Welcome everyone to the start of the 2010 Book Blogger Appreciation Week! Each day this week, we will be given a topic to discuss, all dealing with various treasures we have discovered in our lives as book bloggers.
Today, we have been asked to talk about a great new book blog we have discovered since (or because of) BBAW last year.
I doubt that any of you will be shocked when I say that after BBAW last year (my first year), the number of blogs in my blogroll EXPLODED. I went from a handful of favorite blogs to well over a hundred, and created a bit of an issue with time management in my life! There are two blogs that I started following, though, that have become highlights in my day:
Find Your Next Book Here - I'm probably not telling you anything new here, but Jenners is one of a kind. As far as her reading tastes, she is all over the place...children's literature, non-fiction, literary fiction, mystery, you name it. And she is FUNNY has hell. Killer sense of humor. I was pretty excited to collaborate with her on a little project that we shall publish this Thursday. You won't want to miss that.
Books I Done Read - Raych is another one of those bloggers that I was probably the last to discover. I first got a taste of her crazy, manic, pee-your-pants insanity when she wrote a recap of the year for BBAW 2009. I thought to myself "who IS this girl?". I checked out her blog and I saw that this was not a one-time deal. She always has this level of energy and wit. It almost makes me dizzy reading her posts, but I always come back for more.
OK, I know I was only supposed to list one blog, but this is my house, and I make up the rules.
My google reader exploded during BBAW last year too. Part of me is worrying about the number I might add this week, but another part is so excited.
I think I added both the blogs you mention during BBAW last year. Let's hope we find some equally good ones this year :-)
My Google Reader definitely exploded due to the BBAW over the past two years! I just wish I have more time to comment on every blog I've subscribed to!
Both of these blogs you mentioned are fantastic!
I don't think I read either of these yet. Thanks for the heads up.
You're my new book blog since BBAW last year! TexasRed Books
I agree that having you pick only ONE great new blog discovery is just impossible! And BBAW is just awful for that - I'm surprised Google Reader doesn't implode during BBAW week!
Right there with you on Jenners. I keep nagging her to write a book or try to get published. She has the best sense of humor and keen insight that she has become one of my absolute faves.
Both of those blogs are treasures, that's for sure, and yours is as well!
Fantabulous choices! I couldn't follow the directions either. :)
Find Your Next Book Here is one of my very favorites!
I just adore Jenners and her blog!
These are two that I need to check out, like pronto! Thanks for sharing them, Sandy!
Both are good!
Here is my BBAW: First Treasure post!
Yes indeed -- two great blogs and two great bloggers. Great choices.
Great choices - both are new to me and sound wonderful. Oh, and my Google Reader is definitely exploding. I'm scared (but in a good way!) :)
Two more to add to my reader (My Google Reader is currently suffering from an explosion) as well as yours!
I wholeheartedly agree! Jenners & Raych both have phenomenal blogs!
You picked great blogs to share!
Great blogs to pick. They are both new to me.
I love both of the blogs you mentioned! I can't wait to see what you and Jenners have cooked up for this Thursday!
I have no idea what my life would be like without Raych! :)
Awwww, Sandy! I'm so touched. Really. I didn't do this writing topic because I'm TERRIBLE at remembering when I started reading blogs but now I realize we did find each other last year during BBAW! Had I remembered that (or read your post earlier), I would have written about your blog, which is truly one of my favorites. Even though I'm convinced you are some kind of bioengineered superwoman with all that you manage to do and all the audiobooks you manage to listen to.
I'm so excited about what we've cooked up on Thursday! : )
Both blogs you highlighted are wonderful!
Raych is not new to me but the other blog you spotlighted is. I'm off to check it out now. Thanks for sharing!
Ooooh, a little project? *intrigued*
Sandy, I'm so happy you found me so I could find out about BBAW and all the great book bloggers out there. Having so much fun with my blog and now Twitter. Your feedback always appreciated, and it makes me realize I need to comment more!
I sure hope your mom is okay. My dad lost his vision, regained it and then lost it completely after not following the doctor's instructions. ARG! I hope your mom is better at following directions.
I have been running around with my head cut-off. Medical tests took up my entire weekend. I feel as if I lost a block of time.
Has it been this long since my last visit?! How are you, Sandy? I'm off to check the two blogs you mentioned here.
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