A cold, snowy Sunday to you all out there. How many of you are under? Quite a few I've heard. We aren't "under" per se, but it did get a bit nippy last night. I got a little cocky this week with Caite, bragging about how I could lay out by the pool and drink fruity drinks in the warm Florida weather, so that is what I get. Bad Karma.
So the kids were back to school this week, and not a moment too soon. I got a chance to do some serious walking, attempting to work off lobster tails, cheese fondue, cheesy mashed potatoes and my husband's mixed drinks. Beyond that, I persisted in lining up visits from various worker boys. Estimates on stuff, the all-exciting cable provider visit for an upcoming 3D HD TV, scheduling furniture pick-up, all that business. I am also attempting to finalize the school library volunteer schedule for the last half of the year, with people dropping like flies. New football league for my son, with practices from 6pm to 8pm. I swear I didn't sit down and read for more than five minutes a day, and it is cramping my style.
Anyone getting excited for the new season of American Idol? I am. If only to see if these three can pull off some chemistry and make us forget Simon. And while I am going through my Entertainment Weekly, I must add that I am half-disgusted, half-tickled that they are calling Selena Gomez "Justin Bieber's cougar". I'm easily entertained...it doesn't take much.
A few books that smacked me upside the head and said "READ ME" (after the TBR Dare, that is): Swamplandia! by Karen Russell (I don't know, it is a Florida thing I guess) and The Sentry by Robert Crais (hard-body, strong-and-silent, tattooed Joe Pike makes my motor hum). And then of course, I got an e-mail from Rhapsody Jill, the temptress, with things I must read after The Dare as well. It is going to take three years to dig myself out of the hole after The Dare, haha!
So, because of the walking, I managed to finish Freedom on audio. If you held a gun to my head, I'm not sure I could tell you how I feel. Gonna have to let it simmer and stew and see what is left. Some good feelings, some not so good. I also completed, in about a day and a half, Moonlight Mile by Dennis Lehane. Not mind-blowing, but entertaining. Now I am a few discs into Pray for Silence by Linda Castillo, the sequel to Sworn to Silence which I reviewed this week.
And yet I LABOR over the printed novel, The Lake of Dreams by Kim Edwards. Going on what? Close to two weeks now? It really isn't bad, but is not captivating enough to make me sit down and focus. The slow pace makes me want to rip out my hairs. You'd think I could work up the cajones to stop the bleeding and cast it aside, but I can't because I've heard good things about the book.
So next week the husband turns 50, so I must cater to him. I've got a book club meeting on Ape House by Sarah Gruen. I'm supposed to facilitate the discussion this time, but it will be difficult since I hated the book! I'm hoping to golf, provided we have decent weather. And I'm going to finish this printed book if it kills me. Goals are our friends!
I hope you are quickly able to dig yourself out of wherever you are. If not, build a fire, make some hot chocolate and read a book!

I need you to do a tutorial for me on how to download books to your IPod. I could keep the house a lot cleaner if I could listen to a book while I cleaned!
I just love how you infuse your sense of humor into all aspects of life. I am trying to do more of that this year :)
Enjoy the golf (I am personally hoping for a snow day tomorrow) and celebrating your husband's 50th!
yeah, you can lay out by the pool, allright - in your long pants, turtle neck sweaters and warm socks! Maybe it's warmer in your neck of the state. My grandson thought he was going swimming here at Christmas. Ha! The water is about 50 degrees or less. Have a good week, happy reading and listening to the heat pump going. Grrrr . . . .
I'm burning my next audio to my mp3 player right this second.
Just remember, 50 is still young. Really. I think I even remember turning 50.
What a busy week. I think I have decided to stay far, far away from Jonathan Franzen. Just a few pages of The Correction was enough to scare me away for a long, long while.
I want the sparknotes for Freedom. ;) I miss golf. No luck on that front until at least late March though.
