After all the hours of planning our BBAW team spent for 2010, it is amazing how quickly it all goes by. And it has been so much fun. I want to express my heartfelt appreciation for all those that worked behind the scenes to make all of this happen. BBAW is an amazing community builder.
So what were the highlights? I think top highlight HAS to be meeting new bloggers. Even through the interview swap, I met Gayle, whose reputation as a first-class blogger preceded itself. I added more new blogs to my reader. I added more books to my TBR list, some of which I want to read NOW, but realistically might get to in a year or two.

I was pleased to be awarded the Best Audiobook Blog. I will proudly display my badge, even though I had no competition this year. I know a few of you out there that publish excellent audio reviews, and my wish is that you would please give me some company on those longlists next year. The best news of all is that audio books are beginning to make an impact on the literary scene, and more people are trying them and loving them. (For an excellent audio book primer, you definitely need to read Beth Fish's post on the BBAW website yesterday!)
And what of the upcoming year? What are my goals? Call me an underachiever, but I think my biggest goal is just to maintain my pace. I have been fighting something...writer's block? Burnout? And I need to make sure that I don't let it get the best of me. I love blogging and I love reading. The key is to find balance.
Another key for me will be challenge management. I get excited at the beginning of the calendar year and sign up for things that sound fun, then find myself feeling resentful because I can't read what I want. Which is ridiculous, but I like finishing what I start, even if it is just a personal commitment. Many bloggers declared 2010 a year of reading deliberately, which I think is a fine idea, and may adopt this mantra for 2011.
Of course, I will continue to adore my audio books, I will continue to nurture my new interest in graphic novels, and I would like to dip my toe into historical fiction. Just a toe. I will be soliciting recommendations when that time comes!
Congratulations on winning best audio book blog! I know you didn't have any competition, but I think you'd have deserved to win anyway. The fact that no other blogs entered just shows what an important role you are playing in the blogging community. I don't buy many audio books each year (5 or 6) but before I do I always check your blog or Beth's blog and ensure I'm only buying the very best!
I'm currently listening to The School of Essential Ingredients on you recommendation. I'm enjoying it, but it is making me feel very hungry :-)
I hope that you are able to maintain your fantastic blog in the future. Keep up the fantastic work - I love your blog!
CONGRATULATIONS! -- although I would not limit your blog to just the "audio book" blog, I think it is one of the best blogs I read. Period.
I hope your mom is doing well after the surgery this week. I have been thinking of all of you.
Just had to post again....
The word verification for my last post was: magfun
That is exactly what I feel this blog represents --- a MAGnitude of FUN :)
First of all -- congrats!!! And secondly, I love that you are hoping to keep up your current pace. I often feel the pressure of that and don't think it's a wonderful goal!
One person or one hundred people on that list -- you deserve your audiobook reviewer award!
I too just want to maintain and not burn out --
Congratulations on the extremely well-deserved award!
Sandy, I think even if you did have some competition in the audio book category, you would have still come out on top. Your reviews are just that good. I also want to make some resolutions to read more deliberately in the coming year. There is so much I want to read, and just not enough time to do it, so choices must be made.
Haha!! The competition knew better than to compete against you! I love your audiobook reviews. I always feel as if I am right there in your car, listening with you.
May you keep reading wonderful books and blog about those for us!
Here is my BBAW: Forgotten Treasures post!
Congratulations on your win - no one else signed up because they knew you deserved it!!
I know how you feel - my goal is to keep my head above water.
Sound like great goals to me!
Congratulations! Regardless of whether you had any competition, you deserved to win. :-)
Congratulations on a well-deserved award!
Congrats on the award! Much deserved, regardless of whether you had competition or not!
Congratulations Sandy!! You deserved this award hands down so display it proudly!
You have a fantastic blog and I look forward to your posts everyday.
~ Amy
Congratulations on winning the best audio book blog. I mean, who else can claim this title really? :) You got me into listening Let the Great World Spin after I gave the novel an okay review.
PS. Saw that great recipe of Middlesex, which renders the book so much more reader friendly. I've always been intimidated by that one.
Congratulations! And good luck in the next year :) Keeping doing what you are doing sounds like a good goal to me!
Congrats to my favorite wino on that well-deserved award! You are always a bright spot in the day, and the best cheerleader around the blogosphere. And I know you have done this before but I am not as well organized as you so can you send me your shipping address for the copy of Room you just won? xo
Congratulations! I hadn't noticed you'd been suffering from writer's block at all, but I'm sure it will pass soon. :)
I thought you read historical fiction?
Congratulations Sandy! You do a wonderful job on all of your reviews, regardless of book format. :)
Woo hoo! Congrats Sandy.
Congrats Sandy!! I think you would have won anyway ... your enthusiasm for audios is making even me consider giving them a go!!
And I'm with you on your goals for next year .... moderation and balance are the keys to continued enjoyment of this blogging business. I know I'll read regardless!
Congratulations on your win! Truly, you do deserve it, even with competition. Your enthusiasm for audio books is boundless and infectious and one of the reasons that audio books have exploded in popularity this year!
I'm so glad you were given this award - your audiobook reviews are what inspired me to give more attention to the audio aspect in my own reviews. :) It is very well deserved.
Congratulations on your award! I definitely need to be careful with my challenge management too. They always are fun to sign up for but then I fall apart when it comes to follow through!
Congratulations on winning the best audio book blog, Sandy! I don't think I've came across a blog which reviews more audio books than you! The award is definitely well-deserved!
Congrats Sandy! I always love your audio reviews. I've been feeling blog overload for a while and haven't gotten back to the swing of it yet. I keep hoping things will get more organized at home....but unless I hire a personal assistant I don't see that happening!
Wear that badge with pride - congratulations! I enjoy your audiobook reviews of all genres - from family friendly to 'adults only.'
Smiling at Molly's word verification ... MAGFUN!
Congrats! You would've won it, even with competition. Way to go!
Congratulations, Sandy! In my mind, you're the audio queen. I salute you, woman!
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