Well, there is always just a little bit of chaos in the Nawrot household, granted. That is what keeps us young and energized. But this week contained maybe just a little too much, and left me wanting to curl up in the fetal position under a piece of furniture and sleep. Some weeks are like this, and it is just best to move on.
We had a busy Labor Day weekend. My husband and I went golfing on Sunday afternoon and left the kids with my parents. We were gone for what? Four hours? Enough time for all hell to break loose at home with my daughter, The Hormonal One That Is Getting Too Big For Her Britches. I won't go into the details, but I've been told I won't get her back until she is 25. Give me some Red Bull, I'm going to need some extra energy I think. And some Prozac. We did manage to have a nice barbecue on Monday without tears or fights.
Alot of running around on Tuesday...both kids had dentist appointments, practices, and homework until 9:30pm. But hey! There was a light at the end of the tunnel, because my husband and I were headed for Chicago on Wednesday morning for 3 days. Woo hoo! Eating and drinking and book shopping! We had a great room with a beautiful view of the Magnificent Mile and the lake, weather in the '60's, and life was grand!
My husband had some meetings on Wednesday afternoon, so opened the door to the balcony, and had myself a little bloggiesta. I wrote three reviews, and did some posts for BBAW next week. (Next week!? How did that happen?)
The next day, while my husband was at meetings, I had made plans to meet Jen (Devourer of Books) at a small indie bookshop named The Book Cellar in Lincoln Square. I am still intimidated with the transit system in Chicago, so I took a cab, and Jen drove into the city with Daniel. The plan was some vigorous book shopping then lunch.
About 2 minutes before Jen arrived, I got a phone call from my mom that she had just been to the eye doctor, and had been diagnosed with a detached retina. She needed to go back to Indiana for surgery immediately and we needed to come back home NOW. (There was also some controversy as to whether she could even stand to wait until she got to IN before she went blind, as she had had some symptoms for a couple of weeks. Lots of angst and frantic texting.) Obviously I was completely rattled. I called my husband and told him to work on flights. In the meantime, I was going to try to make the most of my time with Jen and Daniel. I ended up having to leave before lunch in order to make our plane in time, but it was so nice to meet another blogger, and what might possibly be the sweetest little boy on earth.
Daniel displayed his prowess at "if you're happy and you know it clap your hands", and navigating the stroller through the aisles of books. I really just wanted to eat him up.
Jen walked away with one book, and of course I couldn't decide so I bought four:
"Human Bobby" - Gabe Rotter (cause Michele @ Reader's Respite said I had to)
"Manhood for Amateurs" - Michael Chabon
"The Slap" - Christos Tsiolkas
"Elegy for April" - Benjamin Black
I felt bad that Jen had come all that way to turn around and leave, but I had to high-tail it back to the hotel to pack and run to the airport.
(Update: My mom and dad are back home and mom will be having surgery tomorrow.)
The remainder of my week was filled with kids' sports, birthday parties, wrapping up a few odds and ends for my parents. And alot of wine.
And some reading. Ahhhhh! I'm still working through "Innocent Until Interrogated", a true crime book that I won from Jen. It took me three days to read 35 pages, but on my trip I was able to put a dent in it, and should be finishing it in a couple of days. The kids and I are on Disc 4 of Mockingjay, and I just wrapped up "Faithful Place" by Tana French on audio. Are we allowed to throw panties at narrators? Because if we are, then this Tim Gerard Reynolds is going to get it. I don't think he has narrated many audios, but he is rocking my world big time.
And next week is BBAW! Let the fun begin, and watch my Google Reader explode. We've been provided with topics for daily posts, there will be giveaways, and awards. Interview swaps are on Tuesday, and I will be talking with Gayle @ Everyday I Write the Book and vice versa. On Thursday, Jenners and I will be sharing a tasty little treat with you as well.
On that note, I will sign off for now. I wish you all a nice relaxing Sunday filled with peace and serenity!

I felt bad that Jen had come all that way to turn around and leave, but I had to high-tail it back to the hotel to pack and run to the airport.
(Update: My mom and dad are back home and mom will be having surgery tomorrow.)
The remainder of my week was filled with kids' sports, birthday parties, wrapping up a few odds and ends for my parents. And alot of wine.
And some reading. Ahhhhh! I'm still working through "Innocent Until Interrogated", a true crime book that I won from Jen. It took me three days to read 35 pages, but on my trip I was able to put a dent in it, and should be finishing it in a couple of days. The kids and I are on Disc 4 of Mockingjay, and I just wrapped up "Faithful Place" by Tana French on audio. Are we allowed to throw panties at narrators? Because if we are, then this Tim Gerard Reynolds is going to get it. I don't think he has narrated many audios, but he is rocking my world big time.
