Another week gone, and I'm sitting here wondering what I actually accomplished. My husband was out of town for most of the week, so that meant less cooking, more reading, and no one to share the responsibility of picking up and dropping off for football practice. Amongst some of my friends (I won't name names to protect identities) a husband out of town can be like a mini-vacation of sorts, but we would never admit it to them. It is the wife's best-kept secret! Still, it does get lonely after awhile, and I was glad to have him back Thursday evening.
A quick diversion while I talk about football for a second: Football season has been going on since August 2nd at the Nawrot house, has required between three and five practices a week, a game each week that basically takes up most of our Saturday, volunteer hours for parents, a fundraiser or two, and multiple contusions on my son's body. We had our last game of the regular season yesterday (blew out the other team 30-0) and are headed into playoffs, which start next week. We have a practice today at 8:30am (I guess in Florida it is football over God?), a practice Monday night, and a game Tuesday night, with more practices and games if we win. While this sport has totally consumed our lives for nearly three months, I just felt the need to stop and acknowledge the beauty of it all. It teaches the kids to work as a team, to have each other's backs, that success only comes with exhausting and painful hard work, they learn a rigid, militaristic discipline, and it makes little men out of these kids. I've never seen my son so totally consumed with passion for anything besides video games. He even gets emotional when he talks about the end of the season (which he prays will continue for as long as possible.) My kids have played just about every sport there is...baseball, golf, soccer, basketball, track, volleyball...but nothing has quite had the same impact. So while I look forward to having my life back at some point, it is bittersweet. I had to get that off my chest.
So anyway, Friday morning I was flying around the house, and I smashed my left foot on something and it dropped me in my tracks and actually brought me to tears, and I'm not a crying-from-pain kind of girl. I don't know if I actually broke the damn thing (who can tell?) but I can barely walk. This is quite distressing for someone who loves to walk. I guess we will see this Tuesday when I meet my friend Susan for our frequent walking / therapy session. I am such a klutz.
I did get some reading done this week. I finished The Typist, but haven't written the review yet. It is a toughie. It was a subtle but wonderful viewpoint of post WWII occupation of Japan, and left me thinking about it for days. I also read a quick short story (novella?) called Blockade Billy by Stephen King. James (Ready When You Are, C.B.) and I thought we might do something fun with it. We will see. I'm also about two-thirds of the way through Room, which I am reading for one of my book clubs. Holy crap, you guys. I know it seems like half the world has read this book and I'd been warned that it was unique and disturbing, but nothing can quite prepare you for this. This woman is freaking brilliant.
In audiobook land, the kids and I continue to slowly listen to White Cat. I'm not making any judgements yet on this one - it is too soon to tell. Our listening in the car has been on the unproductive side, either because we are not all in the car together, or there is an drama that needs to be discussed, or studying that needs to be done. This book is only six discs though, so we will get there. I'm also thiiiiis close to finishing Last Night at Twisted River by John Irving. A consuming book for sure. Don't know that I would put it on my top ten list, but after twenty discs, you can help but get sucked into the story. I should knock that out today. No idea on what I will listen to next. Red Hook Road? Time Traveler's Wife? Angelology? Venetia Kelly's Traveling Show? Backseat Saints? What do you think?
OK, time to get the child out of bed and feed him before practice. It has been nice having this peaceful quiet time with you. Have a great Sunday!

Oh Sandy - I remember those football days and while they were exhausting at the time, I miss the family bonding time. I wish the team great success in the playoffs.
The week's reading sounds fantastic - as usual. I had hoped to read Blockade Billy this summer (I absolutely LOVE baseball) - but the book did not become available at the library until school started. I look forward to seeing what you and CB have cooked up.
Hope the foot heals soon. If not, you best head to the doctor sometime soon.
Ouch!!!!!!!!! Hope you recover quickly.
I liked White Cat -- but you have to be into mobster stories i think. And maybe not as interesting to young kids who are mobster-story freaks??
All your audio choices look fabulous. You won't go wrong with whatever you pick.
My son never played football, but he was in the marching band and when it came to the post season, I always prayed that the team would lose (I'm so bad), but of course, they would win right up to the quarter finals or something like that. I'll pray that your son's team wins!
I can't wait to see what you have to say about The Typist - Michael Knight was one of the authors at my table at the Moveable Feast and he piqued my interest for sure.
I'm reading Red Hook Road on audio right now and loving it, I'd say go with that one next.
Happy Sunday!
I've recently finished The Typist myself. I agree with what you said completely. I'm not sure exactly how to review it.
I've got Blockade Billy but have yet to read it. Baseball is definitely my sport. Football isn't bad and I enjoy a big game, but that's about it.
I agree with you about husbands being away. Unfortunately, mine never goes out of town. LOL!
And I enjoyed this peaceful quiet time with you too, Sandy!
