Well, last night was Oscar night, and it wouldn't be right if we didn't have an Oscar topic. The Bumbles have suggested that we discuss our favorite Oscar moments over the years. I can't say that mine are all that unique, but here are the ones that came to my mind:
1. Sally Field's "You Really Like Me" Speech (1985)
1. Sally Field's "You Really Like Me" Speech (1985)
I loved Helen Mirren's acceptance speech for Best Actress when she said she almost fell "ass over teakettle". It stopped the show. Unlike the crude Melissa Leo who dropped the f-bomb about 5 times last evening. Was it not the most boring Oscars in history, except for the few moments when Billy Crystal was on stage? Bring back Billy!!!
I enjoyed this post, showing the "ten most memorable Oscar speeches (or moments)"
I don't really watch the Oscars, but the swan dress is burned in my memory from that particular event. I also remember hearing the Sally Field speech several times. Hard to believe that she is doing bone supplement commercials now.
I can't believe how little Sally Field appears to have changed over the decades! Gotta get me some Boniva.
Oh yeah, the one-armed push up. And the swan dress!
Ooh, great topic! Off the top of my head:
~ Adrien Brody kissing Halle Berry
~ Michael Moore's acceptance speech
~ "I'm king of the world!"
~ Shirley MacLaine's acceptance speech for Terms of Endearment ("Thank you for ending the suspense")
FYI, there are some great Oscar moments available on YouTube.
The one that stands out the most in my memory is Roberto Benigni climbing over the chairs.
Anything with Hugh Jackman, basically. :)
I don't watch the Oscars, so I don't have any favorite moments. I'm lame, I know.
Those are all great ones. I particularly remember Brody's kiss and Benigni climbing over the chairs. I always get Oscar fever and enjoy them even when they aren't great.
Those would be up there in my list too. Last night was kind of boring though, wasn't it?
I rarely watch awards shows; the speeches just frustrate me to no end. I realize it's odd for a movie buff to completely bypass the awards shows, but what can ya do? :)
I didn't want the Oscars last night (we don't have a tv) and I was kind of bummed I was missing out but I heard they weren't very good.
Best moments, Roberto Benigni is one of my favorites. Loved the movie and loved him being totally wacky.
That dress gave me the creeps. Certainly memorable!!!!
Oh yeah, I like that swan dress too.
I have forgotten (thank goodness) about that swan dress. Good one.
All good memories. I love the Oscars show and was sad that the new hosting duo missed the mark just a bit. Anne sure looked lovely in her MANY dress changes... The most memorable Awards show was when I was ALMOST the top winner in the who-will-win contest put on by the local newspaper. I lost to a guy who submitted 5 minutes before I did. :( oh well!
I remember the streaker. It happened sometime in the 70's. I was young and I remember my parents acting funny about it because I was asking them what had happened. If I'm not mistaken it happened while Elizabeth Taylor was talking?
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