For all the stunning movies out there that blow our minds, there are some that should have never been made. Now of course, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, which means there is no wrong answer to this week's Monday Movie Meme topic from the Bumbles. Molly and Andy want to know what is the worst movie we have ever seen. Several options jumped immediately to mind, but there will always be one that will forever be imprinted on my insulted brain:
Shark Boy and Lava Girl: OK friends, I like Taylor Lautner and his werewolf physique as much as any other red-blooded female, but I can't forgive him for getting caught up in this mess. Yes, it is a prepubescent Taylor, but still. I took the kids to see this in the theaters one rainy day, and it was just downright painful. AND IT WAS 3D! When I polled my son for his worst movie, he came up with the same one, independent of my answer. Yes, it was that bad.

My daughter's choice - Disaster Movie: My daughter is not necessarily a movie aficionado, but she does watch alot of them. She is an instant view Netflix girl. She has watched more bad movies (per my definition) than I would care to guess...all of the Jaws sequels, all of the Grudge sequels, all of the Halloween sequels, but this is the one that came to her mind. Guess she didn't appreciate that goofy brand of humor.

So let's have it...your worst of the worst. I can't wait to hear what you have to say!

I'm glad I've never seen either of those movies. The first thing that popped into my head was 2001: A Space Odyssey. Both Carl and Vance love that movie, but I just don't understand it and it bores me to tears.
Wow, I can't believe that was Taylor Lautner! Well, he has grown up nicely! :--)
Shark Boy and Lava Girl was torture! In fact, most movies in this category for me are things the kids convinced me to go see. Like Igor. I thought that anything with John Cusack must be OK. That was an incorrect assumption.
Totally agree with 2001, Kathy! As for me, I can't stand anything with Ben Stiller.
I saw Shark Boy and Lava Girl when it first came out (thanks to my son, who I still love) and Phew wee was it a stinker. So sorry you had to sit through it too. We just watched Get Him to the Greek and it was just awful, crude, and completely not funny.
I thought Shark Boy and Lava Girl was atrocious, and I also HATED Epic Movie, which was very similar to Disaster Movie. Great choices here, they are both stinkers.
I have seen neither, so maybe that's a good thing, I'm thinking? ;)
I've never heard of either your movie or your daughter's and I'm pretty happy about that! lol (just teasing!) I'm going to keep them on my list of movies to miss!
I love that your daughter participated here!
~ Amy
Mine would definitely be the one that my son watched on the SciFi channel yesterday. I wish I knew the name of it but there was a giant spider that was chasing two hunters around the woods. It was really awful but something that a teenage boy enjoyed!
Hmmm...I wonder if Kathleen's son was watching The Giant Spider Invasion (1975)?
Nope, I don't remember watching these two either... Hmmm... LOL
Some very, very bad ones:
Splice - UGH, just no.
Hanging Up - The most inane "chick-flick" ever
The Assasination of Jesse James.... - Boring. So boring I had to turn it off despite all the hot guys in it. You KNOW that's bad.
I know this is a popular movie and I know it's not meant to be taken seriously, but I HATED Zoolander. With a passion. And as result, I've kind of developed an aversion to anything starring Ben Stiller (the notable exception being The Royal Tenenbaums). My boyfriend and I were staying with some friends when they decided to rent The Heartbreak Kid, and to this day I can barely believe that movie even exists. *shudders*
More recently, I hated (500) Days of Summer, which was kind of a shock because I was convinced I'd love it.
I see a fellow Ben Stiller hater in the comments! *high fives* :P
Oh my gosh Molly(Bumbles) I think this was it!!!
Oh what was the name of that Tom Cruise film where it started raining frogs? I walked out of the theater.
I agree about Shark & Lava movie - that film was awful (as were the spykid films and the Chipmunk movies). I also hate: Beetlejuice, Clash of the Titans(the original, and anything with Rodney Dangerfield.
Whispers in the Dark. I think that was the name. Alan Alda played a minor role in it.
My friend and I started giggling early on during this thriller. At frist the rest of the audience was shushing us, but by the end we were all giggling.
In the end Alan Alda was killed dead, struck by an axe in the chest. We were roaring with laughter. Honestly. Never has an axe murder gotten such a huge laugh.
The worst movie I have ever sat through was Serpent's Kiss with Ewan MacGregor. OMG, it was so bad that once it finished I LOLd for five minutes over the fact that I had actually watched that entire movie. Ugh! So so bad.
I haven't seen either of these movies and can't say I want too. LOL
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