Good morning friends! I lingered in bed this morning, thinking about the past week and trying to figure out what I accomplished, and I'm not sure I have a good answer. A whole lot of running around I guess. There were days when I stumbled across my bedroom and fell into bed, sorta like those zombies in my son's video games. In the true spirit of the fall season, we saw an increase in homework and tests this week, and combined with basketball and football, and various appointments, we saw some late nights. I don't think it is going to get better any time soon so I need to stop complaining, buck up and deal with it. My parents are still in town, so it is insanely helpful to have them available to split chauffeuring duties! Saturday was all about my son's football game (they kicked serious butt) and the Purdue football game (they were on the receiving end of the butt-kicking unfortunately). We all topped off our busy week last night with dinner out at The Capital Grille...steaks, red wine, and lobster mac and cheese baby!
I know you were thrilled that I shared my dead possum friend with you last week. We had another pool casualty this week...a sickly juvenile raccoon fell in and met his demise. My husband WAS around to handle that one. I will spare you the picture of that one, but if you are really interested, you can find it on my Facebook page.
Fall is definitely in the air, and one sign of Fall is the upcoming Book Blogger Appreciation Week, which will be held September 13 - 17. The short lists have been published...congrats to everyone who made the cut. Yes, I am pleased to announce that yours truly is on the ballot for Best Audio Book Blog. Well...I am the ONLY person on the ballot for that award, but still! We have also received our assignments for the Interview Swap, and I will be chatting with Gayle at Everyday I Write the Book. Jenners and I also cooked up a special treat for you all, and will serve it up that week as well.
Another sign of fall? The beloved RIP Reading Challenge hosted by Carl! I hesitated to join because I was feeling lazy, but I really had no good excuses. It appears that 75% of what I read would fall in the horror/mystery/thriller/gothic/supernatural category, so I don't even have to try hard. If you are new to his challenge, you must click through to the link above and check it out. He does such a great job with the artwork and the prizes, and in the fifth season, has a huge number of participants. Methinks this will become my fall tradition.
Have you all heard about what that lovely Beth Fish has been up to? She has started the Audiobook Jukebox, a database blog for audiobook reviews. As you might guess, this got me very excited. I do love my audios, and have been working feverishly to link all of my audio reviews to her site. I finished up this morning. I didn't count them all, but it is slightly obnoxious.
I had a great reading week, despite all the running around. I finished Tana French's In the Woods (words cannot express my love), Helene Hannf's 84 Charing Cross Road (more love), and Coffee and Fate by R.J. Erbacher (!? wild ride). I just started a book that I won from Jen at Devourer of Books and the University of Arizona Press called Innocent Until Interrogation, a fascinating true crime story.
The kids and I are creeping through the audio of Mockingjay, as I steadfastly attempt to avoid the spoilers floating around out there. I accidentally stumbled across one spoiler already, so I am going to have to restrain from all Mockingjay posts from now on. The story is starting out slow, with some recapping of the past two books. I hope it picks up soon.
I finally finished Major Pettigrew's Last Stand on audio, praise the Lord. I make it sound horrible, and it wasn't. I was just bored or distracted maybe - could it have been too gentle for my life these days? I listened to and finished A Reliable Wife. Now THAT wasn't boring. But I wasn't totally impressed either. Miserable characters with one-track minds. I am five discs into Tana French's Faithful Place, and am in love with the narrator (Tim Gerard Reynolds). I can't get enough of that Irish accent, and of course French's story-telling just doesn't get any better or more emotional.
I'm excited about a three day weekend. After church today, my mom, my daughter and I will probably be doing a little shopping. My husband and I are hoping for maybe a quick golf game in there somewhere, and a barbecue tomorrow. And reading of course. What do you all have on your agendas?

Congrats on the BBAW award! I know this is premature but even my probability challenged brain can do the math here. :)
I said no challenges this year but must think about the RIP deal. Very, very tempting, and as you said, kind of suits what I am reading anyway. And that gorgeous art work!
May the rest of your holiday weekend be a book-filled blast free of carpools!
I sure wish your energy was contagious --- just think of all I could accomplish if I had half that sprite-liness :)
Last night's dinner sounds scrumptious and today's activities sound glorious. I know you will have a terrific holiday weekend.
I have been out of the loop this year regarding BBAW --- but congratulations on the award. It is definitely well-deserved (if anyone has contributed to my desire to try audio books, it has been you and Beth Fish!)
