Today's Monday Movie topic, suggested by our beloved Bumbles, is all about the King of Horror. That would be my main man, Uncle Stevie. Not only does he write a undeniably terrifying book (both overt and psychological) but he has cranked out some great movie adaptations as well. The Bumbles have asked us this perplexing question...if King's movies would be banned from the earth (I can't even bear to think about this!), which one would we hide and preserve for posterity?
Well. I woke up this morning having decided not to post my Monday Movie Meme. I am in mourning over the loss of my son's football game and the end of a wonderful, three-month season. But the Bumbles know there is NO WAY I can ignore this topic.
Trouble is, I'm not sure if I can pick just one movie.
OK, so I guess the answer is pretty obvious, and that would be The Shining. Spooky hotel, spooky music, Jack Nicholson, murdered twins, waves of blood, and something beyond description in one of the rooms. This is horror at its absolute best! Sorry to copy the same answer as the Bumbles, but there is no other right answer here.

But I can't just leave this post with one selection. Here are my runner ups:
1. Pet Semetary - This one is on my iPod for when I need the bejesus scared out of me. The intoxicating idea of bringing dead things (cats, dogs, children...) back to life is just over the top. Especially when the reborn come back...changed.
2. The Stand - I know many think this TV mini-series is hokey compared to the book, but the Nawrot house loves it. We watch it at least once a year.
3. The Shawshank Redemption - Just to prove that Uncle Stevie has a soft-side...

I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your son's football game. I was hoping that they would win!
I think The Shining was a great choice! That was my favourite among all King's movies, followed by Pet Semetary. Carrie and It were great too!
What a bummer on the football game. I hate that feeling and especially since they've all worked so hard for it! :(
Agree -- The Shining is a good choice. And oddly enough, I've never really seen Pet Semetary all the way through, not sure why since I LOVE scary movies. I might have to put this on the list for the weekend, huh?!
Well crap-ola, I am bummed his team lost. Not for lack of effort and support, I know that much. It will be stored away for future motivation though - another good lesson sports teach us.
I am actually surprised that you selected The Shining. I had my money on either The Stand or Shawshank from you! I was going to just do a random King movies list post, but Andy was being such a lazy Bumble in offering choices that I forced him to just pick ONE so he'd get motivated. And thus the solo selection topic was born.
The Shining is awesome, but King didn't like that (*SPOILER*) Kubrick killed off Hallorann. I thought that was a cheap move, too.
Have you seen/read The Mist? The movie is even better than the book & has such a brilliantly eerie ending. Carrie is also very good but the book is better. Does Shawshank count as a scary movie? It is the best Stephen King book-to-movie but I don't think of it that way.
Love this meme--keep up the great work! I'm going to post my 100 favourite movies very soon. Stay tuned :)
I haven't seen very many of his movies, but The Shining does scare the pants off of me, so I think that is a good choice. I would love to see Pet Cemetery sometime, so I am going to have to add it to my queue. Some of the later made for T.V. movies I have seen have been pretty wild as well. Have you seen Kingdom Hospital? It was totally strange, and though it's a big time investment, I think it's worth watching.
*shiver* I can't watch horror movies! Vampires and such are fine, but psychological thrillers, movies about murder or kidnapping or stalking, creepy happenings, and such are out. Basically anything that could, without too much of a stretch of the imagination, actually happen!
Scariest movie I ever watched (and I'm not sure how it got past my highly advanced scary movie detection system) was "What Lies Beneath". Eek!
Too bad about your son's football game. Hopefully they learned a lot and will be better next year.
I've never watched any of King's movies all the way through. Carrie is probably the one I've seen the most of, but I haven't seen all of it.
Aw, I'm sorry to hear about the game, Sandy!
I do love all those movies based on Uncle Stevies' work... one of these days I just might have to read one of his books :P
Sorry to hear about the football game loss. I know that must have been upsetting.
Maybe you should take a trip to Colorado. There is this old hotel that needs a caretaker...
Sorry about the football game... OK, nothing new here. I haven't watched any of the movies. Case closed. SIGH...
Considering I'm such a wreck over scary stuff most of the time, I tend to shy away from all of King's work! I did read Bag Of Bones as a teen, though; it scarred me for life.
Many years later, I went out on a date with a man who knew how much I love to read. He brought a copy of his "favorite book" with him, passing it over with a look of great pleasure on his face. I thought it was really sweet that he would go to the trouble to make such a gesture, and was totally won over... until I actually saw what it was.
Yep, Bag Of Bones.
It's haunting me. Literally.
Ok, ignore part of my previous post. I see that your son's team lost. I'm sorry hun!
Good call on The Shining. One of my favorite King movies though is Carrie. So good.
Not Carrie?!? Really? I would save Carrie. "They're all gonna laugh at you!" Okay, it's equal parts camp and horror, but we always have fun when we watch it.
We once went to a live stage production of Carrie in San Francisco. We were encouraged to shout things and the actors, and yes, we were given a little bag of things to throw at them in a certain key scene.
I know, we should be ashamed. But it was a night to remember.
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