Welcome to Day 3 of BBAW 2010. Today's topic relates to Unexpected Treasures. We have been invited to share a book or genre we tried due to the influence of another blogger. What made us cave in a try something new and what was the experience like?
This one is easy for me. This year was the year of the Graphic Novel. Now first, let me clarify that I am aware this is not a genre per se, but was a type of book I'd never tried before in my life. Why was that? I guess I may have been intimidated, or thought it would be like those comic books I read as a kid, I don't know. But then I witnessed several of my favorite bloggers (Nymeth, Jackie, Gavin, Beth) review some incredible-looking graphic novels throughout 2009, and I became determined that I was going to join a 2010 challenge and DO IT.
I signed up to read three books for the challenge, but I didn't stop there. I just kept going, reading a total of 7 so far, and I will continue to do so. It makes me wonder what else I am missing!
I re-read all the Tintin and Asterix Albums this year. Although I did not review those.
Here is my BBAW: Unexpected Treasure post!
Yes, I 'blame' Ana for getting me hooked on graphic novels too! :P
I think it was Dewey who first put me onto graphic novels. Makes me sad that she isn't here any longer, but great to see that her legacy is living on and the love for graphic novels is spreading.
I still haven't figured out how to locate graphic novels in the library! (of course I could ask, but that would be too easy!) I've really liked the ones I've encountered or seen reviews for, however, so I suppose I'm going to have to figure out the system soon!
I still haven't quite got on the boat with graphic novels, but it shouldn't be much longer! I bought a few to try out, and am hoping to get the chance to read them soon. I know that you are just loving The Stand in graphic novel form, and I am hoping to try that one soon as well.
I avoided graphic novels for a while because I thought they were all like manga. I quickly found out they're not, though. I do love a good graphic memoir.
What a great idea for this post! I could have just as easily said graphic novels as audio books!
graphic novels are things that are still on the fringe of my reading.
Heh! Love to be a corrupting force!
My brother got me into graphic novels back in the day. So good to see great bloggers getting into them!
I am just stepping out into graphics and Diana Gabaldon's Exile will be my very first one!
Graphic novels were part of my answer too. I never would have given them any consideration before I started blogging!
I keep seeing graphic novels mentioned for this prompt, and all I can say is YES! I never read them before blogging and now they comprise a big chunk of my reading.
Maybe 2011 will be the year of the romance novel. Mwa hahaha. ;)
Yes, I "blame" nymeth for my forays into graphic memoir, too. And I would like to read some manga. It really is fascinating stuff.
I've seen reviews of a lot of great-sounding graphic novels, but I just haven't read one yet. I want to try Maus I/II, and The Girl is begging me to read Bone. Jumping on the graphic novel bandwagon should have been on my list of goals for the coming year!
I discovered graphic novels this year too. I think Eva and Nymeth (Ana) encouraged me the most. I just bought The Complete Persephone at the bookstore today!
I've only read one graphic book and it was memoir. I liked it, but I just didn't feel like reading to me. Maybe I need to try again, or maybe they just aren't for me... :)
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