Ahhh! I greet you this morning as I sit out on my balcony, overlooking the ocean! My family and I buzzed over here to Sarasota yesterday afternoon to attend a wedding of an employee of my husband's. It was held at a little resort called Little Harbor, and is exactly that - a little harbor with a marina, nestled across the bay from St. Petersburg. The wedding and reception were outside at sunset, then we moved inside for dinner and dancing, in which we participated like silly fools. (My son was even salsa-dancing with the bride.) I love the ocean. It makes me a calmer, nicer person. But as excited as I was to see and smell the water, I was equally thrilled to be able to spend a couple hours in the car in each direction listening to the 7th Harry Potter!
I had a very labor intensive week this week...getting caught up on stuff that probably won't get done over the summer. Pressure washing the house, blowing all that nasty pollen off the roof, washing windows, trimming our palm trees. The kids had their spring band concert (another extra-curricular activity wrapped up for the year!). Mentally I spent a good part of the week agonizing over an issue that my son had at school. What started out as petty jealousy on the part of another boy ultimately resulted in physical bullying and spreading lies about my son that hurt him and others. I tend to carry around my kids' problems, worrying and stewing and wishing I could absorb their heartache. In true Ryan form however, he resolved the issue by addressing it head on in a three or four step process. I couldn't have done a better job myself. I was proud of him.
Because of all these distractions, I wasn't really all that productive with the reading. I did finish "The Daughters of Witching Hill" by Mary Sharratt, and LOVED it. I sat down with Alison Bechdel's graphic novel "Fun Home" down by the pool here at the resort yesterday and am almost finished with it. I finished "Garden Spells" by Sarah Addison Allen on audio (I was underwhelmed) and also finished "The Life of Pi" on audio for book club next week. I am now listening to "The Solitude of Prime Numbers" in the car when the kids aren't there (this was another 100 track per disc audio that wouldn't load properly to iPod). And, with a giggle bubbling up in my chest (heeheehee), I started Marisa de los Santos' "Belong to Me" on audio as well. And of course there is Harry Potter. We are halfway done, and are trying like heck to finish it before school is out!
Over the next week or so, I will be devising a prioritized list of what I'm going to read this summer on my Kindle. Thanks to everyone yesterday who helped on that front! I even got a shout-out from Dave Cullen who suggested I read his book "Columbine". If an author asks personally, how can I not? And I'll be reading "The Things They Carried" for sure, for the Vietnam Challenge. Beyond that, it is all yet to be decided. But what a problem to have, no? It's like being locked up in a Godiva shop and wondering which platter of truffles I'm going to eat first.
Hope everyone has wonderful Sunday. For those about to leave for BEA in New York, wish I were there! Have a dirty water dog and an author signing for me!

Have a fantastic week. We'll miss you at BEA.
How horrible about the bullying, but how wonderful that your son was able to handle it. I think if kids make it through the cruelties of other kids, they can face anything in life!
Oh and thanks for reminding me about hosing away all the pollen - ugh. Maybe my husband will do it. HA HA - just a little Sunday humor!
I remember the heartache of youth; thank heavens that's over. I think it's great that your son handled it though.
You read so much at once it's ridiculous! I don't know how you keep it all straight, especially with everything else you do. You are my hero.
"I love the ocean. It makes me a calmer, nicer person."
so true. if I lived on the ocean, I could be a saint! ;-)
Sounds like you're having a lovely Sunday morning by the ocean!
Sorry to hear about your son's issues with the bully, but gladh e was able to handle it. Kids can be so cruel to each other, can't they?
I think Mr. Cullen pays very close attention to us book bloggers. He stopped by my blog to comment on my review. The audio of Columbine is wonderful, too.
I love the beach as well. I wouldn't be surprised if we don't eventually retire to a beach community!
I am just like you in that I carry around my children's issues with me until they are ultimately resolved. I wish the gynecologist had warned me about the lack of sleep as they grow older -- not just when they are newborns.
Your endless energy never ceases to amaze me. I know will accomplish lots before school lets out.
I'm impressed by your son - bravo for him! I only ever had one bully, and you have no idea how relieved I was when she moved to a different school district in junior high. (Of course I think girls who bully take a completely different tack - it wasn't physical bullying).
I'm also amazed at how many audiobooks you have going at once! :) I thought Garden Spells was a sweet story, but I liked Sugar Queen better.
It sounds like it was a fantastic wedding! Sunset on the beach and then dancing - that's just the best!
The wedding and setting sounded so nice, Sandy. And the car ride listening to Harry Potter. :-) A nice break from your busy week!
Your poor son! You must be so proud that he was able to resolve this on his own. A friend of mine's daughter is dealing with a bully right now at her school. It's been very difficult for my friend to see her daughter go through that.
Even with all you've had on your plate, it sounds like you managed to fit in a lot book-wise--even if not up to your usual standards. It's a lot more than I can manage! LOL
I hope you have a better week, Sandy. Take care.
Wow, I'm amazed at your energy! You're right, you've got to read Columbine now!! There's a Blog Talk Radio show interviewing Dave Cullen that you should listen to.
Bullying is just awful. Kudos to Ryan for creating his own mature solution. It is so important for kids to be able to stand up for themselves without lowering themselves to the bully's level. Well done!
Have a great week! (and the word verification is "hydrati"--I would say you are ;) )
How cool that the author of "Columbine" suggested you read his book!!! Tres cool!
And I'm proud of your son too ... it must be hard to have your son facing a bully!!!
I love that you are reading "Belong to Me." Can't wait to see what you think since you read both books.
Wow, Sandy, you sure read a lot of books!
I'm sure you must be so proud of your son for handling the bullying issue himself! Way to go, Ryan!
First off, can I be you for a while? Every time I come by you are off visiting some wonderful place. Talk about green with envy.
Get this, my son's school had an assembly on bullying. Preventing it, not supporting it, yet right afterward all these kids go into it with each other. One girl kicked my son in his privates and the bad thing is...he had a lump removed last year and it's still extremely sensitive there so it was a BIG deal.
I think he is going to be okay but no one knows what possessed this girl. She just hauled off and kicked him. He had witnesses.
Hurray for your son! This stuff is hard on Moms though... Have a great week, Sandy.
I listened to Columbine on audio and thought it was absolutely riveting. Loved, loved, loved it. It helps that I was living in Denver at the time and so it all hits closer to home for me, but the impact of the book is still amazing. Since the book came out, by the way, the mother of one of the perpetrators has given an interview: something she wouldn't do for Cullen's book. I'll see if I can find it and email it to you...
Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend!! I also get caught up with my kids and their situations, and have dealt with bullying a few times this year. It's so hard when your kids are being bullied and it makes me so mad! I have thought of handling it myself, but that would only make things worse for them. I do hope you finish the Harry Potter this week, and I will be interested in hearing your thoughts on the other books you have finished! Have a great week!
It is great that the author asked you to read his book! I hope that you enjoy it.
I'm pleased to hear that your son managed to deal with the bullying - it must be so reassuring to know he has the ability to do so. It is great to be a proud mum!
I'm sorry to hear your son had to deal with that! I cannot imagine how stressful that must also have been for you. Glad to hear it was resolved.
Hope this week is calmer for the whole family :)
You have a very good life, Sandy. :D I love the beach and the sun. Makes me very happy. You're my reading role model.
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