Good afternoon friends! A couple of you have asked "where oh where is Sandy's Sunday Salon?". Well it seems last night a nasty little flu bug was able to sneak by my perimeter, and it knocked me flat on my rear end. Up until about 30 minutes ago, I could barely lift my head. Now I am propped up in a chair attempting to move my fingers. But I'm not here to whine, I'm here to talk about my week!
And what a great week it was. The weather (after a horrible storm on Tuesday night) was gorgeous, allowing me to play golf, walk, and enjoy our shortened weekend at Universal. My kids, husband and parents dined at the fabulous Emeril's on Friday night (redfish!), used our fast passes to ride just about everything in the two parks on Saturday, including Harry Potter, hang at the pool and order margaritas from the pool boy, and then dined at Mama Della's that evening and get serenaded "Sway" by their tenors. Because of my bug, we packed up early and came home this morning, which was kind of a bummer for everyone, but we have annual passes so I'm sure we will be back.
We had our Books, Babes and Bordeaux book club meeting to discuss "The Lotus Eaters" by Tatjana Soli, and also talk to Tatjana via speakerphone. Everyone loved the book, and everyone really enjoyed Tatjana, who was gracious and extremely forthcoming and easy to talk to. I was thrilled that Heather (Raging Bibliomania) was able to join us, and hope we can pull her into our little happy group of readers. She brought her AMAZING banana bread with milk chocolate chips, and besides Tatjana, was the hit of the night. I intend to do a special write-up on our evening, once I get my ducks in a row.
Some other exciting news! Heather, myself and Jenny, three local bloggers, have been asked to help promote the University of Central Florida Book Fair which is coming up in April. We will be highlighting the books featured at the fair, and will have access to the author room for interviews. Stay tuned for more information.
My reading was on the slow side, and I'm starting to get alarmed at the lack of posts I have ready and waiting. I'd better get cracking! I did finish "Angelology" on audio, and am almost finished with "Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter" as well. It was not really smart for me to listen to this book, when we won't be discussing it with the Heathrow Literary Society until April, but I got excited. And rightly so, because it is an incredible read. No wonder it was an OKRA winner - all that juicy southernness.
I also finished "An Object of Beauty" and loved that, and am about halfway through "Delirium", the new book by Lauren Oliver, author of "Before I Fall". Now for all of you TBR Dare police, this book was requested before December 31st, so I am still remaining true to my mission. I'm not sure this book is going to match up to "Before I Fall", but will reserve judgement until I finish.
OK, well, I'm ready for another nap. I probably won't post a Monday Movie Meme tomorrow, just because I don't think I have the energy. My goal, however, is to be up and running Tuesday in time for the Heathrow Literary Society discussion of "Freedom". I've got opinions, and they are dying to be expressed!
Hope you all had a fine Sunday!!