Best of times, worst of times. That seems to sum up the past week. One one hand, it was BBAW week, and it is always a blast and a half. Interviews, book recommendations, awards, and a general love fest is what makes this week so memorable. I think it is just what the doctor ordered for anyone who needs a little boost, including myself. I predictably fall into a vat of malaise right after school starts, as I leave behind my days of sleeping in and a slower pace. BBAW gives me a little kick in the tuckus and reminds me why I love blogging.
We wrapped up the week with a special "That's How I Blog" on BlogTalk Radio with Nicole, Amy and several bloggers, including moi. This was the first time I'd ever been on Nicole's show and was just a wee bit nervous. The glass of Pinot my husband poured for me helped a little. My daughter was having a sleepover, so to avoid the squealing and giggling and bad music and chatter, I had to hide outside in the backyard to talk.
So that was all good. On the downside, my mom's first surgery on her detached retina didn't work, so she had to have a more invasive procedure that brings more pain and a longer convalescence. She's hanging out at home now, bored out of her mind, and waiting to see how much of her vision she will recover. I also caught some wicked ugly bacterial infection on Monday, and was praying for death for a day or two. People, I don't have time to be sick! But glass half full...I kicked it to the curb and by Thursday I was enjoying my first golf outing of the season with my league.
Yesterday was one of the crazier Saturdays in recent history. A basketball game (a win!), a football game (a win!), last minute purchase of gift cards for (count them) three birthday parties in the next week, church, drop a kid off at a birthday party, and....ahhh! A dinner out with adult friends with lots of wine. A nice way to end the day.
On the reading front? Pretty pathetic. I wasn't moving around much for a few days, so I got nothing done. I did finally finish "Innocent Until Interrogated", which was actually pretty mind-blowing after a slow start, in a true-story, head-shaking kind of way. I then picked up "Peyton Place", which is my next special project with James of Ready When You Are, C.B.. I haven't gotten too far though, and pray my dear reading buddy doesn't get bored with his sluggish friend.
As for audios, the kids and I SLOWLY make our way through "Mockingjay"...we're at disc 6 out of 10. It is still feeling slow plotwise. Is it me? I also am pretty deep into the audio of "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" for book club this month, and I am LOVING it. What a fascinating story, and one that really makes my blood boil!
I'm totally jacked for next week. I have my first Literary Society meeting on Tuesday, where we will select our first book and sort of figure things out. Then on Saturday, after the kids' sports are finished, I'm motoring on over to Daytona Beach for the last half of Southern Independent Booksellers Alliance (SIBA) trade show where I will join Heather from Raging Bibliomania and Kathy from Bermudaonion and who knows who else. This will be my first official book event, and I'm buzzing like a 3-year-old on Christmas Eve. If any of you are attending SIBA as well, let me know!
What are you all doing today? Right now, I've got plans to do some walking, to catch up on last week's sloth, and maybe meandering over the nail place to get a pedi. And make a dent on Peyton Place. Hope you all have a wonderful, relaxing day!
Another crazy week for you! I didn't have a great reading week either. It just seems like I'm too busy with life!
I really liked "Mockingjay", even though it was different from the first two books. I didn't listen to it, though! I did, however, listen to the audio for "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" and loved it. I thought it was a great blend of history, science, and personal memoir. I'm glad you're enjoying it!
Today I'll be packing like a mad thing, taking a break to watch football (hooray!), then going back to packing. Ah, the joys of moving! Happy Sunday!
What fun to hang out with Heather and Kathy - I hope you will have your camera, but I know you usually do! Best wishes for your mom - I hope you tell her we're all pulling for her!
WOW - even with a couple of days out of commission you seem to accomplish more in a week than I do in a month!
I am so sorry to hear about your mom. I will continue to pray that this surgery provided the healing she needs.
Next weekend sounds like a blast - sure wish I lived close enough to meet up with you fellow bibliophiles and enjoy the bookish event.
I totally forgot about the THIB! show, so I'm listening to it now. I've been to several bookish events and I'm really excited about SIBA too - I can't wait to meet you. Don't forget to call me when you get there. If I don't hear it, I'll get back to you ASAP!
Have fun with Peyton Place. I want to read that one!
I hope your mother feels better soon and that it all works out..
And that's so nice that you got to participate in the That's How I Blog show, which reminds me that I should check out the latest episode. (I mostly sleep when it is broadcasted?)
I hope you and your mom are both fully recovered very soon.
And that you enjoy Peyton Place as much as I did.
Mockingjay was slow for me too. Definitely my least favorite of the three. Hope you mom is better soon!
Just got back from vacation and am catching up on things. My thoughts are with your mom- I cannot fathom what she is going through - a painful wait and see.
