With Halloween approaching, who can help but think about costumes? In my house, this is a huge topic of discussion, especially for my daughter. She plots and plans and browses the Internet for months, deciding what she will wear at the end of October that will win her the most candy. (And yes, I have to usually get involved, just to make sure nothing is hanging out that shouldn't be.)
Costumes in the movies are just as important...like my daughter, the director and costume designer put great care into their choices in order to wow the audience and ensure authenticity, and maybe snag another Oscar for their troubles. The Bumbles have asked us which movies have made the biggest impression with their costumes. Now of course, everyone knows that the best costumes EVER were the ones in Gone With the Wind. Wearing one's own curtains have never been so gorgeous! But because the Bumbles took that choice for their own, here are a few more of mine:

The Titanic - For a twerp, Leo sure cleans up nice, doesn't he? And just about everything Kate wore in this movie looked stunning.

Grease - Sandy looked pretty cute in her poodle skirts, but those black leather pants are killer.

Moulin Rouge - everything about this movie is rich and extravagant (and SO romantic). But then again, Nicole Kidman would look good in a potato sack.

Fiddler on the Roof - we aren't talking glamorous here, but I adore the clothes of these Russian Jews. Yes, Tevia does look a little stinky, but he wears it well. I love the attire at the wedding (although I couldn't find a good picture) and am annoyingly enchanted by the dancing Russian soldiers.

Breakfast at Tiffany's - Audrey Hepburn is the definition of beauty and grace. The look that they chose for her in this movie will never go out of style. I'm pretty sure not many people could pull off this look as well as she did.
I have this nagging feeling I've missed some really important ones, but I've been distracted this morning (as you can tell, I'm posting a bit late today!). What have I forgotten???

I'm OK this week. I've watched TITANIC! And my poor eyes suffered from an overtime of crying buckets. Still cried myself silly for days after walking out of the cinema AND whenever the thought of it came. The music! Oh dear...
Loved the costumes in Grease! The pink ladies and T-Birds jackets, Sandy's poodle skirts, I love it all. Great choice! I also loved the costumes in Titanic as well. If I remember correctly, there were also some great costumes in Chicago, so I think I am going to go with that one. I need to watch that one again soon. It was one of the first movies that my husband and I saw together, and it rocked!
The clothes in Titanic really was amazing. But then again, I'm pretty much a sucker for anything turn of the century :P
Marie Antoinette has FABULOUS clothes. Oh, I also really like the costumes in The Age of Innocence and Dracula.
Great choices! I always was amazed at OLJ's stick legs in those pants in Grease - somehow it just wouldn't look the same if I tried to push my way into leather pants! LOL
Oh gosh, I'm drawing a blank. The costuming for the PBS Jane Austen movies was excellent. Lord of the Rings. Hummmm.
I love EVERYTHING about Fiddler on the Roof - it's one of my all time favorite movies. I'll agree that there were good costumes in The Titanic, but I didn't like that movie at all.
Love, love, love Moulin Rouge!!
I like the diversity of your choices. I wouldn't have thought "Grease" for costumes but you're so right ... espeically those pink beehives in the "Beauty School Drop Out" scene!
Good choices! I think pretty much any period piece I love just for the costumes alone - Victorian era in particular :)
Grease! The costumes totally were like a separate character and made everything work.
Titanic - I wish I'd thought of that one. Spot on.
For modern clothes, I like Legally Blonde. Elle Woods makes pink look fab!
I am forever grateful that I didn't see "La Dolce Vita" until I was in my 30's. If I had seen it at 20 I would have run out of the theatre, bought a black suit and a Vespa and have spent the next five years pretentiously riding all over San Francisco.
I would have modelled my life after Marcello's. Dressed in black and calling out "Caio" as I passed people by on my Vespa.
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