If you have known me for long, then you probably know James (from Ready When You Are, C.B.). James was my first follower, after my mom and my sister. If you DON'T know who he is, well, get on over there!
James and I like to occasionally read something together, then watch the movie, then do some type of creative duo-post. This time around, we thought it would be fun to read something lighter and fun, and we decided on Peyton Place. You may recall it as a scandalous book that was published in the '50's. You may also recall it as a sort of early soap opera on television. Seems predictable, yes? But James and I got a whole lot more than what we expected.
So to verbalize our thoughts on the whole matter, we have each made a movie. I have made a movie about the book, and James has created one about the movie. We used the online website xtranormal.com to show off our skillz. Please be a little patient...the voices are a bit robotic but it is really a whole lot of fun...
One funny thing that I have to share with you...after I'd made my movie, James informed me that my avatar (which actually does sorta look like me) is actually Hilary Clinton. I almost had heart failure...
Make sure you head on over to James' place to see what we had to say about the movie!

LOL! I love it!
I especially like the experssions as James says "Do I have to choose just one part?!
and you as you say:
"I want to argue with you!!"
The dancing at the end was funny too! I think you've just persuaded me to try the book!
She (You) does look like Hillary Clinton! LOL!
You know what? Both of them sound just like my Kindle reading!
You're a great movie producer. I like this!
LOL. What a fun and not to mention a creative post! You guys are great!!
You and Hilary! Too funny.
LOVED this. You guys are just way too clever. I remember reading PP when I was I quite young -- missing many of the more subtle characterizations. When I reread it later, I was struck by the same thing that you and James mentioned: the writing was so much better than I thought it would be.
You guys are the best.
OMG! You are killing me! Love the part where your doppelganger talks about the doctor's "big balls" and then measures with her hands! Priceless!
I read this book in 8th grade and when I took it to school and was showing the girls all the naughty parts, the principal let me know in no uncertain terms not to bring it back.
I loved the TV series, which was more a serialized drama than a soap opera. Constance (played by the wonderful Doroty Malone) was a much more sympathetic character in the TV show.
Awesome post!
That's Dorothy, not Doroty!
OMG! This is AWESOME! I loved that your little avatars were making dirty hand gestures, I love the little dance, I love that you and James argued with each other in little robotic voices...I love it all! This is the most creative review I have ever seen, and I think you guys did a great job with it. Also, since I have had Peyton Place on my shelf for such a long time, and have not read it, you guys made me want to pick up this freak-show of a book, like, right now! Fantastic review!
I LOVE you both! I rarely watch videos posted on blogs, but knew I had to make an exception here, and I'm so glad I did. I love the little lego hands, the robotic voices and was cracking up at the dancing at the end.
I would never have even considered picking up this book before, but you have my intrigued now...
I swear I thought I hit the publish button yesterday.
In any case, my review/movie is not up and hopefully running correctly. I'll have to check tonight 'cause I can't view YouTube at work/school.
Oh my gosh - this is hilarious! What a fun way to do your joint posts.
I've been meaning to tell you how much you remind me of Hillary! LOL The movie was fun. It's so funny that Peyton Place was shocking back then because it seems mild these days.
OK ... I need to come back and view your movies when I don't have MR. Jenners blaring TV in the background. This sounds like too much fun. I'm sensing a new toy to fool around with!!!
I can't wait to see your alter ego too!
That's the best! Love it Sandy. I got a kick out of all the little hand gestures. So freakin' funny. Ok, you know we expect more like this :)
Hilarious! I love these unique reviews!
That was too funny! The hand gestures were priceless!
It's cool that the writing was a pleasant surprise, but I so hate anything soap opera like, so I'll probably pass on it.
I agree that the book is head and shoulders above the movie! I read it so much in high school it's imprinted on my memory. If I found a copy tomorrow, I'd topple my TBR and read it again!
You two are PRICELESS!!! (and not just as reviewers/movie-makers). I like the same part that Susan did,and also the contrast between your characters. And the dancing? Brilliant!
Sandy. CB James. You two totally killed it! That was tremendous. I hope to see more of these joint review discussions/debates in the future. See how your dance moves evolve ;0)
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