I had to share with you my shopping experience I had earlier this week. As you may have heard me complaining, the Borders near my home is one of the many on its way out. In fact, I think this one has about seven days left. I'd been sort of avoiding that whole scene because it felt creepy to me...like rummaging through the pockets of a corpse.
But when the kids and I were out and about during Spring Break, I drove by and thought "why not?". So hanging my head in shame and disgust with myself, we went in to see the carnage. There was actually quite a bit left, and everything was 50% off or more. So here is what I came home with. I guess a word to the wise...don't die in my presence with good jewelry or cash on your person.

But when the kids and I were out and about during Spring Break, I drove by and thought "why not?". So hanging my head in shame and disgust with myself, we went in to see the carnage. There was actually quite a bit left, and everything was 50% off or more. So here is what I came home with. I guess a word to the wise...don't die in my presence with good jewelry or cash on your person.

That's all?!! I figured you would come out with 2 or 3 shopping bags. LOL
You made me laugh! But I know what you mean. I've raided the still dying corpse of Borders a few times now, and I always feel guilty in the check out lane. I feel so bad for the workers, they must be thinking where the heck all the shoppers were before the sales. That said, I have got a huge stack of books added to my tbr pile!
You did really well. I want that Jo Nesbo book -- REDBIRD. I loved THE DEVIL'S STAR and I hope you really enjoy DIAMOND RUBY. Joe is a terrific writer, storyteller, and guy!
I completely understand about the guilt. And I did shop at my local Borders on occasion. All of ours in Austin are closing and it's just so sad. My daughter and I were in there the other day and it felt like a funeral. I think I'll go back once more just to make sure there isn't one more book I need - well, I need more than one book, but I don't have room for many books right now. :-)
I know how you felt. We went to an estate sale once and I felt so dirty, just for being there, that I couldn't look around. I've never been to another one.
I do think you helped Borders by adding a little money to their coffers and you certainly helped yourself by bringing home some great books!
Don't be so hard on yourself! I did the same too and came away with quite a stack. But someone has to buy those books. Ridding themselves of existing inventory will hopefully help them pay publishers they owe and reorganize so that they may have some chance of saving the chain. Read away without guilt!
I'm with Susan. LOL
I went too, and couldn't find any Nesbo. I did find one Kate Atkinson, which I got, and a toy for my nieces, but that particular Border's never had such a good selection even before they were picked over!
I'll be interested to see what you think of 1000 Autumns - I absolutely loved it. I've got Devil's Star out of the library to try out as well.
And there is no shame in raiding the pockets of a dying bookshop.
Looks like a great haul, I'm surprised there were so many good books left.
Actually, I think you exercised great restraint! My book club really enjoyed One Thousand White Women - hope you do, too.
Rifling the pockets of a corpse!?! :) Love it. I've never really thought about it that way. Then again, I also like estate sales. :)
The Handbook for Lightening Strike Survivors has been calling me for a while. I hope you read it soon so that you can confirm whether or not it is for me.
I'm sure that you'll love Nesbo - enjoy :-)
What will they do with the books that don't sell? You have helped in some way don't feel bad.
I want Bad Things and the Jo Nesbo books also, great ones you got there.
There are Border corpses all over sadly. He/she would have wanted someone like you to make off with his/her body parts. (ok that analogy is starting to get too creepy)
Can't wait to see what you think of the Mitchell and Jo Nesbo!
Well they are closing so you might as well get a few bargains. Looks like you got a great stack!
Your warning is duly noted! :)
Oh, you silly girl, feeling bad...
I would love to check out those Nesbo books...
After talking with you, I did some shameful shopping of my own, but not at Borders. I bought quite a few Kindle books, and now I feel very guilty. You got some amazing stuff there and I am looking forward to these reviews. I might ask nicely if I can borrow the Mitchell book when you are done with it!
I'm 80 pages into The Thousand Autumns of Jacob De Zoet. It's due back at the library this week, and there's no way I'll be done in time...so I might have to just pay the overdue fines. It started out very slow, but it's getting more interesting.
Enjoy! I think I may have done much worse. lol.
Wow, I can't believe you showed such restraint! ;)
I know what you mean! I think what feels the worst for me is that I think about all the employees who are losing their jobs. How much must it suck to have to put up with noisy, rude customers (I saw my fair share) and knowing you don't even have a job anymore. Of course it hasn't stopped me from going in several times and buying books.
Enjoy your books!
It seems like there’s one Borders closing near every book blogger. *sigh* For me there are actually two. One of them is completely out of fiction titles, while the other, inside a shopping mall, still offers a good selection for 70% off. I actually consider buying some of the bookshelves and fixtures. They are going for $35 a piece. I also bought all the Toni Morrison books they have, as well as Anita Brookner. By the way, Thomas (From My Porch) told me that July 16 will be international Brookner day, so I'm stocking up just in time.
If we had a Borders ANYWHERE near us I'd have been there too!
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