I have some high hopes for this Readathon, and am still anxiously fussing over my stack of books.
So what is on your agenda today? I hear my friends in the Northeast are digging out again. Does that give you permission to stay inside and read? What are you reading today? Anything good?

Too many books to choose from! Which are good? You decide, from the covers! Do stay indoors and read!
So cool about Tom Franklin! I see he won yet another award last week. When I was making my choice for my turn to make a choice for my book club for this next time, I asked them to pick between my two choices which were Crooked Letter and A Reliable Wife. However, two members of the book club said they REFUSED to read another book about blacks (hello? is this 1950? Answer: no, but it's Arizona!), so we're going with A Reliable Wife. But I love Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter!
Am listening to Crooked Letter on audio, and reading Benny and Shrimp. I am also doing the year long read along of War and Peace, and my lunch time read at work is The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind.
The weather here is very strange. We had all that rain and wind, too. Tomorrow's supposed to be 80 and Tuesday's supposed to be 60 - go figure.
Today, I'm meeting with my Skype book club. ;)
It is great to see that you are reading Little Face - I loved that book! I hope that you have a great discussion about it. :-)
yes, you dodged a bullet with those wind/rain storms! I hope your neighbor's cleanup/repair is going quickly.
Readathon?! You'll be taking a napathon after this week! So many fun things on your agenda - I'm especially intrigued about "Between the Wines" and hope you post more about this after the event.
Yesterday's sun melted most of the 4 inches of snow we got in that crazy April Fool's Day storm. That's New England for you!
I'm giving my self an hour, maybe two to visit book blogs and work on my own this morning, then I'm off to work. I've a large stack of papers to grade, a yearbook to finish up, bills to pay and drafts of our tax form to finalize and put in the mail.
Maybe a little reading this evening. But at this point, I can't wait for Monday.
I'm giving my self an hour, maybe two to visit book blogs and work on my own this morning, then I'm off to work. I've a large stack of papers to grade, a yearbook to finish up, bills to pay and drafts of our tax form to finalize and put in the mail.
Maybe a little reading this evening. But at this point, I can't wait for Monday.
I think I'm heading off to see Sucker Punch today, but since you say Insidious is pretty scary, I might try to sway the group opinion in that direction. I could go for some scary.
So glad Rufus is healthy again! I started a Richard Yates bio and am perusing the stack of new books acquired during the tbr dare - so happy I can finally read them!
Sorry to hear you had sucky weather during spring break. My oldest daughter has spring break right before Easter, so I am hoping that the weather is good by then!
Don't talk to me about the weather -- UGH -- it snowed this week.
sadly, no snow for us.
I had a friend visiting NJ for business from the orlando area and I though the weather sucked here...cool and rainy...but I think she made out better here than at home!
Wow, that is a lot planned for next week! I hope that you at least get good weather for all of it. :)
How was Sucker Punch? My boys want to see it, but I'm not sure content-wise?
The weather was crazy, wasn't it? I wasn't even sure I would make it to book club that night! I am really anxious to hear what you thought about Horns, as I loved it and it gave me a new literary crush. But the ending? I am not sure how I felt about that and would love to discuss it with you. Glad to hear piggy is on the mend and eating much more. I hope you have a fun week ahead!
Glad I didn't have a vacation in Florida this week! And so glad that Piggy is doing well.
Great news about Piggy! Bummer about the weather over spring break but it's conducive to sleeping in & reading!
How cool that your talking to Tom Franklin with your Heathrow Book Club. I haven't read Crooked Letter yet but I know the reviews are great.
I'm reviewing an Isabel Allende for TLC, too. Look forward to your review!
I still have to pick my books for the readathon, too! I always change my mind at the 11th hour, though :o)
Have a great week, Sandy!
I can't wait to hear about the 29 day plan to eating better. I've been working on my own plan to actually change my eating habits rather than just dieting and then quitting.
I am so glad to hear Rufus is doing better! Wow, that made my day.
Weather - we still have snow but honestly I don't like rain much better.
Have a great week Sandy!
Yikes, sorry to hear that your weather was so crazy but happy to hear that your little piggy is all better!
I was lazy this past Sunday. But it felt so good to just hang out in bed reading. I hadn't done that in a while. I'm hoping to join on the readathon but we'll see.
You'll have to show us a list of your books for the readathon.
And, yay for Piggy getting his appetite back!
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