I'll see if I can go listen to your radio appearance - sorry I missed the original broadcast!
I hope the doctors get a handle on your mother's situation, Sandy. She must be so frustrated!
I read (print) HENRIETTA LACKS and think it's a great non-fiction pick. Super discussable and a nice crossover for groups that typically read fiction.
Enjoy (a less hectic?) week!
I hope your mom is feeling better and can recover all of her eyesight! What a scary prospect.
I'm glad you are feeling better. I was listening in to THIB on Friday, and it sounded like it was an intense illness. Hopefully, this week won't see anything like that adding to your busy schedule!
Wow, you have got so much going on! I hope that your mom's surgery worked well and that she recovers her vision. I'm sure you were great on the radio show. I had a busy week too, and didn't even know about the radio show until after it was over.
BBAW...really? I headed out of town..it was all too much for me.
My daughter thought Mockingjay was a bit of a disappointment. She enjoyed it but had expected more. I still have yet to read any in the series. Don't think I will be able to hold out much longer though. She knows how to exert some pressure!
Peyton Place sounds like fun. You guys always pick fun stuff to do together!
Going to have to check out "That's How I Blog." Bet you were great. Enjoy your bookish outings this week!
Last week was incredibly long for me, too! Oh well, happier days....
I hope your mom is getting better and that the next procedure works well for her.
The book event sounds fun! You'll have to update us what you all did after the event!
What is it with everyone getting sick this week? The whole family has been sick since last Sunday night with a killer cold that is hard to get rid of. A few other people I know were also sick with the same thing. I am glad to hear that you are better though. And I hear you with the Mockingjay ambivalence as well. We are a good way in and I am just not loving it as much as I did the first two. It seems so much slower and for some reason, the story is just not all that compelling to me. Ah, well. I am going to have to go fishing and find that episode of Blog Talk Radio, as I am really curious to hear it now!
I'll be at SIBA for part of it! If I'm able to (I'm on call for work) my hubby and I will be joining you guys for dinner! =)
You had a crazy week too! Have a great at SIBA and fun with fellow bloggers!
I'm so sorry to hear that your mom's surgery didn't work. I hope that she and her sight recover soon.
I hope you manage to recover this week :-)
Sorry to hear about your Mom's surgery, but sounds like a better week ahead. Enjoy SIBA... I'm just a little envious!
My Saturday was slow, but yesterday was really busy - I need to recover a little this week before the crazy weekend coming up! I hope your mom is okay - when my mom had a detached retina, she had the surgery where you have to sit completely still for like 2 months - miserable. But she got pretty much all of her eyesight back, on the bright side.
You have the busiest life! I'm glad you're feelig better. I hope your mom is doing better & gets good news about her eye-sight. My heart goes out to her, she must be so bored & worried. Does she enjoy audio books like you do? I hope so.
Peyton Place is a book I always meant to read but still haven't. I'm lookig forward to your thoughts. It's awesome you are reading this with C.B. too, I really ejoyed your posts about Blindness, book & movie.
Have a good week, Sandy!
It sounds like you have a full plate. I also had some strange fungal infection after I came home from Hawaii. That was not pretty when I have to be in class all day. Take care you busy girl on the go.
Will you have time for at least an audiobook?
OMG, what a week. UGH. So glad you kicked the infection and I'm keeping your mom in my thoughts.
I know you all will have a blast at SIBA.
I've spent the last two weeks working like a crazy person and trying to catch up with Audiobook Jukebox. Life is just that way sometimes.
Hey Sandy - Oh man, first off congratulations on the BBAW win! Your blog rocks.
Sorry to hear life has been crazier than usual and I hope everything turns out well for your mom. Ugh. Doctor stuff is just so nerve-wracking. How are you feeling? Hopefully better too!
Good luck with your first literary society meeting. You know we'll want a full report on what happened :)
Since I am just now reading your Sunday Salon post on a Tuesday, you can sort of guess at how my week has been.
Since I was in starvation mode for that darn test a week or so back, I determined that I am allergic to wheat now. How the hell am I supposed to live?
I have a term paper due on Monday and I have yet to even figure out what I am going to write about. The term paper is on Atonement. Loved it. There is so much to say but almost too much.
I have a book tour on thursday and I have yet to review the book. Read it, but didn't write anything about it yet.
So, I am jacked too.
Sorry to hear about your mom ... that has got to be scary.
I did not like Mockingjay. It felt rushed and incomplete and sloppy to me.
I just don't know how you get everything done in your life.
Can't wait to hear about SIBA. Sounds fun. Some day I will go to a blogging event!
I hope your mom is getting better, Sandy. Sorry I haven't been visiting for about 2 weeks. Been very, very busy, but I know I will visit you eventually (today!). LOL.
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