And next week is BBAW! Let the fun begin, and watch my Google Reader explode. We've been provided with topics for daily posts, there will be giveaways, and awards. Interview swaps are on Tuesday, and I will be talking with Gayle @ Everyday I Write the Book and vice versa. On Thursday, Jenners and I will be sharing a tasty little treat with you as well.
On that note, I will sign off for now. I wish you all a nice relaxing Sunday filled with peace and serenity!

Makes me dizzy just by reading this. I hope your mom's surgery goes well and will keep her in prayers for speedy recovery. Sorry to hear that your friend Jen has to leave earlier than expected but both of you still get to meet each other and that's good.
I've finished up to Chapter 17 of Mockingjay and am enjoying it very much so far. Hope to finish the whole book by tomorrow.
Enjoy your weekend, Sandy!
P/S: I tagged you for an Association Meme (I don't usually tag people for memes) and I hope you will play. I KNOW you will come up with something absolutely amazing or amusing. Please, please play...
It was so great to meet you, even if our time did get cut short. I hope your mom's surgery goes well!
Oh my. Just, oh my.
I hope things are back to normal soon and wish both your mom and your daughter a quick recovery.
Enjoy BBAW.
Definitely sounds like a bit too much action, even with all your energy! I'll be praying for your mom!
Oh my, what a week! Sending prayers for your mom... and for calmer days ahead.
Oh no. Your hormonal daughter is scaring me, as my stepdaughter is quickly getting there!
So much to say...
Girls are trouble, or so I've been told by parents of girls. :) That really stinks that you had to cut your trip short, but your poor mom! Eye problems freak me out...big fear of being blind from having wicked bad eye sight my entire life (until I got the implants). Golfing! Yay! I know no females who golf...you should move up here. :) I'm so happy you got Manhood for Amateurs; it's such a wonderful book. I won Innocent Until Interrogated too, but I haven't started it yet. So many books to read...and finally: Bring on BBAW!
Oh, how I feel for you! I truly believe for every week like that, we are given a couple of chaos free weeks. Too bad it is so hard to realize that sometimes!
Oh, no, not The Hormone Invasion!!! You are in for a ride wilder than any that Universal or Disney can offer. Just know that the girl you've been raising all these years is still in there, somewhere, and you'll have glimpses of her. Periodically. Also, distance helps... ;)
I am so sorry about your mom. Hope the operation is successful. You and she both will be in my thoughts this week.
Oh, wow! It sounds like your week was very chaotic. I hope your mom's surgery goes okay.
Oh - I hope all goes with your mom's surgery tomorrow!
I am so sorry that you had to cut short such a fun trip to Chicago - but perhaps another opportunity will present itself when life is a little less chaotic :)
Oh no, your poor mom - that is so scary. I hope things go well for her. I don't know how you know if you're coming or going.
Sounds like you had a dizzy making week, Sandy. I hope this one is a bit calmer. My husband thinks having a girl would be easier than having a boy. I'm not so sure . . .
I hope everything goes well with your mother's surgery. How frightening that must have been!
I hope your mother's surgery goes well. My dad had a detached retina, back when I was taking care of him last spring. He's 85. There were major complications, and as a result he barely sees out of the eye. One of the most tedious things was that he had to have his head down at all times for about six weeks during his recovery. But I think the poor result is due to his age. Your mother's recovery will be different, but nonetheless, be gentle with her! She will probably have to have her head down for a while as well. They make special furniture for that. We didn't buy or rent any. Dad would've been more comfortable if he'd had it.
That does sound like a ridiculous week, I'm so sorry! My mom had a detached retina a couple of years ago, so I know how crazy that is and how difficult of a recovery period it can be. I hope your mom is okay!
Oh jeez .. that is a bit of a crazy week. I hope your mom's surgery goes OK. I sure hope next week is not nearly as chaotic.
It sounds like your week was absolutely crazy! We spoke a little bit about your mom, but I didn't know about the child meltdown! We are having much the same problem here right now, and I am just trying to stay relaxed and be positive. I am still praying for your mom, and hope that the surgery goes well. And I am also hoping that you have a peaceful week this time around. Looking forward to your thoughts on Mockingjay.
Wow, what a week! I hope your mom's surgery goes well, Sandy! And that's wonderful that you get to meet Jen, though the meeting was a short one.
Your blog ate my comment yesterday :-(
I just wanted to say that I hope your mom's surgery goes well. Best wishes. xJ
Wow, Sandy! I gues snobody ever said being adult was easy or fun...but come on!
I hope your mom is doing well and the surgery helped her.
~ Amy
Wow, that is some craziness! Hope all is calmer now and that your moms surgery went well.
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