A bright and shiny good morning to you all! If there was ever a week that I needed Prozac (or alternatively, a non-smashed foot that permits me to energetically exercise) this would have been it. I made a slightly disturbing self-discovery early this week...that I am no better than one of those obnoxious beauty queen stage moms. Fueling this annoying behavior has been my kids' sporting events. It turned out that my son's first football playoff game and my daughter's basketball tournament game were both on Tuesday night. I couldn't sleep Monday night. I couldn't focus on reading, I couldn't focus on my special project with James - I was a big fat mess. I attended the basketball game and had a four-way texting marathon to keep up with my son's progress. Serious case of cramping fingers. Turns out they both won that evening, and my blood pressure almost popped my head off. My daughter went on to lose her next basketball game the following day, but my son plays in the semi-finals TODAY, and I am facing another day of manic and unfocused energy. I know you really don't want to hear about all of this, but this is my life and I must share. I'll just warn you that if the boy wins today and goes on to play in the finals at the Citrus Bowl next week, you are in for more of my nonsense, at an elevated pitch.
So with all of that going on, the week was frittered away. I did attempt to walk once or twice, but my foot is absolutely killing me. How long does it take these things to heal? I played mediocre golf. I worked in the school library. We went to a chili cookoff fundraiser last night. Lots of running around to various practices. But my mind was elsewhere.
I did get my latest issue of Bookmarks magazine, which is always fun to study and use as a wish list. The theme, however, was Best Books of 2010. Some of their choices gave me pause...The Passage? Major Pettigrew's Last Stand? The Lacuna? Really? Sometimes I think hype and an author's reputation propels books onto these lists.
I did finish Room, of course. (And why, may I ask, wasn't THIS book on the "Best of" list???) I then started Carry the Rock, a book about race and football in Little Rock Arkansas, and an Okra pick. I am really struggling with it - so much fact and detail. Ugh. I did dig into it in earnest yesterday and have gotten a hundred pages under my belt, but I am at that stage where I just need to knock it out or move on.
The kids and I still are slowly making our way through the audio of White Cat. We just don't move fast on audios these days, to no fault of the story. They both do seem to be enjoying it, particularly my son, who keeps offering comment and theory from the back seat. I am entering a very scary and strange phase in my daughter's life right now, though, in which she doesn't want to talk to me at all about anything. So when she DOES open her mouth, the last thing I want to do is turn on an audio. I think the key going forward is to pick books that aren't too long.
As promised, I wrapped up Last Night in Twisted River on audio, and after deliberation, started (and finished) Red Hook Road. This was a good book, but don't let anyone tell you it isn't depressing because it is! But there is also great writing, great characters and some shards of hope to offset the sadness. I am going to lighten things up a bit now with Backseat Saints followed by some David Sedaris. At least that is my plan at his moment.
As I sign off here, I'd like to respectfully ask you all to do a dance, say a prayer, rub a good luck charm, payoff our refs, or whatever, at 4:00 Eastern Standard Time. We've got a football game to win.
I hope your son's team wins! Stuff with your kids is far more stressful than stuff with yourself. We always just want the best for our kids. When my son got to be your daughter's age, I found the best time to talk was in the car, on the way home from school. Of course, it was just the two of us, and that probably made a difference.
I am so sorry your foot is still giving you fits. Hopefully this week will allow you more exercise time.
I hope that the football game goes well. I remember those days fondly.
I know exactly what you're going through with your kids sports.. we've been there with field hockey (all the way to state semis) and basketball. Just enjoy because it ends far too soon.
Hope your foot is improving. I'll be thinking of you at 4 today.! Oh... the list in Bookmarks magazine surprised me, too.
I hope your son's team wins! Sorry about your foot still giving you problems. I haven't been walking home from work too (due to the rainy season) and that's been making me slightly restless. I hope the sky will be clear and lovely tomorrow onwards.
Best of luck for the game!! Your life sounds very similar to mine. Yesterday I had one child at a state band championship and the other at a state soccer championship. Same times, different towns...oy! I flew up and down the highway just to catch a smidgen of both. :(
Healing never goes fast enough, does it? I wish you a speedier recovery :) I agree with you about "best of" lists. They are often fuelled by $$ making and not the public's critical reception. Room should definitely be included!
I got the new issue of Bookmarks too, and I had the same thought as you--that maybe hype and popularity had a little too much to do with the Best of 2010 list. I was definitely not impressed.
Room wasn't on the best of list?! Madness!
I hope your foot gets better quickly :-)
Good luck to your son's team! I invariably end up losing my voice at my son's soccer games because of very loud cheering on my part, even when they are losing I am ashamed to say.
I hope your foot gets better quickly! There is nothing more frustrating than wanting to exercise but not being able to do so because of an injury.
I'm sorry to hear about your foot, Sandy! I hope you feel better soon.
And I need Room. Badly!
All my fingers and toes are crossed for your son right now (which sort of makes it hard to type) I hope that he wins the game and goes on to the finals, and can imagine just how excited you are for him! My daughter attended homecoming with a new boyfriend (!!??!) last night, and I was all over the place with anxiety as well, so I know what you are going through. I do hope the foot gets better soon as well, and that you are back to your walking, as it is getting to be very nice outside these days. Also, I am so glad that you loved Room!! I was really irked that it didn't win the Booker. Have fun this week!
I'm crossing everything hoping that your son's team wins. I'm afraid what will happen if they don't. You may be plunged into the pit of despair!
And I just finished ROOM too. Amazing, wasn't it?
And I hope this 'not talking' thing with your daughter is a very very very short phase.
hope that foots get better... sounds like you need to walk!
I hope your foot gets well soon, Sandy! Good luck and I really hope that your son's team wins the game!!
I'm thinking of your son and have fingers crossed! I hope your foot is better soon, and wasn't Room great? I can't wait to hear your thoughts on it.
Man, I hope your foot heals quickly - that is no fun! And I agree - Room should definitely be on the Best-Of list.
I hope all continues to go well with the football! I think it's completely understandable that you are so excited.
I too think that the best of lists are highly influenced by reputation, and that name recognition goes a long way.
Maybe you should become an editor for Bookmarks. :)
No worries, Sandy, share away. I enjoy hearing about your life. Good luck to your son tonight. This is so exciting!
I think an author's reputation certainly does elevate their new book in many people's minds. This has always puzzled me because I've found that sometimes author's who've been praised a lot & become popular "dumb down" their writing to get the next book out quickly. It's as if they didn't write with the interest, focus & care they did in the books on which their reputation was built.
It sounds like your daughter is entering the real teenage years, so difficult for girls, especially, but even more tough for moms.
You still managed a lot of reading/listening last week. I'm looking forward to your upcoming reviews.
I hope you leg starts to feel better & stronger this week. Unfortunately healing can take a while but better for it to heal properly & strong now so you aren't plagued with related problems later.
~ Amy
The foot thing takes awhile. It took mine a good 5 months of light activity for it to heal right.
I love how you compared yourself to a pageant mom. Not!
Ouchie. I hope your foot is healing but you know all that running around is probably not good for you... Yes, I'm nagging :)
Ok, did I miss it... what was the outcome of your son's game?!
It's hard not to get completely invested when our kids play sports, isn't it?
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