Today's Monday Movie Meme from the Bumbles is being guest hosted by Forgetfulone, a scrapbooking mama who loves her movies. She has informed us that July is National Anti-Boredom month. Who knew? So in honor of this most upbeat of month-long celebrations, we are asked to pull out those movies that we would watch anywhere, anytime, to beat the boredom blues.
I must first apologize to you, because I'm possibly going to sound like a broken record. We often are asked to talk about our most oft-watched flicks, our top five flicks, or some variation on this theme. Generally, I give the same answers. Which you are going to get again, with one or two new ones thrown in for flavor. For those of you that meander over to You've GOTTA Read This every Monday, there won't be many surprises today.
1. When Harry Met Sally - this was at top of mind this evening as I read "One Day", which is extremely reminiscent of this adorable romantic favorite. Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan really are an unlikely casting, but they make it work, even if you are watching it for the 43rd time.
2. Baby Boom - Sandy's fantasy movie...inherit a baby that doesn't cry, move to the country after leaving a high-powered job, meet dudeish country vet, build an organic baby food empire from the ground up, all the while sticking it to the man who didn't think women could have it all. So there!
3. The Breakfast Club - this is a new addition. But my mom has this DVD (it's one of her favorites), I watched it recently, and it is good fun. Talk about capturing the angst of youth in a two hour film. You really do want the princess to get together with the bad boy, and the freak show to fix herself up and look pretty.
4. Shawshank Redemption - another movie about sticking it to the man, and about the power of hope. Every time I watch it, it makes my heart soar.
5. Mulan - Not only is the music amazing, but I have always preferred the Disney movies that are about empowered females. No true love's first kiss here, thank you! We've got Huns to conquer.
6. Spirited Away - I think this is probably the third week in a row I've lauded this movie, but it deserves it. It is a vivid feast for the eyes and the mind.
7. Fargo - what is not to love with this dark comedy? A pregnant police officer, who divides her time between eating and chasing bumbling evil-doers in the stark, cold tundra of Fargo, North Dakota? The twisted genius of the Cohen Brothers? No less than several dozen quotable quotes that I carry around in my back pocket in case of an emergency? You betcha.
I must first apologize to you, because I'm possibly going to sound like a broken record. We often are asked to talk about our most oft-watched flicks, our top five flicks, or some variation on this theme. Generally, I give the same answers. Which you are going to get again, with one or two new ones thrown in for flavor. For those of you that meander over to You've GOTTA Read This every Monday, there won't be many surprises today.
1. When Harry Met Sally - this was at top of mind this evening as I read "One Day", which is extremely reminiscent of this adorable romantic favorite. Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan really are an unlikely casting, but they make it work, even if you are watching it for the 43rd time.
2. Baby Boom - Sandy's fantasy movie...inherit a baby that doesn't cry, move to the country after leaving a high-powered job, meet dudeish country vet, build an organic baby food empire from the ground up, all the while sticking it to the man who didn't think women could have it all. So there!
3. The Breakfast Club - this is a new addition. But my mom has this DVD (it's one of her favorites), I watched it recently, and it is good fun. Talk about capturing the angst of youth in a two hour film. You really do want the princess to get together with the bad boy, and the freak show to fix herself up and look pretty.
4. Shawshank Redemption - another movie about sticking it to the man, and about the power of hope. Every time I watch it, it makes my heart soar.
5. Mulan - Not only is the music amazing, but I have always preferred the Disney movies that are about empowered females. No true love's first kiss here, thank you! We've got Huns to conquer.
6. Spirited Away - I think this is probably the third week in a row I've lauded this movie, but it deserves it. It is a vivid feast for the eyes and the mind.
7. Fargo - what is not to love with this dark comedy? A pregnant police officer, who divides her time between eating and chasing bumbling evil-doers in the stark, cold tundra of Fargo, North Dakota? The twisted genius of the Cohen Brothers? No less than several dozen quotable quotes that I carry around in my back pocket in case of an emergency? You betcha.
Fun list! It is true there are some movies that you can just watch zillions of times. For me, I hate to say it, in spite of the stereotypes I was railing against in my post the other day, I love Grease and Pretty Woman - they're fun and great summer movies!
You know I've never seen Fargo, but I did a phonetics transcription of a clip for Linguistics in college. My husband likes Breakfast Club, and after seeing it a few times it really grew on me. I love Mulan too!
I love When Harry Met Sally, and the fact that you've compared One Day to it makes me want to read the book. Vance was telling me just last night that I need to watch Fargo.
Great list, Sandy! Gotta love Marge and Frances McDormand. Have you seen Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day? I love her in that one, too.
My choices are:
French Kiss
Gosford Park
Pirates of the Caribbean
Ah this is hard for me because I tend not to re-watch movies (just like I tend not do do re-reads!) but one that I've watched a couple of times and still makes me laugh is Bridget Jones's Diary. Then again it does have Colin Firth so that may be the reason I don't mind watching it again :)
I saw one this weekend that would definitely make your list. Inception. You simply must see this movie. It was totally amazing!! Let me know what you think of it if you do get the chance to see it!!
Spirited away is my daughters favorite movie and she is 19! Loved Mulan as a mom watching it with my girls. Since you like Harry met Sally you what the very best scene is in that flick!And The Breakfast club is classic!
Great list, Sandy! I didn't even think of Fargo, silly me, but I love that movie! Harry Met Sally is great too as are so many on your list! And of course we are going to watch our favorite movies if we are starting to feel bored - they make us happy and entertain us!
I want to watch Shawshank Redemption one day. I have so many stuff I wanted to do it's making me dizzy. LOL!
The only time I watch movies is when there is nothing else to do and I don't feel like reading--so you can imagine how often that happens. I guess I would say action flicks like The Mummy or Indiana Jones always distract me, or something fun with good eye candy like Kate & Leopold. :)
One of my favorite parts of these posts is the confessional aspect. People bring up many great movies but ones that you would not suspect either. Like Baby Boom. But I have seen that a few times myself. When I am feeling blah, I watch Tomb Raider movies. Then go wreak havoc.
I love the way that you are always able to dig up moves for these lists. They always look so fun and the only reason I don't do them is because they would take up so much of my time to come up with a list. These are all great, but I can never think past the last few moves I saw. I think all of the same ones would make all of my lists.
Great list!! I often turn to one of the zillions of Austen movies.
Your first four are some of my all-time favorites :)
I never get tired of seeing Shawshank Redemption!
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