Today's Monday Movie Meme, brought to us by The Bumbles, is all about the Great Outdoors. Apparently, they were without power last night, which caused them a slight change of plans with regards to Internet access. Instead, it allowed them to wax fondly about their recent camping trip and come up with our latest topic.
The Nawrots are lovers of nature. We love to camp, hike, horseback ride, ride the rapids...anything outside. So why not movies about nature as well? I'm going to admit this up front - I have a couple of overlaps with The Bumbles, but this cannot be helped:
Into the Wild - when you have a movie about a guy that rejects society and survives on his own in the Alaskan wild, this must be included in the list, even if I am duplicating. I've mentioned this movie before...disturbing stuff.
Homeward Bound - you would think this was one of my favorite movies of all time by the number of times it makes the list. You can't help but love it, and it is, after all, about two dogs and a cat surviving in the wild.
Deliverance - it really is a great movie, but will never shake off its bad reputation!
Grizzly Man - the beauty of Alaska really takes a back seat to the twisted mind of Timothy Treadwell, a guy who thinks he is a bear, and would rather live with them than humans. I found this movie deeply disturbing.
Stand By Me - a great coming-of-age story brought to us by the great Stephen King. It has always reminded me of an adventure I had when I was in my early teens, including sleeping under the stars, trudging around in the woods, and the leeches. Just no dead bodies.
Princess Mononoke - always a huge fan of Miyazaki, I must mention this fascinating film. It is about a young man on a mission to a primeval forest to find a cure for his life-threatening disease. While he is there, he finds himself caught in the middle of a war between the forest spirits and the humans that want to destroy it. Miyazaki never fails to deliver visually stunning animation with a lesson.
Brokeback Mountain - another repeat from The Bumbles, but would be remiss if I didn't list it. A precious movie that I felt was not given its due at the Oscars.
Are you a nature fan? What have I missed?
The Nawrots are lovers of nature. We love to camp, hike, horseback ride, ride the rapids...anything outside. So why not movies about nature as well? I'm going to admit this up front - I have a couple of overlaps with The Bumbles, but this cannot be helped:
Into the Wild - when you have a movie about a guy that rejects society and survives on his own in the Alaskan wild, this must be included in the list, even if I am duplicating. I've mentioned this movie before...disturbing stuff.
Homeward Bound - you would think this was one of my favorite movies of all time by the number of times it makes the list. You can't help but love it, and it is, after all, about two dogs and a cat surviving in the wild.
Deliverance - it really is a great movie, but will never shake off its bad reputation!
Grizzly Man - the beauty of Alaska really takes a back seat to the twisted mind of Timothy Treadwell, a guy who thinks he is a bear, and would rather live with them than humans. I found this movie deeply disturbing.
Stand By Me - a great coming-of-age story brought to us by the great Stephen King. It has always reminded me of an adventure I had when I was in my early teens, including sleeping under the stars, trudging around in the woods, and the leeches. Just no dead bodies.
Princess Mononoke - always a huge fan of Miyazaki, I must mention this fascinating film. It is about a young man on a mission to a primeval forest to find a cure for his life-threatening disease. While he is there, he finds himself caught in the middle of a war between the forest spirits and the humans that want to destroy it. Miyazaki never fails to deliver visually stunning animation with a lesson.
Brokeback Mountain - another repeat from The Bumbles, but would be remiss if I didn't list it. A precious movie that I felt was not given its due at the Oscars.
Are you a nature fan? What have I missed?