Sorry about your foot! Hope it's recovering well.
And... I really want to start on The Typist but one look at my reading challenges pile, reality sets in and I have to "settle" those first. Will try my best!
My husband is going out of town this week, but it isn't that much of a vacation, because we're taking him to the airport Monday night and picking him up Wednesday, so I have all night Tuesday.
I say listen to Angelology, because I'd love to get your take on it, I've been wanting to listen to that.
I'm so sorry that your foot is painful. i hope it fixes itself soon.
I'm really pleased that you are enjoying Room. There is always a worry that hype will ruin a book, but I think it more than lives up to expectations. I'm sure you'll love the ending just as much :-)
Joel's on-call one in five shifts right now, which means that every five days he'll be at the hospital for 24-30 hours. This was hard on me until I realized HOUSE TO MYSELF!!! *yawn, stretch, roll over into center of bed*
Also, I get waaaaaaaaay more work done. And I eat Triscuits for dinner.
Football season is big around here too! I hope your foot feels better.
Finished Blockade Billy last night. Read it in one sitting, just like you said.
Sorry to hear about your foot. My "broken" toe and I know how you feel.
Things sound really busy for you with football! My kids haven't gotten to that stage yet and I don't know if they will ever want to play football. We'll see. So far they watch the game on the field or tv and are freaked out by the physicality of it all (they don't want to get hit like that). They may change their minds as they get older though. Right now we're immersed in Cub Scouts. Good luck to your son in the playoffs!
Oh, and I hope your foot feels better!
I'm not a baby about pain either, but for some reason fingers and toes just are the worst! All those nerve endings, I guess. I hope you heal soon!!!
Congratulations to your son's football team and Good Luck to them! It sure takes up a lot of time but I think being on a sports team is a great thing for a child because they learn so many and varied lessons...quite a few that apply to many situations they will encounter in life.
I haven't read Room yet but will at some point. It seems to have a great impact on all who read it. I look forward to your combined review post with James, they're always interesting & fun.
I hope your foot is okay, the last thing you need is to be incapacitated. As long as it isn't swollen you are okay.
~ Amy
Congrats on the mini-vaction, I completely agree, but would never say so to Mr. G.
What is it with you and James and your feet? I am in the middle of Room. It is freakin' amazing. Have a great week, Sandy.
That's awesome that your son has found football to be so rewarding. I know my own son has found a similar love and passion for basketball.
Woah woah woah ... you haven't read/listened to Time Traveler's Wife yet? DO IT NOW!!!
And I'm so excited to read Room.
And I think it is great that football has your son feeling so passionate. It must be good to see ... although it sounds like a lot of work.
Hope that foot gets better soon! You can't afford not to be nimble on your feet.
I love that you and the family are having such a good time with football, and hoping that the wins continue to stack up. And I am sorry to hear about your foot. Hopefully it doesn't keep you from walking this week. Also, isn't Room one of the most interesting books that you have read in awhile? I loved the heck out of it, and want to read it again soon. Such an original voice in that narrator, and such patience from Ma! I hope that your week is filled with great things and that you get tons accomplished!
My son just tried out for winter Basketball which is much less intense than football but I am not looking forward to all the shuttling around.
I am so sorry you smashed up your foot!!! I did that before and it was actually broken but I had been hobbling around on it for months. There's not much that can be done besides taping it up and staying off of it as much as possible. Wine helps.
I'm sorry to hear about your foot, Sandy. I hope it gets well soon!!
I can't wait to read your review on The Typist! The premise sounds good, and an intriguing one to boot. I've White Cat in my pile but just haven't got around to it yet, so I too look forward to hearing your thoughts on that one.
Ouchie! How's your foot now girl? Hopefully a bit better. Have you put any ice on it? Maybe that helps.
And, I vote for you starting the Traveling Show book next because I want to read that too :) Or go with the Time Traveler's Wife - that book is awesome.
Wow - no one has ever referred to their time with me as peaceful before! haha
I hurt my toe something fierce one time - I have no idea if I broke it or not but I was instantly reduced to tears and the fetal position. Have some wine before walking, your foot will feel better ;0)
If you listen to Time Trav. Wife instead of reading it I would be fascinated to see how that experience goes. I had a hard time adjusting at first to the back and forths of time while reading. I wonder if listening would make that process an easier transition or more challenging to follow...
Oh my gosh - I hope your foot is okay! That sounds very painful.
And I know what you mean about Room - it just kind of slaps you in the face with its brilliance, right?
Red Hook Road is a great audio, but sad subject matter - you might need something lighter after Room.
I have to check out the books you've mentioned, as I haven't heard of them.
As to football - good luck to your son's team!
I know that when Emma will be older, she will also have her activities and it will get stressful, but it's also going to be a lot of fun. I can't wait for her to get older:)
At this point, my football fix is NLF games on Sunday. I hope your foot is better by now!
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