Ha! I am as good at math as Frances! Congratulations!
Sorry you didn't like Major Pettigrew so much - I thought it was very charming. And A Reliable Wife fascinated me - although I doubt I would like to know any of the characters in real life!
My head spins just reading about all of your activities!!
I voted for you for Best Audio Book Blog. I can't wait to see what you and Jenners have cooked up!
Happy Labor Day, Sandy! Enjoy your holiday and have fun with your family! :D
You got my vote too! Hopefully the critters will stay away this week!
I feel a little direction-less this weekend. I'm nearing the end of Mockingjay, and I don't want to finish it, but I don't want to start another book until I do!
My Sunday Salon is here:
Hope you will drop by!
I have Innocent until Interrogated too (also from Jen I think), but I haven't started it yet. Ah, so many books, so little time.
You know, this sounds like a pretty good life. I'm looking forward to your BBAW posts. And I did vote for you. ;-)
My math skills being equal to the others': CONGRATULATIONS!! (even if you weren't the only one, you would still win). I truly believe you will find RIP V to be great fun. So glad you joined! Enjoy the rest of your action-packed weekend as well. It is glorious.
Staying away from any and all Mockingjay posts is a must until you finish it.
I don't think the RIP challenge will require much effort from me too because now that the weather is getting cooler, all I want to do is read scary, creepy books.
So glad you're liking "Innocent Until Interrogated," I must work it in soon! I can't wait to hang out with you next week!
Sorry to hear there was another casualty in the pool, but at least you didn't have to deal with it.
I think you are very deserving of the BBAW award! Congrats!
Enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend!
I voted for you too, Sandy!
I can't wait to hear what you'll think of Tana French's In the Woods and Faithful Place, and of course Suzanne Collin's Mockingjay!
Hope you've a great week ahead!
My cat didn't want me lingering bed too long this morning, but I fooled him and went back to bed after feeding him at 5:30 a.m. :-)
It sounds like you're having a nice visit with your folks. It sounds like you've got in a lot of good reading. I really liked In the Woods too. One of these days I'll get to The Likeness.
Like you, I'm avoiding all Mockingjay posts for the time being. I haven't yet read Catching Fire, so I should probably get busy!
I hope you have a great week! Think of us poor souls who have to work tomorrow while your enjoying your barbecue! LOL
I am about 1/3 of the way through Girl Who Played With Fire on audio - you are right, Simon Vance is amazing when it comes to narrating!
I wish my library had Faithful Place on audio. I loved both In the Woods and The Likeness.
Hope you have a great week!
I am about 1/3 of the way through Girl Who Played With Fire on audio - you are right, Simon Vance is amazing when it comes to narrating!
I wish my library had Faithful Place on audio. I loved both In the Woods and The Likeness.
Hope you have a great week!
You have to love the three day weekend :-) What a great invention!
I'm avoiding all Mockingjay posts too! I really hope that you enjoy it. I hope to read it sooon, but am waiting for the library to get a copy in.
Sorry to hear that you are getting more casualties in your pool. I hope that is the last of them now.
I still haven't read any Tana French. Hopefully your review will persuade me to pick it off my shelf. Have a great week :-)
So nice to hear your parents are in town, and dinner at the Capital Grille, well alright!! I also have been avoiding Mockingjay posts, as we are in the middle of Catching Fire on audio. I have found the joy of audio, can you believe it?? I already have a few on my list to listen to, and I must say that our night out at the movies is what inspired me to give them a go. My husband and I are planning on finishing the Millennium series after the Hunger Games.
sHave you heard that the SIBA Trade how is happening in Daytona on September 24th-26th this year? Bermudaonion posted about it and said it's going to be like a mini BEA!! I am so excited because I can actually go to this one! Is there any way you can attend also? I can send you the registration form if you are interested!
Jeez woman ... you always make me tired on these Salon posts.
And I bet you could singlehandedly fill Beth's audio database! There is a reason you are THE choice for BBAW Audio Book Blog!
And I'll probably do a Mockingjay review later this week so be sure to skip it.
Isn't it amazing how crazed we can feel during the school year? My son might not play basketball this year and I have to say I had a big sigh of relief! I sure loved watching him play but driving to games after working all day and getting home last was a big bummer!
I finished Mockingjay last week and managed to avoid spoilers, but only by quickly deleting any Mockingjay post.
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