I'm in Mississippi so every time snow is in the forecast people in our area go completely nuts. There is no bread on any grocery store shelf within 100 miles of my house :/...and yes, to be fair, I bought some too. We will probably not get a drop of any precipitation whatsoever but it is "butt-cold" ouside as my 16 year old would say ;)
I received Freedom for Christmas...thanks for the heads up...and I can't wait to read Pray for Silence...it's been on my TBR for too long :)
I can't imagine leading a discussion for a hated book - good luck with that! As for Freedom, I just loved it, but can see how it's not for everyone. I won't point a gun to your head and ask for an opinion.... will just wait patiently ;-)
"It really isn't bad, but is not captivating enough to make me sit down and focus."
Sounds as though you should put it aside and find something that does grab your attention - there are so many wonderful books out there that it isn't worth wasting time on those average books.
Sorry to hear that you didn't enjoy Ape House - I loved Water for Elephants and was hoping AH would be just as good.
I hope your husband has a wonderful birthday!
Well you've already seen my piles of snow - yuck! I'm completely sick of snow already and it's still going to be here for a good long while.
Sounds like you're having as good a time reading as I am right now. What I wouldn't give for a book to just grab me already and keep me reading.
Have a great Sunday Sandy! I'm settling in with a book in a minute and something hot to drink.
I keep thinkging I need to get walking again. I've been having a hard time getting into a printed book too. Maybe an audio would get me back in the reading mood...
Happy New Year Sandy! Still lurking but haven't had a lot of time to comment.
I'm reading "The Scarpetta Factor" by Patricia Cornwell at the moment.
I do not have any desire to read Gruen's new novel because I hated the last one so much. Also had to read that one for a book club. And of course, most of them loved it so I felt compelled to be polite about my dislike when I felt like tearing it to shreds. The democracy of book clubs. An occasional grrrrr! Good luck with all in front of you this week and hoping for more than 5 minutes at a time for reading for you!
Ok, well now you have to tell us more about Freedom. I almost bought that as it seems everyone is reading it but I still haven't read The Corrections, which I own, so I think I'll start with that one first. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on Ape House too!
Can't wait to hear your thoughts about APE HOUSE. I liked it ok so I'm very curious....
Selena Gomez "Justin Bieber's cougar"? I had to laugh out loud when I read this. Ahahahaa!
I finally fixed the "problem" I had with my Kindle (PC version). It turns out that I upgraded it and forgot to replace the icon at my taskbar. No wonder it wouldn't work. Hah!
Have a good week ahead, Sandy!
I have also not been a very good reader this week, and only managed to finish one book. I did start The Emperor of All Maladies on audio for my daily bike ride though, and am really learning a lot, though the narrator is a little wooden. I also trying to get back into the swing of things with the exercise but boy, it is kicking my behind right now. I hope that you and I have a much better week with the printed word, my friend. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!
Oh I'm sure Jill is having quite a bit of fun at your expense ... I expect it will get worse!
Enjou that sunshine even if it is a little chilly!
Swamplandia sounds interesting! You are already finished with several books and we're just a few days into the new year! I always like seeing what you're reading and what you think of what you've read. I've got Freedom here but still haven't picked it up!
~ Amy
I am excited about Idol. No one can compare to Simon, for what he brought to the table, but these other two will bring their own special kind of crazy I'm sure.
Sounds like the Kim Edwards book should be set aside for a while...Hope it warms up enough for you to get the golf game(s) in. I'm sure you have planned a knock-out celebration for your husband--enjoy!!
as someone with a birthday around the corner (in fact tomorrow) I agree that the husband should be waited on, hand and foot.
I will just go to work....
the bad karma thing is funny. see what you brought on Florida! you won't have the chance with this weeks WW.
Your schedule sounds as crazy as mine. Glad you find your reading moments amidst all of that. And hope by now that the weather has warmed up for you.
So you're the one who brought all of this cold weather to the South. We've got snow and ice and I am not enjoying it one bit!
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