Is there anyone out there that doesn't love the onset of fall weather? I do miss the changing leaves and the sweater weather of the Midwest, but even down here in sticky, humid Florida, we are getting a slight change of seasons. We are having cooler nights, and what is this? A high only in the low 80's?
The Bumbles love this time of year too. So much that they had a fall theme for their wedding. So in honor of the smell of burning leaves, a nip in the air, and Bumble nuptials, we are asked to talk about our favorite fall movies.
Only I am struck dumb, and I fall flat on my movie-loving face before you. There seems to be plenty of Thanksgiving-ish, fall-ish movies out there, but I haven't seen them. So here is my lame list:
1. When Harry Met Sally - I can't get the shot out of my mind: Harry and Sally finally realizing that they are friends as they walk through New York (Central Park I'm guessing) with fall leaves blowing around their feet. Love this movie.
2. It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown - no wise cracks. Watching this movie is a fall tradition! The idea of the Great Pumpkin actually scared me when I was little.
3. Legends of the Fall - It was the power of suggestion, and because the Bumbles named this week's theme after this Brad Pitt movie, I can't get it out of my head. I can't seem to recall if the movie has anything to do with the fall weather, but it is the perfect showcase for everything there is to love about Pitt's bare chest.
4. Hannah and Her Sisters - I seem to remember this movie taking place around Thanksgiving. I'm not a big fan of Woody Allen the person, but his movies generally rock.
Alright friends. Help me out here! What am I missing? Obviously I need to brush up in this area!

I like movies set during the holidays! This time of year I like pulling out While You Were Sleeping (one of my all time favorites!), Step Mom, Love Actually, Sleepy Hallow and Popcorn (a truly cheesy horror movie that always kicks off my horror movie watching in early October).
I will never be too old to watch The Great Pumpkin :)
You know, I don't know of any fall movies either! Maybe we Florida folks just don't see them because we never really have an actual fall here of which to speak! But I do love The Great Pumpkin, and will be watching it with my kids when it comes around!
Interesting theme for movies. I also love When Harry Met Sally & that fall shot :o) Thought of some others surrounding Thanksgiving or autumn weather:
Home For the Holidays
Autumn in New York
Ghost Town
The Village
I love this time of year too. For a "lame" list, you've got some great titles there. I love When Harry Met Sally--it's my husband's favorite movie. :-) And what list is completely without It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown? It's a season staple if ever there was one!
When Harry Met Sally is one of my favorite movies, no matter what season it is.
I love the Charlie Brown one! I used to look forward to seeing it every year when I was growing up. We didn't have DVDs so had to wait for that one time each year that it would be on TV!
I'm with you ... the fall scenes in Harry Met Sally are what I think of when I think of fall. That movie was so beautifully shot.
Well, you could have rattled off countless Halloween movies. But don't fret, I'm saving some scary ones for later this month ;0)
I never saw Legends of the Fall myself - the title just seemed to fit my post well. But I could go for some bare chestedness...
When I saw the title of this meme, I immediately thought - I wonder if she'll mention Harry! LOL
"I'll have what she's having..." LOL. Love that movie! And Hannah and Her Sisters is my favorite Woody Allen (yes, even over Annie Hall). Lloyd Nolan at the piano singing "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered" *sigh*
I don't really associate any movies with the fall. Except for maybe the horror flicks that are shown and advertised on every station in the weeks before Halloween; the ones that make us dive for the clicker so we don't have to watch the ickyness.
Ahhhhh! Here's one that I had actually watched: When Harry Met Sally. I loved this movie!
I guess You've Got Mail could be considered a fall movie. I don't know, I hate fall and my seasonal movies never make sense anyway. :P
I'm actually thinking of serving nothing but popcorn and toast for our Thanksgiving dinner this year. God knows, there's a ton of (cub scout) popcorn sitting in my basement!
When Harry Met Sally is sort of personal to me because a friend and I were going through the exact same thing that Harry and Sally were going through in the movie. We even saw the movie together. We never married though but we are still good friends!
Legends of the Fall is a great movie...and I love how the changing of the seasons often coincide with the tragedy experienced by the family and the changes they undergo...the Native American themes probably influenced the weather changes they incorporated.
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