Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday Salon: Who's reading?

Yo peeps! Well, I mouthed off again about our wonderful, mid-seventies weather this week and it quickly turned cold again - as cold as Florida gets anyway. I'm sitting here with cold toes (but a warm heart). Well, it was good while it lasted. While our golf game did end up getting rained out on Monday, my regular Thursday round with my lady friends couldn't have been more perfect. Still, since the kids were home for the Monday holiday, my daughter was home sick for two days this week, and the entire day on Friday was spent babysitting electronic dudes hooking up our sound system, nothing much was accomplished.

See, I am extremely distracted by the fun of having this big ass TV and speakers and stuff hooked up in our future media room. 3D! Streaming Netflix! Streaming Pandora! iPod connectivity! Now all we need is furniture. We watched a movie last night in our lawn chairs, people. Comfort won't be ours until early March. Ahhhh! Think of the movies I will watch! The downside is that I'm focusing on DVD storage, purging old CDs, ordering blinds, and where I'm going to put my displaced cabinet. Who can read with all this going on?

Not me. I did finish "The Cypress House", which I enjoyed immensely. Then I pulled a SIBA book from the shelves called "Exposed", which is a YA novel written in free verse, and it blew me out of my flip flops. Read it in two hours, even with all the chaos in the house. Now I am languishing (in other words, reading verrrrry slowly) in "An Object of Beauty" by Steve Martin. I'm quite taken with it actually. Just need to hunker down and dig in. (Who the hell knew this man could write???)

I'm still listening to "Angelology", and I'm totally loving it. It is just 17 discs long. I will finish it up this next week though, I'm sure. How I'm going to review it, I have no idea...cross that bridge later, with the assistance of Mr. Pinot Noir. But hear ye, hear ye! I received both "Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter" by Tom Franklin AND "The Distant Hours" by Kate Morton on audio this week! Hello! More fun than one audiobook junkie can handle almost.

And speaking of Tom Franklin, I received the best news this week. Mr. Franklin (via publicists) has agreed to call in to the Heathrow Literary Society in April to discuss Crooked Letter!!!! You about had to scrape me off the ceiling after I got the news. I will tip my hat to the ever-connected ever-entertaining Rebecca for pointing me in the right direction on that one.

So I hear many of you are participating in Bloggiesta this weekend. I didn't see it coming, but I almost never have that kind of time on weekends. I did manage to catch up with reviews on Friday while the techies were in the house, so I guess that counts. You all did cause me to sit and think about a few goals for the year, primarily copyrighting my blog, and coming up with a review policy.

A couple highlights coming next week. First, Books Babes and Bordeaux will be meeting to discuss "The Lotus Eaters", with Tatjana Soli calling in to talk to us. (I'll post a highlight on that event.) Then my family will be staying at a Universal Studios resort for the weekend, and participating in lots of Harry Potter, rollercoasters, and fine dining, pretending we are on vacation. Woo hoo! I'm sorry in advance if I don't make it around to all your posts. I'll do my best!

I hope you all have a relaxing, productive (for Bloggiesta participants) Sunday. What are you up to today?


Julie P. said...

That is such exciting news about Tom Franklin. I adored his book and I'm sure hearing him talk about it will be fascinating!

rhapsodyinbooks said...

I hate babysitting maintenance type people. It uses up tons of time! I had to do that Friday....

Harvee44 said...

I didn't join Bloggiesta either -no time!

Was busy setting up two book giveaways and reviewing. Hope you have a good week!
Book Bird Dog

JoAnn said...

Don't know what's happened with me and audiobooks this year... haven't finished one yet! Have heard great thing s about Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter.

Literary Feline said...

I hope you have slippers or socks to help keep your toes warm! A friend of mine is in Florida visiting from Sweden and she was surprised to be met with cold weather. I think she was hoping for more tropical weather. :-)

I don't even want to think about all that will need to be done when we move into our new house! I imagine it will look much like your list though. :-) Part of the reason I'm really hoping the move can take place while I'm on maternity leave. :-S My luck, it won't work quite that way!

Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter is one of the books that is getting set aside so I can read it before we move. I can't wait!

I hope you have a great week, Sandy!

Molly said...

The entertainment room sounds divine -- will you be posting pictures?

I am totally jealous of the Harry Potter weekend. Some year the family will end up taking that vacation.

Have a terrific week, Sandy!

Trisha said...

I keep picturing you chillaxing in a lawn chair! Awesome! :)

Amy said...

sounds like you're having a fabulous reading season and all! :)

Iliana said...

How fun that you'll have the author call in for your book club! Can't wait to hear how that goes.

Sorry your golf game got rained out. Man, I can't believe the cold temps the south has been getting this year.

I bet your kids are counting down until next weekend! You guys will have a blast I'm sure.

Carrie K. said...

My library has Angelology on Overdrive - I'm so excited! Hope you have a great week -sounds like lots of fun things planned. :)

ds said...

Love the picture I'm getting of you all sitting around your TV with surroundsound (Mr. L-S is jealous in absentia!!) in lawn chairs...Sorry about the rained out golf game.
Hope your daughter is feeling better. Have a great, less frantic week!

bermudaonion said...

Holy cow, when do you sleep? I'm not telling Carl about that media room, because he will be sooo jealous. I can't wait to see what you think of Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter - it's an Okra Pick.

Gavin said...

Wow, there is always so much going on around your house! The TBR Dare is making me wait for "CL,CL". It is on hold at the library. Have a great and wild week, Sandy.

Heidenkind said...

Sometimes too much connectivity is a very bad thing. I have to force myself to read without any distractions.

Alyce said...

I can't wait to hear about what the meeting on The Lotus Eaters is like. I loved the book and am interested in what the author has to say about it.

I haven't been golfing in ages! We went several times about a year and a half ago and then our busy lives took over again. It doesn't help either that it's always raining here.

Jenners said...

Your media room sounds amazing!!!

And your book clubs are having amazing guest visitos ... lucky you! (I'm sure they are thrilled to have you as part of the club.)

Peppermint Ph.D. said...

I didn't Bloggiesta this year either...certainly have a list of things I'd like to do so maybe next year :)

Unknown said...

I am so jealous of your book group. I wish I could teleport my way to each of your meetings.

Have a fantastic week - it sounds a lot better than mine is going to be!!

Ti said...

Your media room is going to be great once it's all done. You didn't menion a wine cellar though. It greatly enhances the viewing experience.

Zibilee said...

I read Martin's Shopgirl years ago, and really loved it. An Object of Beauty is on my shortlist for the new year. Your media room sounds like it's going to be awesome, and I might just have to invite myself over! I have been really busy today on the blogs, as I was away for the weekend, and now I have to play catch up! Craziness!

Beth F said...

Wow!!! Love the sound of your media room (lawn chairs and all - ha!).

I loved Angelology too.

Alice said...

Sandy, I envy you and your media room! I am thinking of re-subscribing to for some audio fix. Audio CDs are a tad on the expensive side and I found out that the Harry Potter series costs over US$270 (after discount) at I raised my white flag...